View Full Version : Do buffs/de buffs stack?

02-10-2011, 07:03 PM
The heading says it all really. I've been wondering for a while if buffs and de buffs stack. I've asked a lot of players and the general response is a firm IDK!

For example, if I'm on my Mage and I use break armour on a boss, then another Mage (or any class with break armour) does the same, will it break armour by the sum total of our combined break armour ability or is the second break armour wasted. I often wonder the same when using Mage buff on party members. I know I get a better buff by buffing myself than by being buffed, but for other party members would they get double the benefit if two mages buff together or again, is second wasted?

Until I know otherwise, I am presuming they don't stack but it would be so useful to know. I look forward to finding out. Thanks guys.

02-10-2011, 07:07 PM
Yes they do stack, but there's a limit as to how many debuffs stack up - not sure about exact numbers though.

02-10-2011, 07:08 PM
Some debuffs stack others don't. Break armor (bird skill) stacks with other break armor and also stacks with nightmare (Mage skill), but nightmare doesn't stack with nightmare (the skill, procs are another story...) Buffs don't stack ever afaik (most can't because of a cooldown longer than effect time and are self targeting). The only ones I can think of that could would be the blessings but they don't ;) Anyway most debuffs stacks at least to a point, but you really have to just test stuff out (in PvP where you can observe stat changes directly) to know.

02-10-2011, 07:15 PM
Have you tested this in pvp. If not let me know and will double debuff hunnyleecher. Speaking of which, wish I pled my tester to 45 before the xp changes.

02-10-2011, 07:17 PM
Have you tested this in pvp. If not let me know and will double debuff hunnyleecher. Speaking of which, wish I pled my tester to 45 before the xp changes.

Have not tested mage debuffs stacking with each other in months, so it would probably be a good idea ;)

02-10-2011, 07:25 PM
This is great guys. Thanks for all your help. I will check back to see your test results and post anything I find out myself. Happy buffing!!!