View Full Version : 9 Hours With No Pink

02-08-2011, 05:34 PM
So like title says I've been farming Balefort Sewers for about 9 hour and have not seen a pink drop for anyone in my parties. I'm wondering if I'm just extremely unlucky or are others experiencing this?

02-08-2011, 05:36 PM
I've seen two drop. It happens, just rarely.

02-08-2011, 05:36 PM
i got 1 pink in 11 hours lol ^_^

02-08-2011, 05:37 PM
So much for mobile mmorpg for the casual player. (not meant to start a flame war between hardcore and casual players)

02-08-2011, 05:39 PM
Yikes. It's a good thing I decided to go about this casually, doing quests and what not, trying not to focus too much on drops and xp.

02-08-2011, 05:39 PM
So much for mobile mmorpg...

what is that supposed to mean? the best gear in the game isn't supposed to come easily. In WoW I could literally go for like a month without a single gear upgrade if i was unlucky.

02-08-2011, 05:42 PM
Edited post that not what I meant. I'm obviously spend quite a bit of time on this game if I just spent 9 hours farming and leveling. I realize that pinks should be rare, but this isn't WoW, and isn't meant to be like WoW

02-08-2011, 05:45 PM
I've seen 2 drop only played for like 2hours

02-08-2011, 06:00 PM
Hmm maybe I'm just unlucky? Cuz I havnt seen any pink drop for anyone.

02-08-2011, 06:25 PM
1 run and I got pink helm...I did Tpaxx runs for a few weeks never seeing 1 wraith armor.

02-08-2011, 06:26 PM
The best drop I've seen in BS was a green. I haven't played too too much though. Maybe a few hours collectively.

02-08-2011, 07:40 PM
Edited post that not what I meant. I'm obviously spend quite a bit of time on this game if I just spent 9 hours farming and leveling. I realize that pinks should be rare, but this isn't WoW, and isn't meant to be like WoW

They're both MMOs so you could see where Im coming from i hope. rare gear is rare, thats all there is to it

02-08-2011, 07:50 PM
why do ppl compare PL to WOW???? thats just retarded..... this is nothing like WOW.

PL is supposed to be a casual game where you pick up and put down without too much affecting your game play... at least thats how it started... and now its turned into a full blown amazing race to the finish line of the best in game gear and level cap.

I totally agree with Les, Im just doing it on slow pace and if i get a drop then great, if not then Im not spending my life farming for a pink which drops once out of 10 hrs.

02-08-2011, 08:24 PM
why do ppl compare PL to WOW????


First head line bud....

02-08-2011, 08:53 PM

First head line bud....

because they compare themselves to WOW does not make it so... I also tell people I'm the Asian Bill Gates and I can also put it on my web site.

02-08-2011, 08:56 PM
ive seen about a dozen or more purples drop, and 3 or 4 pinks

02-08-2011, 08:58 PM
because they compare themselves to WOW does not make it so... I also tell people I'm the Asian Bill Gates and I can also put it on my web site.

yahoo did not them lol. its compared in the way that its a pretty entertaining mmo that you can carry in your pocket.

02-08-2011, 08:59 PM
yahoo did not them lol. its compared in the way that its a pretty entertaining mmo that you can carry in your pocket.

i know... im just having a moment and being stupid... im at work right now and my "twink" of a boss is sitting beside me doing "twink" stuff and adding no value.

02-08-2011, 10:11 PM
I have not seen ANY pinks drop, not to me or any other players so far.

Not even once....


02-08-2011, 10:34 PM
Seen ONE purp, 3 greens i believe
plenty oranges :P

02-08-2011, 10:41 PM
I rather see one pink drop in 10 hours then everyone get a pink after every boss kill d:

02-08-2011, 10:50 PM
play 2 hours a day and get a drop every friday. play 3 hours a day and you're looking at friday, then the thursday after. If you play more than 3 at one time the game will hate you and not give you any pinks.

