View Full Version : 240 Platinum and no Savage?

11-16-2014, 02:23 AM
I just blew through 240 platinum and never got the legendary Savage Apathy gem! Not happy.

11-16-2014, 05:01 PM
How much platinum did you spend before you got the legendary savage apathy gem?

11-16-2014, 05:53 PM
email support@spacetimestudios.com

11-16-2014, 08:16 PM
Hmm, I find that peculiar as well...
My guess, STS isn't going to do anything about it.

(Hopefully they will, especially since I just said that)
Goodluck & keep those fingers crossed! lmao :D

- Guild Master of 'Lost Prophets' & 'Explicit Content'

11-17-2014, 10:49 AM
I really think it's because it's a very popular plat gem right now. So there are a lot of people all at the same time trying to get it. I would theorize it was *kinda sorta* like a first come first serve type thing, but not exactly. Example:

Savage Apathy Gem release(lvl 36) Oh... 140 plat, I think.
Out of curiosity, that same night, I tried Pestilence, Flame Blade, and Electric Headsman. They were obtained in one go. Most people were after the Apathy at the time.
Made a level 3 character. Gets Apathy Gem first go. I'm thinking because not many people want it at that low of a level.

I'm not really sure what to say besides play the roulette, but it seems more popular ones are difficult to obtain due to so many tries going on at once. I guess it'll take some time before it "cools down" so to speak.

11-18-2014, 04:53 AM
I wasted 100 plat and no gems after 100 plat i didnt waste any more as i have solistice gem so its cool

11-18-2014, 09:06 AM
I completely agree & might I say...
Excellent way of explaining it!

Honestly, it seems to be the only logical explanation...
& hopefully other people think of it that way too, lol.

- Guild Master of 'Lost Prophets' & 'Explicit Content'

11-18-2014, 08:24 PM
I emailed sts support and they don't care that I spent over $35 worth of plat for nothing. They expect me to pay more for a gem in a game with no future lvl cap increases! I didn't ask for a refund. I asked them to give me the gem if they thought I got screwed over by their system and already payed enough. Nope. They didn't think they screwed me enough. They think they should get to screw me some more. Well I'm not just gonna hold still for it.

11-18-2014, 09:32 PM
Honestly; that is rather disappointing.
STS needs to step up their game A.S.A.P!

- Guild Master of 'Lost Prophets' & 'Explicit Content'

11-20-2014, 07:57 AM
Hopefully this isn't fully due to bad luck :(

12-05-2014, 12:15 PM
Now my replies are being monitored before they are aloud to be posted -.-

Lenna Drake
12-06-2014, 01:47 AM
The random luck items must be stopped it's a endless trap for us really we can't get nothing good and just waste time, money, and platinum this is the cow of sts they farm money from us by this random things and like someone says this game have no future still stuck at low max level cap... Very sad and very bad for sts image