View Full Version : Have any of you gotten eye problems from iPhone/iPod/droid overuse?

02-10-2011, 08:36 PM
So, I can't think of a better place to ask this than people who spend hours playing games on their phones. So, for those of you who use your iPhones a lot, have you had any eye trouble from it? Like double vision?

My eyes are screwy, and I thought it was all the iPhone, but my eye doc thinks it might be something that was there already and the iPhone just exacerbated it. So I want to see if this is something others experience.


02-10-2011, 08:38 PM
I am nearsighted, and normally use iPad, so nope:o

02-10-2011, 08:39 PM
So, I can't think of a better place to ask this than people who spend hours playing games on their phones. So, for those of you who use your iPhones a lot, have you had any eye trouble from it? Like double vision?

My eyes are screwy, and I thought it was all the iPhone, but my eye doc thinks it might be something that was there already and the iPhone just exacerbated it. So I want to see if this is something others experience.


Well I don't have any eye problems apart from weak eyesight (since age 7) and retinal holes (since birth). They haven't progressed worse due to me playing games, although... Les? How old are you? If you tell me I can explain why and what caused it :) (If you don't want to tell me, give me a rough age number)

02-10-2011, 08:40 PM
Had the same case a few years ago, before I had to get glasses.

My sitting at the back of the class trying to copy down notes from a very glare-y whiteboard + my hours on computer gave me astigmatism apparently.

Also, I heard that after staring into a screen or such and you feel a bit eye strained, to not wash them with water since it makes it worse.

02-10-2011, 08:48 PM
Parth, I believe she is about 29 to 35? Sorry if I am off, just trying to go off my horrible memory:)

02-10-2011, 08:54 PM
Parth, I believe she is about 29 to 35? Sorry if I am off, just trying to go off my horrible memory:)

If she is that age... This is the point where the eyes start reversing. (I'm assuming she is near sighted, so she is going to be farsighted). While Pocket Legends playing a few hours will be ok, forum posting on Iphone too is not, because while your eyes are slowly reversing... And you are putting such strain on your eyes... It strains the eye muscles.

To cope with this: Your eyes have muscles just like any other part in your body, and you need to make them stronger.

Try every morning, rolling your eyes clockwise 50 times and counter clockwise 50 times. (25 each is fine if you are in a hurry)
Then look out a window and look far and then fixate your gaze on a close object. Alternate between those 25-50 times
Then try the other eye exercises (up and down, side to side, diagonal) 25-50 times
Afterwards close your eyes and rub your eyelids with the tips of your fingers 25-30 times clockwise and then again counterclockwise.

Repeat this before you go to sleep, or at night too.

Flush your eyes with clean water every few hours or so too, if you are putting strain on them through electronic displays

You should see an improvement, slight withdrawal of symptoms within 1 month to 6 months

How do I know? Same thing happened to me, as well as a few other friends whom I recommended this too, and it ended up working.

02-10-2011, 09:04 PM
I have perfect eyesight (militarist suggested I become a sharpshooter)

But I have a tendency to squint or close my left eye, and I'm not sure but I think I bring the screen real close. It might just be that I'm so concentrated on it. Also, looking into your smartphone is bad for your neck. It'll make you slouch so if you realize you're slouching, straighten your back and pull your head back so that your neck is straight, and raise your phone to vision-able level.

02-10-2011, 09:14 PM
If she is that age... This is the point where the eyes start reversing. (I'm assuming she is near sighted, so she is going to be farsighted). While Pocket Legends playing a few hours will be ok, forum posting on Iphone too is not, because while your eyes are slowly reversing... And you are putting such strain on your eyes... It strains the eye muscles.

To cope with this: Your eyes have muscles just like any other part in your body, and you need to make them stronger.

Try every morning, rolling your eyes clockwise 50 times and counter clockwise 50 times. (25 each is fine if you are in a hurry)
Then look out a window and look far and then fixate your gaze on a close object. Alternate between those 25-50 times
Then try the other eye exercises (up and down, side to side, diagonal) 25-50 times
Afterwards close your eyes and rub your eyelids with the tips of your fingers 25-30 times clockwise and then again counterclockwise.

Repeat this before you go to sleep, or at night too.

Flush your eyes with clean water every few hours or so too, if you are putting strain on them through electronic displays

You should see an improvement, slight withdrawal of symptoms within 1 month to 6 months

How do I know? Same thing happened to me, as well as a few other friends whom I recommended this too, and it ended up working.

