View Full Version : DAILY QUEST - Planar Tombs - WHY

11-14-2014, 11:15 PM

I feel like I'm one of the few who actually really enjoy the difficulty of the new dungeons. I was excited to start chipping away at the new planer tombs and start the daily planar quest after finishing the bosses yesterday. I just finished the daily quest, and was awarded 10 planar essences. I thought the quest was glitched for a long time and I didn't receive my award because I assumed the award would be 10 planar fragments.

Why do we need an award of 10 planar essences? We only need 60 for the amulet and from looking at the quests I do not see any other quests or recipes that even require planar essences (correct me if I'm wrong).

Meanwhile, to upgrade our armor from mythic to the new legendary, we need to run the tombs 100 times for each planar ignot (required in crafting the new armor), and then 60 planar fragments and 40 planar fragments, for the armor recipes for a total of 300 planar fragments. For a decent party you might average 15 minutes per run - if I extrapolate that to real time numbers, that's 300 runs x 15 minutes = 4,500 minutes / 60 per hour or 75 hours of farming the same map over and over again for armor that is slightly better than mythic armor.

Why does the daily quest not give planar fragments instead of planar essences? I guess be careful what you wish for, by the time I have enough fragments for the new armor (I can run 2 hours per day) I'll have 370 planar essences or 310 that I need to delete.

Doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense.


11-14-2014, 11:31 PM
if reward fragment then player easily get those items ,if all player get new items then nobody will farm pve again ...

11-15-2014, 04:47 AM
Didn't even see a daily quest yet but for the second part you need another 60 or 90 essences.