View Full Version : In-Game Economy

11-27-2014, 08:56 AM
Hello Everyone,

With reference to the latest update, 33% Sale on crates & 2x Chances for Arcane, Mythic Items followed by a mythic egg considered as a black Friday Sale.

Here is the thing; In-Game Economy is getting ruined and affected due to the explosion in the amount of items looted.

This is a Major Fluctuation and needs to be prevented. why approach the In-game economy from the wrong angle. Simply hold onto your gold because in the coming days the value of the items will be worthless.

The new currencies or resources entering the system needs to be limited.

Enjoyable games come with Enjoyable Economy and a fascinating market place.

All i can say is Balance your game Economy. The concept is closed systems.

11-27-2014, 09:33 AM
Its alarming how Gold doesn't circulate anymore. Hoarding is nonsense and people prefer to keep their gold under the pillow and wait n wait.

Before, platfarm made the best items maintain a respectable value cause demand for them was high cause people had gold to spend but it also made the average stuff very cheap.
Platfarm was removed (thats good) but nothing was done to compensate the loss of high demand for expensive items that came from pf, on the contrary everything was done to increase supply. Each event new mythics. Mythics here Arcane there and no one to sell to cause there is no gold and who has gold buy just the necessary stuff he needs. Concept of "hoarding", "merching" has lost value cause everyone is afraid to buy.
TBH things were better when we were saying it was bad. Since the last long economic depression thread made months ago the economy got worser despite the various ideas that came up, despite the fact sts adopted some.

IMHO this problem lies as Xcs said in the high supply of items each event but it also lies in the fact really poor to no attempts were made to give the average players that could work to buy mythic and arcane items efficient, fast n long term base ways to earn money. A huge amount of potential average player buyers are cut off cause they cant make gold.

No matter how hard sts tries to push this subject under carpet by deleting threads about it cause "they stir drama" the problem is there and will always come up cause its real.


CAK Vader
11-27-2014, 09:35 AM
Wow...I actually MISS plat farmers, LOL.

11-27-2014, 10:00 AM
Well im one of those who patiently waits to spend my gold, waiting for singe and sam to depreciate keep popping locks please. :)

11-27-2014, 04:54 PM
Lol this is what happens. Those outrageous prices plat farmers used to pay for items isn't affordable by 95% of the population. Eventually prices will stabilize but for now they will drop till they are more affordable.

Prices got crazy in the last year anyway. Last year when I bought the Xmas tree vanity for 1.6 mil for the set (which was very high at the time) I never would have guessed prices would rise to 10 mil for the set this year. Last year the most expensive vanities were 3 mil tops. 10-20 mil for a vanity is absurd IMO.

Plus this is right before new equip is gonna come out so no one is buying stuff till they see what the event gear will be like.

11-27-2014, 05:26 PM
Lol this is what happens. Those outrageous prices plat farmers used to pay for items isn't affordable by 95% of the population. Eventually prices will stabilize but for now they will drop till they are more affordable.

Prices got crazy in the last year anyway. Last year when I bought the Xmas tree vanity for 1.6 mil for the set (which was very high at the time) I never would have guessed prices would rise to 10 mil for the set this year. Last year the most expensive vanities were 3 mil tops. 10-20 mil for a vanity is absurd IMO.

Plus this is right before new equip is gonna come out so no one is buying stuff till they see what the event gear will be like.

But I believed I've been reading somewhere (Maybe in CB). They said there are no new weapons release. Hmmm, wondering what come for the new winter event

11-27-2014, 07:16 PM
The problem is not the high supply of items. The problem is that those who have the means to get them, already have them. The rest of the people (99.9% of the game population) do not have them and do not have any tangible way of making that gold.

Just think about it: to start farming elite u need OK gear, a couple of good pets, lots of pots an a good party and let's not forget the lepre = about 1,5 mil in gold, which u would never get, unless u buy gold with plat worth as much as a full PC game in real world money (lol?!?). And this is if u find a good guild, which will accept u.

