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View Full Version : Appreciative

11-16-2014, 05:29 PM
I know between the plat farming issues and the current dc'ing issues there's a lot of negativity floating around (and constructive criticism) so I wanted to chime in here.

I started over a year ago. I wanted a World of Warcraft game without paying for WoW. After many bad apps for my tablet I found this gem, Arcane Legends.

I struggled, leveled up, fought, died, farmed, and was so sucked in I'd spend waaaaaay too much time playing this game. The most I've ever spent on platinum is $5 for a book app that I thought I could use in real life (NativeX screwed me over and it was a month long fight with them to pay up the plat or refund me for false advertising of that apps abilities but I can't blame STS for Native X's constant screw jobs.)

For the minimum price this game has given me over a years worth of exactly what I wanted, a portable, light, addictive version of WoW where I can lose myself bashing skeletons, goblins, and demons, chasing rare treasures, leveling up with awesome gear, interacting with other players worldwide and just having fun.

So I hope STS staff reads this post, because they should know this game is still very much fun for me and I hope the winter event is as much or more fun than Halloween.

I appreciate what you're doing, keep it coming.


11-16-2014, 05:58 PM
Nice to see a post like that every once in a while =]

Thats what we want to see, people who start from nothing and getting somewhere in this game just by working for it


11-16-2014, 05:58 PM
Lol, I always see you around. Usually at Traveler's Outpost. Not sure if you know me, but I'm always in Dragon Scale Armor. :p Anyway, I'd like to run with you a couple times. My IGN is Braggadocio!

11-16-2014, 07:00 PM
Yeah I found Traveler's is the easiest place to check my auctions, because once I jump there, it's a few steps to the auction place and I'm pretty lazy sometimes. Kraag I have to go left and then down, Kelys I have to go up and then left, Stronghold I have to go WAY left, Paradise Pier I have to go right, and Expedition Camp, it's not too bad, just down and left, but it's seriously like three virtual steps at the Outpost. If I get too many beggers, force traders (the people that constantly, rapidly keep trying to trade with me, even when I decline,) and PM's, I tend to go to Expedition, when I'm not running quests and farming. Far less harassment there, still some, but not as belligerent.

11-16-2014, 08:00 PM
Yeah I found Traveler's is the easiest place to check my auctions, because once I jump there, it's a few steps to the auction place and I'm pretty lazy sometimes. Kraag I have to go left and then down, Kelys I have to go up and then left, Stronghold I have to go WAY left, Paradise Pier I have to go right, and Expedition Camp, it's not too bad, just down and left, but it's seriously like three virtual steps at the Outpost. If I get too many beggers, force traders (the people that constantly, rapidly keep trying to trade with me, even when I decline,) and PM's, I tend to go to Expedition, when I'm not running quests and farming. Far less harassment there, still some, but not as belligerent.

oh lol i see. I usually just go to Outpost to chat with friends and sometimes Paradise Pier if I'm going to merch a couple items :P As for the random players that keep begging, etc. it's better to just put them in your Ignore list and (if you want) take them out when they leave. Always works for me! :D

btw, i forgot to add this. This is my avatar :p

11-16-2014, 08:18 PM
Nice thread :)

11-17-2014, 07:19 AM
Nice to see some positive people :))

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-17-2014, 01:16 PM
Lol finally a appreciation post

11-17-2014, 02:06 PM
Happy to see a nice thread!
This game is amazing and thats we all keep playing.