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View Full Version : Oops! Your graphics have failed to initialize!

11-22-2014, 05:51 AM
Dear all,

Yesterday (about 2014.11.21 02:00 GMT) I played with my rogue in Planar tombs 1 (in party).
Everything was OK, then I got a DC.
More precisely everything froze and ping was counting up continuously .
This is unfortunately "quite common" nowadays.
I usually do not wait for about 120k ping = 2 mins (when client declares the DC, but close Chrome, restart log in and continue/start again, etc.

BUT Yesterday evening (more precisely 9 hours ago):
- I got "Oops! Your graphics have failed to initialize! You probably need to update your video card driver!" at 74% of loading.
- Did happen in the past (but maybe with other error at 75%). Reload Chrome or rarely restart Windows solved the problem for sure.

I did all of these, no joy. :grumpy:
- I uninstalled Chrome, reinstalled Chrome, I downloaded game again.
- I installed the lastest video drivers (btw it was quite old but I did not experience any problem with it).
- I checked chrome://gpu, checked other WebGL tests. Everything seems fine, but Arcane Legends states my graphics failed to initialize.
- I enabled nacl, and disable gpu-blacklist otherwise my GPU does not have a chance to work (--enable-nacl --ignore-gpu-blacklist)

The help (suggest to install the newest driver) did not help, because 10 hours ago a driver from 2009 was OK, now a driver from 2013 is not :-/ .

So I do not really understand what happened 9-10 hours ago. I am a computer literant guy, so: Update to Windows 7 or later, I will refuse, because it was working well with this system for more than a year (when I started Arcane Legends). :upset:

My system:
- Acer Aspire 4937G (laptop Core2duo T6500@2,1GHz 4Gb RAM, nVidia Geforce G105M video 512Mb RAM)
- WindowsXP 32bit Professional SP3
- VGA (now): nVidia package version: 307.83; driver version:, Driver date: 1-31-2013
- VGA (previously): date from 2009
- Currently I have Chrome version: 39.0.2171.65 m

If somebody has even a faint hint, let me know.
Is it possible to switch on debug log somehow? I mean, like: account.spacetimestudios.com/arcanelegends/?loglevel=99 or /?debug=1
Maybe I can track down my specific problem in this way.

Now I will check
- with another computer (much slower CPU, weaker GPU, but Win7 opsys),
- chech overall system consistency in this machine,
- I swich to Linux in this computer and test if a kind of hardware failure I have...


11-24-2014, 06:24 AM
It's not just you. I have the same issue. I played 1 or 2 hours ago, while now i'm unable to make it run.
I have the same chrome version 39.0.2171.65 m (from 19 Nov), which isn't new today . Already used this version while playing i think, if not today then at least last week.

I also tried "Override software rendering list", but it still fails.

11-24-2014, 09:33 AM
I have same problem.

11-24-2014, 03:59 PM
I have this issue on one of my laptops also. Couldnt find a resolution.

11-24-2014, 04:05 PM
"Could not"? Did it work before and it stopped like our issue?

11-24-2014, 05:46 PM
Yes. It previously worked. Google Chrome gave me the puzzle icon with the sad face so I refreshed Chrome. Then I got that message.

Everything I've done that previously worked did not resolve it. Using old versions of chrome. Using Chromium vs Chrome. Reloading to an OS image of that had a working copy of AL. Reinstalling video card drivers. Altering many of the flags in Chrome. Uninstalling/clearing cache/ reinstalling chrome. Using portable Chrome. Running in incognito. Nothing.

11-24-2014, 07:10 PM
In chrome://flags, make sure "Override software rendering list" and "Native Client" are enabled. Also, go to "GPU compositing in all pages", enable it and then put it back to default. After that, restart browser and your issue should be fixed.
Pulled this from an old topic, has always solved anything that wasn't fixed with refresh for me. Run chrome as admin too.

11-25-2014, 03:43 AM
Yeah that usually worked in the past. Doesn't work anymore.

It seemed like my computers that are somewhat recent will work whereas ones that originally came with like lets say Vista or XP will not. Previously they worked with the said workarounds.

I thought to myself that the newer planar areas are probably making use of new commands or something of that nature found in slightly newer generation graphics cards. How my old systems slipped past that for a few days is a mystery to me.

11-25-2014, 04:07 AM
You would think it is an old system issue, but it doesn't explain why it runs one moment and the other moment it doesn't. While the software (client app, chrome, video drivers and OS) didn't change. Not even an content update! It would make more sense on a software/client update, they even could announce it in the specs when they do.