Hmm range, I am nearsighted, and still am -- doesn't seem to be changing to farsightedness. I'm actually more nearsighted than ever from staring at this tiny screen all the time. And yes, I do use it for the forums. I rarely turn on my pc anymore. I explained all this to the doc, and I was so so sure that the iPhone caused it. I thought she could give me some exercises to fix it. But she doesn't think the iPhone alone could cause this. So she's talking to a specialist to see if he could see me and determine what to do. I really hope it is just a matter of training my eyes back to the way they were instead of trained for looking at an iPhone. But I can't find anything online about iPhones causing this, and I can't imagine I'm the only one using it as a pc.

She really scared me -- suggested surgery might be necessary. But will talk to the specialist first. I'm just really surprised and trying to see if anyone else has had this problem and if so what happened.

I'll try your suggestions -- they can't hurt!

02-10-2011, 09:21 PM
Even if it does require surgery on the eyes, don't worry. Surgery on the eyes is highly blown up with the possible side effects. It is one of the safer surgeries actually, due to the laser precision and computers and machines they use. Not much room for human error.

02-10-2011, 09:26 PM
Oh, to top it all off, I found out today I need to have my wisdom tooth pulled. Yeah, I thought I got lucky bc I made it so far without any and thought I was safe. Nope, it's all grown in and getting pulled next week.

Fun day.

02-10-2011, 10:27 PM
I have 20/20 vision but with prolonged playing my eyes being to hurt, sorta like how eye cancer would feel like. And that sucks Les. Ask your doc for some percs.

02-10-2011, 11:01 PM
Ive had a little astigmatism since birth apparently :-/ but no, playing at night, in the dark, for hours, staring at my itouch screen and barely blinking, laying down, has NOT hurt my eyes :D When i wake up in the morning to play, my eyes get blurry when i go down to make breakfast, but no permanent damage yet; eye doctor on saturday actually. Only problems I get is that long use of itouch repeatedly upside down gets my arms sore lmao, now there all buff ;D haha jk about buff, but yeah, very sore and a good workout

02-10-2011, 11:15 PM
Hmmm... Need more responses.

Maybe my iPhone isn't completely to blame?

Can I sue them if it is? ;)

02-10-2011, 11:21 PM
Hmmm... Need more responses.

Maybe my iPhone isn't completely to blame?

Can I sue them if it is? ;)



02-10-2011, 11:50 PM


Lol I definitely blinked twice at this line:
"According to the researchers, eye fatigue is due to lack of enough blinking and sex."

They meant gender but still... Did a double take.

That first article was more helpful. Hmm. Not quite 40 yet lol -- but the diff screen sizes, distances, etc might explain it.

02-10-2011, 11:54 PM
Lol I definitely blinked twice at this line:
"According to the researchers, eye fatigue is due to lack of enough blinking and sex."

They meant gender but still... Did a double take.

That first article was more helpful. Hmm. Not quite 40 yet lol -- but the diff screen sizes, distances, etc might explain it.

What we learned in my pharm classes also mentioned in the second article is the reduced blinks per minute rate, which physiologically makes sense (no, that was not an intended pun).

02-11-2011, 12:04 AM
Well, if my problem was just dry eyes, sure ... But this is more than just dry, fatigued eyes. Seems more likely related to the screen size and distance from my face.
Maybe all the reading I'm doing on it, too. (Good thing I haven't actually tried reading a book on here!)

02-11-2011, 12:10 AM
Perhaps it's time to go back to being a lower east side rider :)

02-11-2011, 12:17 AM
Iphone screen is too small to really do anything. The real damage comes from the computer screen. I have 20/10 vision and I don't want to loose that, so I take breaks a lot and keep my eyes relaxed cuz I wanna keep good vision.

02-11-2011, 12:21 AM
Perhaps it's time to go back to being a lower east side rider :)

You have no idea... I've been able to live with this right now because the weather sucks. But I HAVE to fix this before the spring bc I can't ride like this!!!

02-11-2011, 01:32 AM
The first time I played PL all night, when I stood up in the morning my vision was warped. Literally. Everything looked like it was buiging toward me, no lines were straight. Color convergence was also really messed up. It still happens, but it's not as bad now.

02-11-2011, 01:50 AM
Wow... That's weird... First time I pulled an PL nighter I could not move my left arm. No idea why. So I couldn't write :D

02-11-2011, 02:02 AM
Ive noticed, if i play a bunch of PL, then walk outside, i cant see for 20 seconds, its all blurry and black.

