View Full Version : Tiny buff for snappy

11-20-2014, 01:04 PM
Hi Heraculees here I just a suggestion.

Recently 3 new pets have been added to al but I want to talk about snappy.

I understand why they made its stats very bad because how "good" the aa is.

I bought snappy for 4mil and realize not worth over 2. This is because I have tested he aa many times and it literally doesn't do anything to help in pve/pvp. In a town the aa last for 11 seconds like a mage arcane shield. In pvp u get hit once with the shield and it goes away. It is also said to heal after the shield disperses, not true at all I don't get a single % point. So why have it cost 125 dragon teeth for an egg, which has bad stats, and aa doesn't even work as supposedly supposed too. All I ask is this to make it worth farming for this egg.

Change stats just to 10% dmg the most, and have it add 25+ in primary stats.

Also a bit of a fix to its aa.

Instead of having a shield that lasts for a % of dmg have it last maybe 3-4 seconds? And actually have it heal like it's supposed too.

And Ik most of you are going to say.

" why are you just doing this? To make eggs worth more to make bank?" Or something close to that.

No I am a lvl 15 tank and considered this pet good for wars, but I realise it isn't really. All I ask is just for a bit of a buff mainly just too aa to fix it. Thanks :)

Post your toughts here thanks.

11-22-2014, 12:43 PM
No comments? :P

11-22-2014, 02:38 PM
Many have got their hands on arcane/mythic pets even at that level so who bothers to get this new recoloured very less op( I mean not at all) pet!

11-24-2014, 01:45 PM
fair comment fran...the aa should be useful enough to make the pet unique and worth 125 dragkin teeth (which can take a lot of effort to acquire).

11-24-2014, 07:00 PM
If we suggest for buff then NEKRO needs some asap.

An ARCANE NERF to a pity pet made it so worse that whoever owns then has clearly mentioned as USELESS pet.

11-27-2014, 05:43 PM
Issues around Nekro are off topic, and while important it seems to Nekro owners, are there not other threads on this? As well, even if one uses arcane and/or mythic pets on a twink, legendary/epic/rare pets may still have specific uses. It is the usefulness of the aa that seems to be the point the op made. A couple examples of such pets with a useful aa would be Vixen in pvp, Jack for rogue in pvp and pve, and Kelvin for bosses in pve. The aa makes these pets relevant for certain situations despite lesser stats. The new legendary pets just introduced need to be interesting in terms of aa and at any rate legendary pets are still entirely relevant in the game.