View Full Version : arcane legends of Chinese version

11-24-2014, 05:48 AM

Posted by*Cristian*on 2014.11.24

GameLook报道/随着国内一系列的端游厂商进入手游领域,MMORPG在国内收入榜地位逐渐上升,随着多款手游MMO高收入 作品的不断出现,相信很多人都看到了移动端MMO的‘钱景’。在看多了国内厂商的百花齐放之后让我们把目光 投向海外欧美市场。最近, 上海激乐(简称G3)准备把一款获得过E3最佳游戏奖的海外MMO手游《神秘传奇》(Arca ne Lengeds)推向中国市场,而这款游戏的开发商Spacetime Studios在MMO游戏研发领域已经有很多年的经验。

那么,和中国同类产品相比,这款《神秘传奇》究竟有什么样的特点,欧美开发者在做移动MMO时是如何思考的 ?《神秘传奇》未来在中国又会有着怎样的变化?带着这些问题,GameLook连线Space time Studios工作室的CEO Gary Gattis进行了采访,以下是GameLook的独家专访稿:

Spacetime Studios公司CEO Gary Gattis


Spacetime成立于2005年,我叫Gary Gattis,是公司CEO,我们当时创建公司是为NcSoft研发一款大型MMO,虽然这个项目没有做成 ,但我们积累了技术,随后在2010年做出了Pocket Lengeds,这是安卓平台上第一款3D MMO手游,我们还发布了3款其他的MMO和3款战斗游戏,所以我们上线了7款游戏,都是面向全球玩家,跨 Android,iOS和PC平台,而且玩家们所在的是同一个服务器,玩家们的网络情况各异,有wifi, 3G,4G,即便是网络延迟很高的地区,我们依然可以保证游戏内的实时数据连接,几乎除了中国之外的其他地 区都有我们的玩家,所以这也是我们今天要说的话题。


是的,我们几乎是整个职业生涯都在做MMO,我们的一些成员还参与研发过《网络创世纪》(Ul tima Online,1996年发布)这样非常老的MMO。


我觉得在移动设备上做MMO游戏是非常困难的,有许多的技术障碍,手游MMO和常规MMO的不同是,他们之 间有不同的玩法,尽管玩法不同,但却需要同样的游戏结构,所以你依然需要良好的社区,客户支持,以及其他大 型MMO中所具有的很多元素,这是一种非常复杂的游戏类型,并不是那么容易去做,要做出让玩家满意的作品就 更不容易了。


我们的玩家很多都是第一次接触MMO类游戏,我们的MMO比PC平台上更休闲化,而且移动设备相比PC来说 ,更受休闲玩家的喜爱。在欧美市场,我们的玩家更倾向于免费玩法,他们不想游戏中出现太多的P ay-to-Win因素,虽然我们的游戏中的确有些东西是为了付费的玩家而设计,但这些物品不会影响游戏的平衡,所以不 会让玩家们感到不公平。

我们的玩家通常每天在游戏中的时间是1-2个小时,所以他们投入的时间还是很多的。因为游戏的玩法设计对于玩家来说非常易于上手,所以每局游戏的时 间非常短。不过,如果你想体验更多,也可以玩很久很久,很多玩家都是这样的。


游戏是在12年底上线的,目前这款游戏在iOS和Android平台的总下载量突破了1500万,所以我们 已经有很多的用户。收入情况目前还是不错的,具体的说,我们现在有50名员工,而且处于盈利状态,单是这一 款游戏就给到我们足够的收入让公司不断的发展。



我们现在想进入中国,是因为目前中国市场规模非常大,而且增速也非常的快,玩家们也非常喜欢这类(MMO) 游戏。我觉得《神秘传奇》和中国MMO不同的是,更倾向于动作,而且游戏时长较短。




从表面来看,是非常休闲的。但从MMO角度来说,我们的玩法,角色养成,经济系统等等是非常有深度的,所以 《神秘传奇》这款游戏非常容易上手,但其实游戏内的系统是非常深度的。


