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View Full Version : Lvl 26-27 pvp mage build

11-20-2014, 10:37 AM
I am interested in pursueing lvl 26-27 mage pvp.... any builds?

11-20-2014, 10:52 AM
any ideas?

11-20-2014, 11:19 AM
Add iltonyli in game and I can help you. Ayepro and I are currently the oldest active 26-27's that still play. Post your ign so I can search through my hundreds of pending friend requests lol. Imo 20-35 is the most balanced pvp level. Also 50 is close.

11-22-2014, 12:23 PM
Add iltonyli in game and I can help you. Ayepro and I are currently the oldest active 26-27's that still play. Post your ign so I can search through my hundreds of pending friend requests lol. Imo 20-35 is the most balanced pvp level. Also 50 is close.

22-27 is not the most balanced, plenty here will agree all that 22-27 is mages mages and more mages.

11-22-2014, 02:55 PM
22-27 is not the most balanced, plenty here will agree all that 22-27 is mages mages and more mages.

My bear zxczxczker beats Mages just fine. Even 30 mages sometimes.

11-23-2014, 10:34 AM
My opinion is that 22-27 is just mages mages and more mages, and it is what I believe.

11-23-2014, 01:02 PM
My opinion is that 22-27 is just mages mages and more mages, and it is what I believe.

22-27 are all mages? Since when? I see plenty of bears and foxes. Every class requires skill and mage is definitely one too. If bears time their beckon hs cb cs right, they can easily kill mages. Instead of stating your opinion, try the zone first and then complain. 22-31 is the most balanced pvp zone as of today.

11-23-2014, 02:10 PM
As far as the balance for 22-31 goes, I feel like mages are definitely the best class to use, but also the most expensive...you need a toy/candle for oldie purists, a forg bow to fight other mages, and a paw to tank bears. Foxes are also not terribly good until level 30, although there are some decent 22-27 foxes here and there, and rhinos are pretty much dead meat or troll characters until 30ish, where they're still not very good. The only claim to balance I feel like 22-31 has is that 3/5 characters are usable and any skilled player can kill a decent player with either a fox, mage or bear, but it's nothing close to an actual balance.

Please note that this is an FFA/1v1 analysis that doesn't take into account trees, adding trees into the equations makes bear/mage easily the most overpowered, and does give a bear a much better chance against mages.

11-23-2014, 05:50 PM
22-27 are all mages? Since when? I see plenty of bears and foxes. Every class requires skill and mage is definitely one too. If bears time their beckon hs cb cs right, they can easily kill mages. Instead of stating your opinion, try the zone first and then complain. 22-31 is the most balanced pvp zone as of today.

I have a 22 and had a 27. I quit 27 because just about every game I joined it was mages teaming...

11-24-2014, 09:00 AM
I have a 22 and had a 27. I quit 27 because just about every game I joined it was mages teaming...

You're right, that is kind of common but if you have friends you can just ask them to help you. Also I hear
People complain all the te about Mages being op but my bear kills Mages just fine. You have to keep successfully hitting cb. Hs after heal is also very important. Also crip is a very important skill to have too.

11-24-2014, 11:49 AM
Try 30 bear. With 4-5 beckon, you can land cb quite easily. At 30 most Mages use shiv talons so 6cb = gg

11-24-2014, 07:40 PM
It's funny how fast all of you are quick to argue instead of discussing the main topic at hand.

26/27 Mage Build:
6 Heal, 6 Blessing Of Vitality, 6 Blessing Of Might, 1 Frostbite, 3 Lightning, 2 Drain, 1 Firestorm, 1 Mana Shield - As you level just add points in lightning, & whatever other skill you want, not the best but it'll keep you alive for sure.

11-24-2014, 08:24 PM
Hi there. This is a reminder to keep the discussion constructive and friendly. There isn't a need to insult each other. Thanks!

11-25-2014, 04:34 PM
It's funny how fast all of you are quick to argue instead of discussing the main topic at hand.

26/27 Mage Build:
6 Heal, 6 Blessing Of Vitality, 6 Blessing Of Might, 1 Frostbite, 3 Lightning, 2 Drain, 1 Firestorm, 1 Mana Shield - As you level just add points in lightning, & whatever other skill you want, not the best but it'll keep you alive for sure.

