View Full Version : Parties getting dropped repeatedly

11-18-2014, 02:22 PM
This happened once before but then several times today. Here's the two I can describe most accurately. It's pretty bizarre.

Scenereo 1) I was in a party with 3 others running arena. After the run ended, I went to visit Klass. When I got to Outpost, I was suddenly not in a party, or so it appeared. I thought I had been ditched, so did a /partyinv aaa to go back in solo, and when I entered the arena, I was suddenly back in my party, and all my rogue friends were there like I had never been unpartied.

Scenereo 2) I was in a duo party, again running arena. When my partner entered arena it dropped the party again. However, this time for real. I entered the same instance as him, but we were no longer partied, and pug people started arriving in the remaining spots. When I tried to invite him to make a new party, it told me that only the party leader could invite people. I had to /partyleave before we could reform.

11-19-2014, 07:01 AM
in scenario 1, this happens which a new sort of bug...that just appeared to me 10 mins back, i was running arena too, we were fighting glob, i thought ill go get my ankhs , i teleported and my pt disappeared when i used the /partychat hey? am i dc or something..?!! and suddenly i was sent back to the arena...in the same place from where i teleported to pier....i was about to gte my ankhs and asked my friends to start a fresh run...but they were like "bro you were right here with us, we thought you were disconnected ^_^" ...i think a new bug...

scenario 2 is quite...weird like...looks like the full-enter lock is bugged...

11-19-2014, 08:50 AM
Yup scenario 1 is a new reality.

11-19-2014, 09:24 AM
Yup scenario 1 is a new reality.

all that is happening looks like the mysterious "DC" virus is just evolving....into new bugs...hmmm....

11-19-2014, 09:42 AM
all that is happening looks like the mysterious "DC" virus is just evolving....into new bugs...hmmm....

The cat did something again.

11-19-2014, 10:58 AM
Scenerio 1 has happened to me several times now

CAK Vader
11-19-2014, 11:25 AM
This happens to me all dee time in real life, I'm in a party and I wake up in my bed, like, woah.

11-19-2014, 11:54 AM
This just happened to me. It appeared that I was out of the party but when I pulled up the party screen we were still grouped... so we zoned in tombs and it popped back up again. Go figure..

11-20-2014, 02:19 AM
all that is happening looks like the mysterious "DC" virus is just evolving....into new bugs...hmmm....

Actually this started happening the first day of the halloween event. I got tossed from parties more than once that day. The first time I thought I had been ditched so joined another group. Unfortunately doing so slightly annoyed the group I was originally in, since it turned out nobody had left / disbanded / booted the party.

It had not happened to me since, so I figured it was just a random gremlin, but now it appears that is not the case.

When it happened to me, my party screen and hud both showed me as unpartied (blank) until I re-entered a map that had my party in it, or did /partyleave and remade.