游戏的故事发生在2000年前,一个恶魔被打败并且被囚禁在了地球上,但随着封印的消失,恶魔们再次出现, 人们无计可施,所以希望英雄出现,也就是玩家们,帮助他们战胜恶魔。


《神秘传奇》是一款非常易于上手的MMO,有着非常深度的动作和RPG元素,还有以游戏物品为基础的经济系 统,而且非常社交化,我们有城镇,地牢等等,我们有大量的玩家数据,所以在匹配玩家的时候会把能力相似的玩 家安排到一起。所以玩家会经常遇到有相同任务的其他玩家,他们可以组队共同完成任务,所以这可以给玩家们带 来非常强大的社交体验。


起初是我们的投资者介绍的,G3在AL之前也有将其他的好游戏带去中国,我们和他们的合作和沟通越多,就发 现我们越喜欢和G3合作。他们的团队非常不错,而且他们很多人在美国和中国从事游戏研发多年,所以他们对于 游戏研发的看法和我们有非常多的共同语言,所以我们去旧金山和他们碰面,见到之后我们非常高兴,我们有相似 的目标,有同样的工作方式,所以我们试着一起工作,而且这个过程非常开心。


当时David带我们吃了顿非常可口的晚餐(笑),但我觉得最棒的是,我们有共同的目标,我们的目标是在中 国发布优秀的游戏,他们非常积极的给我们提供游戏修改意见,为了适应中国市场他们提出了很多的建议。他们希 望向中国玩家传递最好的游戏,这和我们的目标是一致的,所以我觉得最难忘的是,我们为了相同的目标而努力合 作的过程。


我们的首款游戏Pocket Legends当时只有6个人,用了6个月的时间研发,但这和《神秘传奇》比起来是非常小的,《神秘传奇》 的研发团队是20人,用了15个月的时间完成研发。


是的,这是个很大的游戏,结构比较复杂,我们知道自己要做什么,所以用了蛮久的时间完成研发。我们后来还补 充了很多的内容,最初游戏发布只有20级,现在我们扩展到了46级,我们研发完成之后至少发布了5次大的更 新而且一直在假日举行活动,所以我们一直在运营这款游戏。


游戏的安装包非常小,所以对于设备硬件性能和网络连接的要求很低,但同时我们在游戏中制作了数十个各具特色 的副本和城镇,这得益于我们积累的技术。每个城镇都是一个社交场所,都有40-50个玩家进行交流,我们按照等级把玩家们分布在不同的城镇,玩家们可以四五个人组队共同任务,完成任务之 后会解锁新的城镇,玩家们还可以回到主城和更多人交流,所以游戏是由不同的社交场所组成的。

我注意到游戏中并没有小地图,而中国的大多数MMO游戏都有小地图或者任务指引之类的功能,你们是否考虑进 入中国后进行改进呢?



货币化系统和其他的MMO非常类似,玩家可以购买物品,培养宠物等等,是以游戏道具为基础的游戏经济体系, 所以玩家们会购买一些商城物品,主要是可以帮助他们提高游戏体验的增值道具。


这个问题我们也注意到了,我们在和G3合作,希望推出更多的物品,包括更多的装备和宠物、更多的时装和翅膀 、VIP系统等等,我们知道中国玩家需要更多的内容,所以我们目前还在努力做货币化系统的扩展 。


最大的变动就是UI,任务,以及经济系统方面的改进,还有为忠实玩家设计的VIP奖励系统等等。我们会为中 国玩家做特别的内容,我们为G3提供了完整的工具,让他们做特别的内容。


是的,对于中国玩家来说,游戏里的角色可能会看起来有点奇怪,所以我们请G3为中国玩家重新制作了法师角色 ,我觉得他们做的很不错。


这个我也不太好说(笑),或许这个答案你们(中国玩家)可以告诉我。我们对此非常乐观,我们第一年的希望是 ,为中国玩家带来一款优秀而且有趣的游戏,希望为中国市场推出一款具有吸引力的MMO手游产品 。

11-24-2014, 06:17 AM
THANK jesus! GOOGLE translate!