This build ain't going to work against mages... Btw it's me zxczxczker.

11-25-2014, 08:25 PM
This build ain't going to work against mages... Btw it's me zxczxczker.

Yes it is.

11-25-2014, 10:20 PM
This build ain't going to work against mages... Btw it's me zxczxczker.

Hey I'm not rly one to ask for help from people I don't know but could you possibly help me with 27 mage? I'd greatly appreciate it c: Never had one before and I'd love to try it out

11-25-2014, 11:48 PM
if you've ever played 35 mage, it's nearly exactly like that mage v mage wise, but with an extra luck factor (fbow/paw proc) inserted into the equation.

11-26-2014, 09:09 AM
2 drain 1 m/s 6 BoM 5 BoV 2 Heal 6 Light 2 fire 1 Icestorm 1 Frostbite.

Use crit rings. Enuf int to use cryst then rest dex.

I'd advise you to do 27 first then do 26,25 later as most people (in my experience) were 27 when I was at 25, so if you start at 25 you're going to be at a disadvantage.

However if you dont take my advice, just take off 1 drain & 1 fire.

If you prefer high fire & kiting alot, swap 6 light to 6 fire and do 3 drain with 1 light instead. That worked nicely with Forg in my experience.

Vs Bears, ONLY use fire when they beckon, dont let them use cb on you.. If they land crip on you make sure then are frozen and not in 3-4/5m distance..

Vs Mages, Try to use BoV last.. Time their BoV then as it runs out, do Light icestorm drain frostbite fire heal light. This will 99.9% of the time kill them. If it doesn't make sure they dont nuke you, so survive via M/s or healing frost and playing carefully to outlast them.

Vs Foxes, fairly simple --> M/s ruins most foxes. Just make sure they dont stay in auto distance & make sure they die before your BoV runs out. (however more often then not they'll try to nuke you before their evasion runs out)

Vs Rhinos, just simply keep em rooted and spam light & heal when they dash so cancels their combo.

Hope you enjoy 25-27 as much as I did. My old chars were Wenchant & ThaWench.

~ Inv

11-26-2014, 09:11 AM
This was what I replied to the other thread asking for 25 build. However if you have more money, I'd advise getting int hween set + Pink Paw + Pink evid.
I'd use crit/hit face + Dodge/crit ring & with hween stuff I'd always use Dmg ring.

~ Inv

11-26-2014, 10:12 AM
Yes it is.

It's good for tanking but not for dealing damage. Vs mage it's going to go like this: you're gonna be alive for a long time so is your mage opponent. Both of you are doing no damage and eventually the mage with 6 lightning is going to win because your 6 bov will run out. Tanks can't tank forever ;)

11-27-2014, 01:14 AM
It's good for tanking but not for dealing damage. Vs mage it's going to go like this: you're gonna be alive for a long time so is your mage opponent. Both of you are doing no damage and eventually the mage with 6 lightning is going to win because your 6 bov will run out. Tanks can't tank forever ;)

You realize the 6 Lightning mage relies on BOV more than the 6 Heal mage, right? With 6 heal I can survive without BOV, and still do lots of damage with 2 drain 3 light 5 fire, if anything I'll do even more damage, & can kite if I want to. Therefore - "Yes it is.".

11-27-2014, 11:14 AM
You realize the 6 Lightning mage relies on BOV more than the 6 Heal mage, right? With 6 heal I can survive without BOM, and still do lots of damage with 2 drain 3 light 5 fire, if anything I'll do even more damage, & can kite if I want to. Therefore - "Yes it is.".

Ok verse me with that build with my 27 mage. Add swagtony ;).

11-27-2014, 03:15 PM
You realize the 6 Lightning mage relies on BOV more than the 6 Heal mage, right? With 6 heal I can survive without BOM, and still do lots of damage with 2 drain 3 light 5 fire, if anything I'll do even more damage, & can kite if I want to. Therefore - "Yes it is.".

thing is, the build u gave didn't have 5 fire, it had 1 fire, so you can't really kite another mage with 1 fire.

