View Full Version : Top 5 pets for Lv3 warrior twink

11-26-2014, 05:51 PM
What would be the best pets for lv 3 war twink.

Pets in real low lv count many times more that pets in mid or end lv pvp.
For a lv 3 twink, 25-35 str, 10%crit, 10%dodge or 100 armor is really a big deal. Each of this stats can dramatically overpower a twink

First, I kindly ask you to state your opinion regarding valuable stats that pet can give. And also maybe you can help me to find the answer to this equation:

For lv3 war: 100 armor =(equivalent)=x str=y dodge=z hp/s regen ?

Maybe the most important stat is armor, so first 2 pets that start the list are Little bear and Abaddon. Also, they both give nice other stats.
I add to my list 4 more pets that help twink to surviveby hp regen: ripmaw, crawly, ribbit and flap jack

Then the dmg pets: dova and blinky

So here you are resulted list:

Little bear
flap jack

Of course, one or another could be more suitable depending on the vs opponent, or the context(avoiding gang, farming, flagging, etc)
What is your opinion for each of them? Please consider their abilities too. I ignored completely because I don't know them.

Other questions.
3.Does damage reduced important and how much important?
4.Event crit stat is totally ignored for warriors, I find it quite useful in low low lv. What do you think?
5.What about new pet courage? It has nice hp stat good dodge boost

As you can see I only considered affordable pets. For un unlimited budget sns would win by far, followed by samael and maybe singe. IMHO

If i had gold i would try them all, but right now I have only one, little bear.

11-26-2014, 06:11 PM
Dont be a noob by farming noobs like how the number one or 2 person on warrior lb for ctf is lvl 3 with over 42k kills and 56 deaths. Play a real twink lvl

11-26-2014, 06:19 PM
1.If I had in mind to farm noobs I would have choosed another lv, not 3. On lv 3 there are few players so it would be a waste of time.

2.The player you are talking about is a well known dummy user. You can kill dummies with deary, you don't have to struggle to find best pet.

3.So, if you don't have a relevant response, please don't pollute my thread. Thanks

11-26-2014, 11:05 PM
U said it yourself few players at lvl 3 so why choose this bracket

11-26-2014, 11:20 PM
Could I suggest prance?
Large hp, str and Armor to suit your cup of tea :)

11-26-2014, 11:27 PM
just quit the zone when u see any person or any arcane person. Health/STR is the main stat for a Warrior...

CAK Vader
11-26-2014, 11:36 PM
Why was my post removed...

11-27-2014, 04:42 PM
An koko? armor dodge and a lot of stat points