11-24-2014, 06:59 AM
THANK jesus! GOOGLE translate!

i was wondering if my friend's mandarin teacher could be happy enough to look at this...

11-24-2014, 07:05 AM
So many symbols....

11-24-2014, 08:47 AM
Lmao... the China sorc >.>

11-24-2014, 09:03 AM
It seems a new version of AL for china. This teen sorc is a joke?

11-24-2014, 10:17 AM
THANK jesus! GOOGLE translate!

I know right! I pulled this thread up and Google automatically translated it for me.

+1 Google

11-24-2014, 11:38 AM
OMG want that mage here. It looks SO MUCH BETTER.

So I'm confused, can we all get this AL-China version?

This looks awesome.

11-24-2014, 01:15 PM
From the coments it seems a good idea but i don't speak mandarin :p

11-24-2014, 01:33 PM
Reminds me of a chinese rpg for nokia N70 i used to play.
I never understood anything but it was fun.

11-24-2014, 02:08 PM
we need to figure out how to say 'gold pls sir' in mandarin

11-24-2014, 03:09 PM
No entender nada

Sent from my iPhone 8 Plus using Tapatalk

11-24-2014, 04:17 PM
OMG want that mage here. It looks SO MUCH BETTER.

So I'm confused, can we all get this AL-China version?

This looks awesome.
Probably yes. And you know what each button does already so it shouldn't be an issue.

11-24-2014, 04:41 PM
Brief feedback and translation:

虽然我们的游戏中的确有些东西是为了付费的玩家而设计,但这些物品不会影响游戏的平衡,所以不会让玩家们感 到不公平。

Lol, "even though we have items designed for paid player, but these items would not destroy game balance".... suuuurrrrrreeeeeeee


"players play around 1-2 hr a day, 2-3 times daily, but our game is designed to be 5 min per game"
YA.... 5 min.... *cough* elite *cough* arena *cough*


"when the game released there's only 20 levels, now we're at lv 46"
Isnt the first cap lv 16?

我们在和G3合作,希望推出更多的物品,包括更多的装备和宠物、更多的时装和翅膀、VIP系统等等,我们知 道中国玩家需要更多的内容,所以我们目前还在努力做货币化系统的扩展。

"we are working with G3, hoping to release more items, including more gear, pets, more vanities, wings, VIP system etc, we know the chinese players need more content, so we are currently working towards currency-fying (dont know how to translate this lol) the system"

Wait... so they chinese version get more stuff?? what about us "loyal, old customers"? left in the dust?

最大的变动就是UI,任务,以及经济系统方面的改进,还有为忠实玩家设计的VIP奖励系统等等。我们会为中 国玩家做特别的内容,我们为G3提供了完整的工具,让他们做特别的内容。

"the biggest change (for the chinese version) is the UI, quests(missions), and improvement in the economic system, also VIP reward systems for loyal players. We will design special content for the chinese player, we will provide G3 with all the tools they need to make special contents."

TF?? again, they get special treatment but us "old players" are just left in the dust?

是的,对于中国玩家来说,游戏里的角色可能会看起来有点奇怪,所以我们请G3为中国玩家重新制作了法师角色 ,我觉得他们做的很不错。

"yes, to the chinese players, the character in game may look abit weird, so we asked G3 to redesign the mage, and i think they did a good job"
Well... RIP smurfs....

Overall, if this is real, this is kinda BS, they get all the better treatment ..... They even have wings.....

11-24-2014, 04:50 PM
Easy Eugene! We'll be implementing some of these systems in the US version as well. Smurfs will stay for the rest of the world. China will get some unique content (specifically geared towards them).

It will be two separate games, with separate servers. Theirs will be hosted inside of China, and would not make a good play experience for folks outside of China.

11-24-2014, 05:16 PM
Easy Eugene! We'll be implementing some of these systems in the US version as well. Smurfs will stay for the rest of the world. China will get some unique content (specifically geared towards them).