I also assume you guys mean BOV instead of BOM when you mean surviving without it, remember BOV is the armor buff, BOM is the damage buff.

11-27-2014, 06:10 PM
thing is, the build u gave didn't have 5 fire, it had 1 fire, so you can't really kite another mage with 1 fire.

I also assume you guys mean BOV instead of BOM when you mean surviving without it, remember BOV is the armor buff, BOM is the damage buff.

Yes i know the difference. I;m trying to avoid starting an argument here but im telling everyone that build isn't going to work against 6 light mages.

11-27-2014, 06:24 PM
i agree with that as well, i was mostly responding to vvriter's post & not yours

11-29-2014, 07:06 AM
Ok verse me with that build with my 27 mage. Add swagtony ;).

Sure. Add Pywoe. Crystalline Sets only.

11-29-2014, 07:14 AM
thing is, the build u gave didn't have 5 fire, it had 1 fire, so you can't really kite another mage with 1 fire.

I also assume you guys mean BOV instead of BOM when you mean surviving without it, remember BOV is the armor buff, BOM is the damage buff.

My mistake with the 5 fire, I had posted a build with 5 fire in a post similar to this. Also you don't need to kite, you hardly ever see mages @Lv25 leave 8m radius vs other mages - & especially if they have a 6 light build, they will never leave 6-8m because they need to force that dmg vs a 6 heal mage, unless it's to run for heals. Also that BOM was a typo, I know the difference between Vitality and Might. Vitality lasts for 12 seconds, Might lasts for 20, I can nuke you in those 8 seconds with 1 ice 3 light 1 fire 2 drain easily if you have 1-2 heal, while still surviving with my 6 heal.

11-29-2014, 07:21 AM
i agree with that as well, i was mostly responding to vvriter's post & not yours

I'll fight him and we can see? I've been using this build for the past week and haven't lost to any 6 Lightning (BOV reliant) mages unless they packed an OP Paw Vs my Crystalline set.

11-29-2014, 07:23 AM
Yes i know the difference. I;m trying to avoid starting an argument here but im telling everyone that build isn't going to work against 6 light mages.

And I disagree. It's not an argument, it's a disagreement.

11-29-2014, 10:32 AM
Sure. Add Pywoe. Crystalline Sets only.
Ah nice, I actually fought you last night (Trentify)

11-29-2014, 10:49 AM
22-27 are all mages? Since when? I see plenty of bears and foxes. Every class requires skill and mage is definitely one too. If bears time their beckon hs cb cs right, they can easily kill mages. Instead of stating your opinion, try the zone first and then complain. 22-31 is the most balanced pvp zone as of today.

Yea, back before forg, now its Poop! And its not even close to being the most balanced pvp zone.

11-29-2014, 10:55 AM
if you've ever played 35 mage, it's nearly exactly like that mage v mage wise, but with an extra luck factor (fbow/paw proc) inserted into the equation.

same wit 26/27 (lol 27) dodge factors with hallo increase and fbow proc and paw.

11-29-2014, 12:09 PM
Yea, back before forg, now its Poop! And its not even close to being the most balanced pvp zone.

It's super balanced. I don't get how people don't see this lol.

11-29-2014, 12:11 PM
I'll fight him and we can see? I've been using this build for the past week and haven't lost to any 6 Lightning (BOV reliant) mages unless they packed an OP Paw Vs my Crystalline set.

You never said anything about crystalline sets.. Now you bring it up? lol. I have a crystalline set so I guess i'll give it a try.

11-29-2014, 03:52 PM
It's super balanced. I don't get how people don't see this lol.

If 3 or more people say it is not balanced and they happen to be burstnuke and divinemoustache, THEN IT IS NOT BALANCED.

11-29-2014, 04:14 PM
If 3 or more people say it is not balanced and they happen to be burstnuke and divinemoustache, THEN IT IS NOT BALANCED.

ehhh...it is kind of balanced in the sense that 3 or 4 classes are usable there, where a skilled player using a class that's not a bear or a mage, will be able to beat a decent player with a little less skill level, but not in the sense where two people with the same understanding of the game could go head to head using a fox and a mage/bear and have a close fight.