The other way is to buy 100 locks (do not forget u would have to make the gold for those somehow), buy plat at the cost of a full PC game and hit the jackpot(loot multiple mythics or one arcane) and I think we all know what the chances of this happening are.

So who exactly is supposed to buy all this stuff?


11-27-2014, 08:15 PM
This is a reminder to keep the chat constructive. There is no need to add the insults to the discussion. Thanks!

11-27-2014, 11:35 PM
The problem is not the high supply of items. The problem is that those who have the means to get them, already have them. The rest of the people (99.9% of the game population) do not have them and do not have any tangible way of making that gold.

No, the problem is there are more of them than there are players. Take for example the necro armors and helms from the halloween event. Those are the best legendary armors and helms, yet I see them selling for 500 gold. Why?? In season 2 the best legendary armors and helms were selling for 800k+.

Mythics were NOT supposed to cause legendary items to lose value. Mythic were supposed to be very rare so that they are a luxury only some players have. Instead what has happened is legendary have become so common they are like what epic used to be, and now mythics are the new legendary. Really the only thing somewhat rare is arcane now.

Legendary items are the best items that you can loot from a boss (without the super rare luck involved chests/crates gambling game). And since legendary items have no value, there is nothing you can farm for that would make the time spent profitable. So therefore, the only ways to earn gold in this game is to merch or to gamble (locked crates or chests). Those who spend lots of real money and open tons of locked crates either strike it rich, or they rage quit. The ones who strike it rich are most of your wealthy and well-geared players. Some others have managed to merch their way to elite gear. But the majority are left with no avenue to earn gold.

The only solution is to cut the supply of legendary items so that they are indeed rare again. Then they will have some value and people will be happy to farm for them again.

You can't have a successful economy when anything that anybody really wants cannot be farmed for and the only stuff that can be farmed for is junk.

11-28-2014, 01:50 AM
I actually feel bad for those players who scraped and saved for a mythic and finally bought something, only to have the value of the mythic cut in half by the 2x weekend. A by-product of all of those locks being opened is all of the excess pinks that are available to the market. I think there are plenty of good pink gear that are very affordable. Market is ok, just not enough buyers.

11-28-2014, 03:05 AM
With all respect to the the different strategies introduced, the boom in resources will never stabilize the market but will cause major effect to its value.
Mythic, Arcane item inflation must be prevented to a certain limit.
Individuals that own x valuable resource will eventually realize that gold isn't circulating in a positive manner. Sooner or later prices will have to drop in order to become affordable by the population. Therefore; demand will increase.

I believe the market isn't stable. The increase in recourses (Item Inflation) is the main factor that effects the In-Game economy. But hey thats just my opinion.

Individuals will manipulate with the prices depending on the demand and availability, but when the resources are introduced to the market in a limited timely reasonable fashion unlike the current situation, the value will set itself depending on the supply & demand theory.

Time is the main factor that will heal the economy.

Planar recipe is another example it dropped from 30mil to 5mil or less. Market wise this is completely unstable. But in this case scenario the demand is high and its farmable and available so in time its value will be set.

If the population agrees that those arcane , mythic items drop in value and become worthless then please someone explain to me how is the In-game economy stable.. Gold circulation is necessary but due to the current situation I'll simply hold onto my gold and think twice before purchasing or even merching. I believe others will too.

11-28-2014, 03:13 AM
Today i am buying your stuff cause yesterday he bought my stuff so tomorrow you can buy his stuff.

Dex Scene
11-28-2014, 03:45 AM
60% of My stuffs get expired in auction beacuse of the fact that there are so less buyers (rich people have them and don't wanna buy them untill they can make some real cash by merching that and needy people dont have gold to by them).
An example, The glacial lepre (one grand gem) cost 270k-290k in auc where i sell em at 230k and Still get expired. Rich people don't bother to profit 50k.
Needy people don't have the gold.
Middle class people don't bother to spend a lil bucks more to get a special lepre when they can get clean lepre for 190k..
Thats a scenario of what's happening!

11-28-2014, 03:55 AM
i have no idea why the ppl are just after money...merching...saving up items so in the future prices rise just cuz they are rare...O.o