It will be two separate games, with separate servers. Theirs will be hosted inside of China, and would not make a good play experience for folks outside of China.

here is the true link :)

And I quote :), please read this very clearly..and calm down "PLEASE PUT DOWN THE PITCHFORKS"


San Francisco, California, and Shanghai, China (PRWEB) November 19, 2014

With game development studios in Shanghai, China, and western offices in San Francisco, CA, G3 provides a complete solution to enable western game developers to reach the China market. G3 will fully “culturalize” Arcane Legends in its Shanghai development studio by adjusting graphical content, UI, monetization mechanics, and a myriad of other key elements. G3 then publishes the game through all the leading app stores, mobile operators, and distribution channels in China. And finally, G3 will operate Arcane Legends on an ongoing basis in China, supplying the game with live services, content updates, and community management.

The important stuff

Keith McCurdy, CEO at Golden Gate Games (G3), “We are excited and eager to bring Arcane Legends to the China market. Clearly the mobile market is expanding at a very fast pace in China, and MMOs have traditionally been a very popular genre of gaming in China. The Spacetime Studio team has created by far the best MMO on mobile in the west and we are confident the China market will be very eager to play it as well.” Gary Gattis, CEO at Spacetime Studios, “We spoke to several partners about bringing our game, Arcane Legends, to China, and the team at Golden Gate Game clearly had the experience, knowledge, and product development skills to make the changes that were needed to both maintain our high level of quality and address the uniqueness of the China market. We really value that G3 are game developers just like we are, and they work using the same methodology and process as we do here at our studio in the U.S. There is a great level of trust between the two teams.”
About Golden Gate Games (G3) Based in San Francisco, CA and Shanghai, China, Golden Gate Games (G3) is a leading mobile game development and publishing company focused on bringing western games to China. G3 has a proven management team co-founded by a previous executive from Electronic Arts and a serial game entrepreneur in China, who combined have over 40 years of game industry leadership and 13 years of game studio management in China. G3 works with western mobile game developers to culturalize their games in the G3 Shanghai studio and then publish those games via a wide range of app stores, operators, and distribution channels in China. http://www.GoldenGateGames.com

About Spacetime Studios
Spacetime Studios is an independent game development studio located in Austin, Texas. Online game veterans Cinco Barnes, Gary Gattis, Jake Rodgers and Anthony L. Sommers founded Spacetime Studios in 2005. In 2010, Spacetime released Pocket Legends, the world’s first cross-platform, 3D, persistent mobile MMO. In 2011, Spacetime became the first 3D MMO publisher in history to allow people to play the same game together on desktop computers, smart phones and tablets. Spacetime has been recognized by Develop as one of the world’s 100 most successful game studios. The company continues to expand its content and technology lead in the mobile multiplayer market. http://www.Spacetimestudios.com

I want different costumes for thy smerfs :) aka little lady mages, also G-man..people will become envious of the stuff for "chinas" content..I'm studying japanese..and its very similar. I think there will be more youtube videos and other ways it will flood here to these forums.
as for china players..im "Ghost" no you cant have him..hes mine XD...but anyway, some nice news also.

11-24-2014, 10:33 PM
Easy Eugene! We'll be implementing some of these systems in the US version as well. Smurfs will stay for the rest of the world. China will get some unique content (specifically geared towards them).

It will be two separate games, with separate servers. Theirs will be hosted inside of China, and would not make a good play experience for folks outside of China.

thats what i call "Made in China!"

Daniel Banuelos
11-25-2014, 06:16 AM
Good Thing Google Translate existed.

11-25-2014, 06:30 AM
Wait Wait...

Fix the US servers for Gods sake.

11-25-2014, 08:45 AM
Smurfs will stay for the rest of the world.

Awe G.

Please please please can we get those sweet mages here?

You know that the mage has become a mockery in AL and there are some changes in store for us next year, would be a fresh start for the class if you also adopted an updated look for them! The design is already done, can you consider it for next year?