11-29-2014, 10:49 PM
It's super balanced. I don't get how people don't see this lol.

No its not, i told you why its not.

12-02-2014, 12:07 AM
You never said anything about crystalline sets.. Now you bring it up? lol. I have a crystalline set so I guess i'll give it a try.

If you use a Paw/Fbow, how can we truly test what is better? Either way I already leveled Pywoe to 35.

12-02-2014, 12:09 AM
It's super balanced. I don't get how people don't see this lol.

How is it balanced? Birds are poop. Foxes are poop. Rhinos are poop. Balance = When everything has a chance at winning vs anything else - The level best fit for this is 50/51.

12-02-2014, 09:19 AM
How is it balanced? Birds are poop. Foxes are poop. Rhinos are poop. Balance = When everything has a chance at winning vs anything else - The level best fit for this is 50/51.

Birds do just fine unless it come to versing a mage, rhinos struggle verse Mages, foxes struggle verse Bears (sometimes Mages). You can't say they're poop. I play this level daily and this is what I've noticed since fbows were nerfed.

12-02-2014, 01:17 PM
Birds do just fine unless it come to versing a mage, rhinos struggle verse Mages, foxes struggle verse Bears (sometimes Mages). You can't say they're poop. I play this level daily and this is what I've noticed since fbows were nerfed.

Birds do just fine... against bears? but not foxes or rhinos

12-02-2014, 02:15 PM
Birds do just fine... against bears? but not foxes or rhinos

I see them beat foxes and rhinos too. I have a 27 bird but accidentally leveled him to 28. I could kill foxes and Bears easily. I could sometimes kill mages with lucky Crits. I had the most trouble against 20 rhinos for some reason. They just wouldn't get nuked lol.

12-02-2014, 03:49 PM
lal ign?

12-02-2014, 04:21 PM
Birds do just fine unless it come to versing a mage, rhinos struggle verse Mages, foxes struggle verse Bears (sometimes Mages). You can't say they're poop. I play this level daily and this is what I've noticed since fbows were nerfed.

I played before forg for some time buddy, and ive tried the one after the nerf for some time when i restored my old chars. Its not even close to before forg, and its not balanced, trust me.

12-02-2014, 04:54 PM
I played before forg for some time buddy, and ive tried the one after the nerf for some time when i restored my old chars. Its not even close to before forg, and its not balanced, trust me.

Yes i know. I've played pre forg just as long as you have at 26. Actually a bit longer. It's sentred and sonoobish btw. I never said it was as balanced as pre forg but it's more balanced than most of the levels i've played.

12-02-2014, 04:55 PM
lal ign?

isonoobish and swagtony are my 27's.

12-02-2014, 05:06 PM
isonoobish and swagtony are my 27's.
Noice ;o I'm Trentify. :)

12-02-2014, 05:33 PM
Yes i know. I've played pre forg just as long as you have at 26. Actually a bit longer. It's sentred and sonoobish btw. I never said it was as balanced as pre forg but it's more balanced than most of the levels i've played.

Just because your account was older doesn't mean youve had more experience. Ask mightymicah about that. Didn't you say you had your account banned early? Ive played more then you, yea your account is older. So what? Eithierway its not the most balanced lvl not even close. It sucks now, horrid paw users and dodge Builds lol...

12-02-2014, 05:38 PM
Just because your account was older doesn't mean youve had more experience. Ask mightymicah about that. Didn't you say you had your account banned early? Ive played more then you, yea your account is older. So what? Eithierway its not the most balanced lvl not even close. It sucks now, horrid paw users and dodge Builds lol...

I was one of the first 26 pvpers. I started 26 the same day zapoke did. A few days later Dennis and blitz come along. Zapoke was the first 26 mage. I was the first 26 bear.

12-02-2014, 05:48 PM
I was one of the first 26 pvpers. I started 26 the same day zapoke did. A few days later Dennis and blitz come along. Zapoke was the first 26 mage. I was the first 26 bear.
Were you gonna do Zapoke's tourny? I was in that before it never became anything ^.^