I trick the game and play 2 hours, do some productive stuff irl (about 5 hours), then get back on once i'm done (for 2 more hours). Then i stop for dinner, talk/joke/spend time with my family, then get back on till i sleep :D

I get infinite pinks this way.... seemingly.... The game loves that I have a busy life :D

02-08-2011, 10:59 PM
Are the lvl 51's common? I have only played balefort sewers like 3 times and I got two purples and a pink.

02-09-2011, 12:51 AM
I've gotten one.. played maybe 2-3 hours?

02-09-2011, 12:57 AM
Ive gotten 0, played maybe... 10 min before lag out? and during 10 min, there was continuous out of control ping moments.

02-09-2011, 01:11 AM
Played hours, not saw a pink drop at all.

02-09-2011, 01:14 AM
Saw one pink drop. Was with several friends, but a drop-in got it lol.

02-09-2011, 02:23 AM
ive seen 1 or 2 drops, but not for me :(

02-09-2011, 02:36 AM
3 pinks dopping... but not for me ;)

seems drope rate is a bit lower than ao3. problem is more thes no map with all bosses, so it takes much more time for us to get 1 chance

anyway, those lvl 51 pinks are useless... now are some lvl 55 pinks in shop, but prices are insane..

02-09-2011, 05:21 AM
Hmm? I didnt get any decent pinks during ao3.

02-09-2011, 10:24 AM
So much for mobile mmorpg for the casual player. (not meant to start a flame war between hardcore and casual players)

Well, MMOs arent for lazy noobs like you....

02-09-2011, 10:30 AM
Well, MMOs arent for lazy noobs like you....

You have to reward those who stick with you, not those who come and go and aren't going to last. 80/20.

02-09-2011, 10:31 AM
I got 1 lvl 55 pink in my run.. the only run that i have done in balefort sewers.. got it on first boss took like 5 mins./.. ;)

02-09-2011, 12:32 PM
I played maybe 6 hours first night and didn't see any pink drops. In the first hour second day I got a pink and another guy on a different run did too. It seems like maybe the drop rate is ok, or at least matches the rest of the maps pretty well. (With some exceptions like Pyramid that seems to always drop pinks.)

In leveling up my initial char, I really wanted to equip him from items I found adventuring. I finally realized you just can't do that, at least not with pink level items. Once we get a bunch of 55s farming the new maps prices will come down and I think things will stabilize similar to how it was with 50s (minus the Shadow Caves giveaway).

The bigger issue I think is going to be the prices (in plat) of crafting. If that doesn't change and the highest level gear is only available as crafted items, those are gonna be expensiiiiiive.

02-09-2011, 12:42 PM
Well, MMOs arent for lazy noobs like you....

I said I didn't want this to durn into a flame war. And that was just uncalled for. I am now level 55 and have still not had a pink. I have played balefort sewers for over 15 hours. Lazy is not the word I would use to describe me.

02-09-2011, 01:19 PM
cmandial. easy solution is to farm gold instead of farming pink. that way you can buy whatever you please.

and going forward, think of how sweet it will be when you loot a pink.

back in the day, i killed tpaxx over a 150 times before i got my first wraith. then i got two in one day. it's just how these things work when you introduce random variables and statistics in the form of loot tables.

02-09-2011, 06:47 PM
I said I didn't want this to durn into a flame war. And that was just uncalled for. I am now level 55 and have still not had a pink. I have played balefort sewers for over 15 hours. Lazy is not the word I would use to describe me.

If your complaning about drop rates.... Especially when ALL youve done is run catacombs over and over... lmfao. Then you need to find a basis for your arguement.

02-09-2011, 07:11 PM
cmandial. easy solution is to farm gold instead of farming pink. that way you can buy whatever you please.

and going forward, think of how sweet it will be when you loot a pink.

back in the day, i killed tpaxx over a 150 times before i got my first wraith. then i got two in one day. it's just how these things work when you introduce random variables and statistics in the form of loot tables.

just a clarification, we're not talking about farming for gold, we're talking about getting drops themselves specifically from the Balefort Sewers...

*gets water ready...*