It isn't related to the Arcane Legends game content as Star Legends, Pocket Legends started failing too.

When looking at chrome://gpu/

Graphics Feature Status
seems fine. It's all green.

Log Messages

[...:....:..../......:ERROR:gl_surface_egl.cc(128)] : eglInitialize failed with error UNKNOWN
[...:....:..../......:ERROR:gl_surface_win.cc(113)] : GLSurfaceEGL::InitializeOneOff failed.
GpuProcessHostUIShim: The GPU process exited normally. Everything is okay.

I don't know whether this is new and causing a problem or not. Can you deny/confirm what the case is with you?

11-26-2014, 06:38 PM
I had this issue and solved it in the following order:

1. Attempted to update drivers through windows system. Windows indicates that drivers update has been successful. -> Game still showed same message.
2. Go to manufacturer website (Intel). Download their driver update software. Update the drivers through this software -> Software finds updates to be made despite windows having already claimed to have successfully done that... mmm windows...
3. Restart computer -> chrome STILL displays the message but I am now 100% sure my drivers are up to date.
4. Uninstall chrome, run registry cleaner, restart computer.
5. Reinstall chrome.
6. Finaly it worked.

Prior to this I have had a message in chrome, and literally every single thing I tried failed. I tried everything suggested all over this forum in the most hidden away of places and no joy. I installed older version of chrome, I discovered different channels of chrome that I didn't even know existed and canary chrome?! I unstalled and reinstalled, and for a week I got the same error message. Finally just gave up, resigned myself to just playing of phone or not bothering, and reinstalled the original version of chrome.. gave it one last halfhearted attempt to open the game and......... yes. It just miraculously worked again for no reason -.-

11-27-2014, 04:01 PM
cleaning the registry makes sence, i read that when chrome crashes 3 times it disables (the native client?), seems like the cause of the OP issue. I had several crashes too, but due the native client.
I tried to clearing the error count and even did a brief search in the registry, but havent found any clues yet. i'll go and dig deeper :)

11-30-2014, 12:28 PM
When looking at chrome://gpu/

Graphics Feature Status
seems fine. It's all green.

Log Messages

[...:....:..../......:ERROR:gl_surface_egl.cc(128)] : eglInitialize failed with error UNKNOWN
[...:....:..../......:ERROR:gl_surface_win.cc(113)] : GLSurfaceEGL::InitializeOneOff failed.
GpuProcessHostUIShim: The GPU process exited normally. Everything is okay.

I don't know whether this is new and causing a problem or not. Can you deny/confirm what the case is with you?

The same issue:

My chrome://gpu/
Graphics Feature Status
Canvas: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Flash: Hardware accelerated
Flash Stage3D: Hardware accelerated
Flash Stage3D Baseline profile: Hardware accelerated
Compositing: Hardware accelerated
Multiple Raster Threads: Disabled
Rasterization: Hardware accelerated
Threaded Rasterization: Enabled
Video Decode: Hardware accelerated
Video Encode: Hardware accelerated
WebGL: Hardware accelerated

Log Messages
[2132:2252:1130/175018:ERROR:gl_surface_egl.cc(128)] : eglInitialize failed with error UNKNOWN
[2132:2252:1130/175018:ERROR:gl_surface_win.cc(113)] : GLSurfaceEGL::InitializeOneOff failed.
GpuProcessHostUIShim: The GPU process exited normally. Everything is okay.

... and true a WebGL "test": http://benvanik.github.io/WebGL-Inspector/samples/electricflower/electricflower-embedded.html
runs less smooth than the same from Firefox (of course same hardware, opsys etc.)

I read somewhere that Torch browser solved the problem.

I tested.

- without video card software update,
- without playing with firewall (BTW I did not have firewall issues, so that is another story/problem for sure).
- Torch browser (as far as I see) a fork of Chrome browser, because torch://gpu and torch://flags pages are same, all controls are same etc.

I had to
- disable software rendering override (in torch://flags) a flag with #ignore-gpu-blacklist
- enable NaCl (in torch://flags) a flag with #enable-nacl
- RESTART Torch browser
- go to chrome store: find and download Arcane Legends
- run Arcane Legends (which will download the usual data like an update "getting awesome stuff").

In torch://gpu
Graphics Feature Status
is the same as it was.

