View Full Version : Is this constructive enough?

11-15-2014, 10:48 AM
Your game is flawed. The only way to play this game at this level is with plat which in turn is real $$. And charging people to play this isnt right.
I have wasted countless plat/ankhs to only dc at the boss. Whos getting ahead here? I pay for content to play but cant. STG charges my cc for plat which they put in their pockets. How is this fair?

Its kinda like having a whole bunch of spoiled milk in your grocery store but you keep selling it anyway because you dont want to lose profits.

This isnt right STG, and Sam, you should be ashamed of yourself for making such remarks as "we cant find anything wrong here". I cant buhlee Im hearing this. The cat didnt step on the power strip, i didnt spill coke on my pc, my wifi isnt crashing, my power didnt go out, i didnt forget to pay my cell bill, im playing on the currrent version you provided me, blah blah blah. To be honest ive only dc'd a few times since all this started. But your content forces an OP team of 4 which I cant seem to keep together as 1-3 of my pt members dc. I guess thats a lot of cats stepping on power strips.?.?.

Im a 41yo business owner myself and if I put out a product like this I would have to close my doors. This is horendous and totally crap.

Fix this game or shut it down...period.

11-15-2014, 10:56 AM
Haha.. It's constructively angry. Dc's are still here. And "no" , no one tried calling my iPad 3 this morning when I dc ed twice in 30 minutes.

11-15-2014, 11:18 AM
The dc's for me started when this 'fix' came...

11-15-2014, 11:21 AM
Put yourself in their shoes man...I curse sts everytime i or my party dc but i also understand they must be as frustrated as us if not more.

11-15-2014, 11:49 AM
B..b...b...but it doesn't happen when they play.

11-15-2014, 04:04 PM
I agree with u!

Looks like they have no commitment with their product. No profissionalism. Bunch of amateurs devs saying its not their fault.

I lost the count of how many times I dc in tombs.
And also in pvp....so...i cant pve and pvp....what do i do in the game then?

This is just ridiculous...im a developer myself and if a system i developed has this kinds of problems there is no way i will go home in peace with myself...ill even work weekends tiil issues are fixed.

Sorry for my english....not native language.

And i wont say im sorry for my rage comment.
U guys keep us in the dark about the problems and we see no fixes....thats just sad the way u threat ur clients....

11-15-2014, 04:43 PM
DC due to spiked ping NEVER happens to me before Halloween event. When the event came the DC, spiked ping and lags appeared. It was bearable at first, but it became worst after the fix came. even when playing on chrome. I don't play anymore, the game is unplayable, commenting on forum is all I could do untill the issue will be fixed. But they won't be fixed anytime soon because its "it looks like a normal Thursday evening".

Clients disconnect from the game all the time. If you are playing on a phone and you get a call you can be disconnected. If the user simply hits their home button, to the server, you just disconnected. I am not saying that it isn't happening. Something is, but it isn't everyone. I get that from your perspective it seems like everyone, but from.my perspective of looking at the server metrics, it looks like a normal Thursday evening with thousands of players online and playing.

Its happening! Don't doubt it, with all these DC complaint threads we had flooding the forum.

Sorry for the rage comments too. But thats the push you needed, so it wont just be another "it looks like a normal Thursday evening".

11-15-2014, 06:30 PM
The dc's for me started when this 'fix' came...