11-25-2014, 08:48 AM
Awe G.

Please please please can we get those sweet mages here?

You know that the mage has become a mockery in AL and there are some changes in store for us next year, would be a fresh start for the class if you also adopted an updated look for them! The design is already done, can you consider it for next year?

are sorcs gonne get replaced by another class? or something that im missing? correct me...

11-25-2014, 08:58 AM
Fix the US servers for Gods sake.

Absolutely our top priority. These are unrelated efforts.

Please please please can we get those sweet mages here?

For better or worse, we are sticking with our little blue guys.

11-25-2014, 09:33 AM
China is a fabulous market. The amount of money spent on games there uproot mansions.
Sts will make more bling.
Hire more workers and give us more contents. As faithful customers since the dawn of ages we are entitled to special treatments of course.

Expansion +1.

Though if i came from China and i saw AL china on the appstore i wont play AL china cause there are more people in ALus(whole world server) and most of the chinese players might already have played ALus. Will those already acquired customers leave ALus for Achina. Chinese are awesome majority of em are more intelligent and prepaired than a avg occidental teenager ergo they probably mastered english and can fairly understand ALus....

Just letting my thoughts flow if it worth it or not...last thing i want is my favorite game making wrong market investments and blowing up. I hope this china folks consume the products like bears on a jar of honey. GL sts. :)/

11-25-2014, 09:36 AM
Then how about some chinese vanities at the launch of the game? We can even use it during chinese new year :D

11-25-2014, 09:49 AM
are sorcs gonne get replaced by another class? or something that im missing? correct me...

Nah they just look cool in AL China, not like tubs of play doh like we have.

G laid it down though, blue is here to stay.

11-25-2014, 09:59 AM
I hope we get that smurf look implemented js! Lol

11-25-2014, 10:01 AM
Is this server china only or asia?

11-25-2014, 10:03 AM
Is this server china only or asia?

there are 2 different ones... the one is post #1 is about the chinese type of AL whereas what we play is the US type of AL.........

11-25-2014, 10:06 AM
there are 2 different ones... the one is post #1 is about the chinese type of AL whereas what we play is the US type of AL.........

Yes I understand that lol, im asking if this new server/game will only be available to China or will this include the whole of asia? If so gg us server lmao

11-25-2014, 10:11 AM
Absolutely our top priority. These are unrelated efforts.
For better or worse, we are sticking with our little blue guys.

cough* vanity cough...just sayin :) 250 plat...boom instant success
this kinda like a dl,sl,al shield vanity...but with more feminine feel :)

11-25-2014, 10:20 AM
I could not find it in the play store.

I wanna make that mage so bad and blast SS of it here. LOL...

Now to figure out how to write CANDYLICKS in Mandarin!

11-25-2014, 10:22 AM
Absolutely our top priority. These are unrelated efforts.

For better or worse, we are sticking with our little blue guys.

Hello G.

With new server in China, is it will make our (AL-US) ping better in east asia? like filipina, vietnam, malaysia, indonesia, or australia.
Never see green ping on my screen. I using 1.3 Mbps DSL Inet connection and only get 320-350 ping if my connection is normal/good condition. In my opinion this is a disadvantage in PvP coz some delay skills againts "green ping".

11-25-2014, 10:48 AM
I could not find it in the play store.

It's still in the making, but china doesn't have a play store. Google is banned from china ;)

11-25-2014, 10:59 AM
Hope they release what kind of stuff they will be bringing over to the "English" AL.

11-25-2014, 12:12 PM
another 'made in china' XD

11-25-2014, 12:26 PM
That mage is like onc character.

11-25-2014, 12:45 PM
It's still in the making, but china doesn't have a play store. Google is banned from china ;)

Ah! They did their maths.