Log Messages contains only 1 line.
GpuProcessHostUIShim: The GPU process exited normally. Everything is okay.

and the Diagnostics section is filled up totally (unlike with Chrome browser).

So Bye Chrome (I used only for Arcane Legends, because I use Firefox otherwise) and Welcome Torch!

BTW: the electric flower in Torch (WebGL test above) works smoothly as in Firefox.

.... and I HAVE TO ADMIT that this issue IS NOTHING TO DO WITH Arcane Legends (as I supposed, but I was not sure).


12-07-2014, 07:35 PM
I hope it works for other players, because it isn't a solution for me.

12-31-2014, 01:58 PM
me too!!!! dev solve this problem pls

12-31-2014, 02:02 PM
i played on pc for a while and i got the same problem :((((( i have to play on tablet now!im sure the problem is in chrome not in system
oh well....i think! good luck fixing it *sigh*

12-31-2014, 02:05 PM
:( i cant update the pc because its my dad's comp

01-01-2015, 01:08 PM
So it works on new browser?-torch? :)

01-08-2015, 10:54 PM
i had this problem too linux is even messier i don t wanna go there..try updating google chrome to latest version it solved my problem.there are certain versions of google chrome that gives this problem and also they will be stopping support for xp sooner or later so better upgrade your os!!your specs can easily run win 7 don t worry :) u get em for free anyways to try! might be that your running old version of google chrome..

04-16-2015, 10:47 AM
I'm having the same problem in Chrome browser before, so I try torch browser and it works, but now I'm having trouble playing arcane legends with torch, its now also stuck in 75% (oops your graphics card failed to initialize)
So I find another way. I downloaded bluestacks app player, and I just search for external keyboard to play.

Sent from my Lenovo A516 using Tapatalk

04-16-2015, 10:49 AM
I'm having the same problem in Chrome browser before, so I try torch browser and it works, but now I'm having trouble playing arcane legends with torch, its now also stuck in 75% (oops your graphics card failed to initialize)
So I find another way. I downloaded bluestacks app player, and I just search for external keyboard to play.

Sent from my Lenovo A516 using Tapatalk

This is an old thread :)

04-20-2015, 01:26 AM
I still have the same problem over and over again... I didn't know Torch would fix it...I'm gonna give it a try

04-20-2015, 02:35 AM
I still have the same problem over and over again... I didn't know Torch would fix it...I'm gonna give it a tryEr - It takes torch browser a while to work properly, since its like a ultra sharp knife, its gonna take a few cuts to make it a normal controllable knife. It's a new start off browser, it may have some glitches, but it will adjust on itself and the glitches will stop appearing. Although your FPS may decrease by less than 10.

04-20-2015, 02:34 PM
Er - It takes torch browser a while to work properly, since its like a ultra sharp knife, its gonna take a few cuts to make it a normal controllable knife. It's a new start off browser, it may have some glitches, but it will adjust on itself and the glitches will stop appearing. Although your FPS may decrease by less than 10.
Thanks for the warning! :D

04-20-2015, 02:57 PM
Dear all,

Believe or not, the problem came back with Torch browser few weeks (maybe a month) ago.

But this time I was absolutely sure that I will not update video driver or like that, but change back Torch to previous version:
- version which worked AND STILL WORKS for me (8253)
- Torch - like Chrome automagically upgrades itself. Some software bug distributed (in Chrome then in Torch) - because Torch has the same root as Chrome.

I quickly disabled the Torch updater (a service) and update programs - TorchNotifier.exe and TorchCrashHandler.exe
Finding out and being sure it works - took a couple of hours (remove, delete traces, reinstall, install AL, close, start - realize that somehow it upgraded itself -> iterate again)

But now I am a happy (old) Torch user which works with AL like a charm.

Hope it helps.

04-20-2015, 03:06 PM
Er - It takes torch browser a while to work properly, since its like a ultra sharp knife, its gonna take a few cuts to make it a normal controllable knife. It's a new start off browser, it may have some glitches, but it will adjust on itself and the glitches will stop appearing. Although your FPS may decrease by less than 10.

Honestly for me Torch looks exactly the same as Chome.
I haven't experienced any FPS issue.
Engine seems totally the same, maybe some talkback to "home" and Google fluff is missing.

Because my Torch version is fixed now (no update and like that) I do not wanna test other browser (eg test Chrome again).
I use Firefox for real browsing and Torch is just for AL anyway.
