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View Full Version : Planar Club

11-21-2014, 03:45 AM
This weapon rarely proc and it deal really low damage.

Please slighty increase the damage or at least give it more chance to proc ( Currently proc rate is worse than the Magmatic Claymore. Yes, I did test uncharged/charged my weapon ).

The proc only deal 41 damage to Elite Antee which is disappointing.


11-21-2014, 09:02 AM
Was the damage lowered ten-fold or something? IMO, this weapon needs a stronger-larger pull too, I could barely feel anything being done when it proc'd. Wouldn't mind a buff in the proc rate as well (4x normal hit rate when charged maybe?).

Let's make this weapon a good PvE one, so it's both more enjoyable to play with it and give more incentive to be farmed. Right now the 99% is running only T1.


11-21-2014, 10:27 AM
Hmmm i agree with the buff for more area but from what i saw it did way more dmg.
Can you try another test

11-22-2014, 10:57 PM
+1, warriors need something that makes them usable in pve.

11-23-2014, 12:19 AM
+1, warriors need something that makes them usable in pve.

Bulwark was all about pve before first buff and after nerf.

11-23-2014, 02:57 AM
Bulwark was all about pve before first buff and after nerf.

Bulwark was a disaster, I don't have one but anyone could see that TBH.

+1 Warriors need to be good in PvE. TBH Warriors are the oddballs, mages are PvE and Rogues are PvP, warriors just don't quite fit in >.<

11-23-2014, 03:37 AM
Bulwark was a disaster, I don't have one but anyone could see that TBH.

+1 Warriors need to be good in PvE. TBH Warriors are the oddballs, mages are PvE and Rogues are PvP, warriors just don't quite fit in >.<
Without warriors clashes would last roughly 5 seconds. They are the heart and soul of PvP and bulwark was a disaster from a PvP perspective. It is a great weapon for PvE.