11-25-2014, 12:54 PM
THANK jesus! GOOGLE translate!
Hahahah! XD

11-25-2014, 01:15 PM
As a Chinese, I can understand why developers decide to replace the blue smurf with the little fox spirit. Chinese people will prefer the character "Huxian" from Chinese mythology to the blue smurf from western mythology. I am sure most current Chinese AL players will move to china server once it is released for better communication and most importantly, more stable connection.

11-25-2014, 01:23 PM
I'm not Chinese but I would prefer playing a 'Huxian' as well. ..

11-25-2014, 01:55 PM
As a Chinese, I can understand why developers decide to replace the blue smurf with the little fox spirit. Chinese people will prefer the character "Huxian" from Chinese mythology to the blue smurf from western mythology. I am sure most current Chinese AL players will move to china server once it is released for better communication and most importantly, more stable connection.

if the little fox spirit...has feet and not stubs..then I want to use that one. All armors for warrior and rouge have leg armors..and smerfs are seen to wear shorts/skirts all year long. Im sure thats the style devs want..but as seen here in this thread...many want to see that character in the full release of al.

I'm not Chinese but I would prefer playing a 'Huxian' as well. ..
even I would and i'm a dude XD...and PL mages are women also..so meh...sign me up too.

correct spelling is this...

Huli jing (Chinese: 狐狸精; Pinyin: húli jīng; huli means fox, and jing means spirit) in Chinese mythology are fox spirits that are akin to European faeries. Huli jing can be either good spirits or bad spirits.
In Chinese mythology, it is believed that all things are capable of acquiring human forms, magical powers, and immortality, provided that they receive sufficient energy, in such forms as human breath or essence from the moon and the sun.

The fox spirits encountered in tales and legends are usually females and appear as young, beautiful women. One of the most infamous fox spirits in Chinese mythology was Daji (妲己), who is portrayed in the Ming novel Fengshen Yanyi. A beautiful daughter of a general, she was married forcibly to the cruel tyrant Zhou Xin (紂辛 Zhòu Xīn). A nine-tailed fox spirit who served Nüwa, whom Zhou Xin had offended, entered into and possessed her body, expelling the true Daji's soul. The spirit, as Daji, and her new husband schemed cruelly and invented many devices of torture, such as forcing righteous officials to hug red-hot metal pillars.[1] Because of such cruelties, many people, including Zhou Xin's own former generals, revolted and fought against Zhou Xin's dynasty, Shang. Finally, King Wen of Zhou, one of the vassals of Shang, founded a new dynasty named after his country. The fox spirit in Daji's body was later driven out by Jiang Ziya (姜子牙), the first Prime Minister of the Zhou Dynasty and her spirit condemned by Nüwa herself for excessive cruelty.

Typically fox spirits were seen as dangerous, but some of the stories in Pu Songling's Liaozhai Zhiyi are love stories between a fox appearing as a beautiful girl and a young human male.

11-25-2014, 03:31 PM
Folks, appreciate your input, but it is not an option. We're keeping the Smurf.

11-25-2014, 09:38 PM
Folks, appreciate your input, but it is not an option. We're keeping the Smurf.

Could we maybe see a cute vanity =3 I'd love to look like a "huli jing "

11-26-2014, 05:29 AM
Folks, appreciate your input, but it is not an option. We're keeping the Smurf.

hey justg

what about people spended real money and now u implement a VIP system
how are we supposed to feel about this?am really dissatisfied about this.
we could have this too no only China people.

11-26-2014, 06:55 PM
where to download this china version? :chuncky:

03-15-2021, 03:13 AM

Enviado de meu SM-J810M usando o Tapatalk

03-15-2021, 03:44 AM
i think its only for IOS :/https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210315/9b2bd869303206daaf73f28f2f5a80f3.jpg

Enviado de meu SM-J810M usando o Tapatalk

03-15-2021, 04:12 AM
arcane legends china servers not workin anymore :(

Enviado de meu SM-J810M usando o Tapatalk

03-15-2021, 04:33 AM
Stop reply on 7 yrs old threads !!!

03-15-2021, 05:25 AM
Close thread pls

03-15-2021, 07:11 AM
What a doink!