View Full Version : Account changing

11-27-2014, 04:30 AM
Hey there,
my question is kinda complicated xD
Is it possible to chance my google login account into an sts email account?

Google login kicks me everyday maybe 1-4 times out of game, youre google login seems to be expired. Annoying.
Also google... is leeching more battery and data usage ( my experience)
And the big reason ! i wann play test servers with my own account ! Not a new stripped lvl 41 with 2 k plat.

A friend had started al new and had a guest account ( after software problem/restart) the guest account wasnt there anymore. After mail to sts they change his guest into an sts email acc....

So is there a possibility for me to get rid of that google login ? :)

11-28-2014, 02:32 AM
I tried mailing STS support about this. I wanted the same thing, for the same reasons hehe.
Unfortunately, they weren't able to change it for me. I forgot what their reasons were...