02-11-2011, 02:56 AM
For 10-30 minutes after playing, I get double images...

I ahve started holding my droid away from me as far as possible, it helps A LOT.

EDIT: I have been having allergies, so I flush my eyes 4-5 times a day.. that might've helped also.

02-11-2011, 06:44 AM
Oh jeez... Everyone's having problems from it...

02-11-2011, 07:40 AM
I have perfect eye sight lol. Thanks to those carrots man!
If anything I just get headaches. I have a sensitive head lol, I can't even read in a moving vehicle without feeling like I'm gonna puke my insides out. I can't text or anything

02-11-2011, 07:43 AM
For 10-30 minutes after playing, I get double images...

I ahve started holding my droid away from me as far as possible, it helps A LOT.

EDIT: I have been having allergies, so I flush my eyes 4-5 times a day.. that might've helped also.

Your double vision goes away after a few minutes? Be careful, bc it sounds like you're developing what I got.

I do try yo hold it away from me -- but it always ends up close up again.

Hmm... A few people suggesting the rinsing -- I'll have to try that.

02-11-2011, 07:52 AM
I have to keep my eyes in tip top shape for my competitive shooting, so I can't play too much. I think it tends to damage my eyesight, because after I play for ~2 hours, my eyes see everything funky and pixely. It does help with hand-eye coordination though, so its kind of a trade off

02-11-2011, 04:00 PM
Yep. I play during the work week 2-3hours a day (unless BF gets antsy & I begin to feel guilty) and on weekends at least 5+hours on a Droid. Since I bought this game my vision has been distorted, my eyes go cross randomly, and they are definitley more dry. More than likely due to increased eye strain - I already stare at a monitor all day at work so staring at a screen a fraction of the width can't be good after hours! This casual game has become an obsession - I will try the remedies on here, especially the exercises as my opthamalogist has recommended the same thing. Thanks for bringing this up, I just thought it was me!

Devs - love the game but not the addiction! :P

02-11-2011, 04:38 PM
The only thing playing this game too long has caused me is a sore wrist, due to the position I hold my iPod sometimes.

It's a widespread myth that sitting in front of a computer screen too long causes poor vision, or astigmatism..those things are usually genetic. It can certainly cause eye strain and discomfort, but it should not permanently damage your vision at all. In other words it won't make someone whose 20/20 become near or far sighted or develop astigmatism. They would have developed that anyway.

It's possible that your eye problems have a different underlying cause, and not due to your phone screen. The double vision thing, your doctor is probably right that it was already there and the eye strain could be exasperating that.

02-11-2011, 04:44 PM
My eyes get real blurry and I start tapping crap.... lol, you don't want to play with me when my eyes go bad.

02-11-2011, 04:47 PM
I jusr played 4 hours straight, my vision is now blurry.

02-11-2011, 04:57 PM
The only thing playing this game too long has caused me is a sore wrist, due to the position I hold my iPod sometimes.

It's a widespread myth that sitting in front of a computer screen too long causes poor vision, or astigmatism..those things are usually genetic. It can certainly cause eye strain and discomfort, but it should not permanently damage your vision at all. In other words it won't make someone whose 20/20 become near or far sighted or develop astigmatism. They would have developed that anyway.

It's possible that your eye problems have a different underlying cause, and not due to your phone screen. The double vision thing, your doctor is probably right that it was already there and the eye strain could be exasperating that.

Agreed, didn't mean to imply that Pocket Legends created the my longstanding astigmatism or poor vision but they definitely exacerbate them!

02-11-2011, 05:31 PM
OMG, I was just going to post today to ask if people were having vision problems or migraines from playing.

I'm farsighted, (not horribly but I'm a +1 on the left eye and a +1.75 on the right eye). I was not wearing glasses when I first started playing and was getting headaches, which was to be expected.

I'm using my glasses now but for the first time in 10 years I've started to get full blown migraines again. I used to be plagued with them and they went away out of the blue. Now I've been getting them really bad. I get migraines with aura and it totally wipes out my vision for a few hours. Over the past few months since I've been playing I've had at least 6 episodes of migraine with aura. Not fun at all.

So, while it's not my eyes, per se, having the migraine with aura is associated with the optical nerve, meaning that that area of my brain is being affected when I'm having the migraine. I think I'm going to have to stop playing for awhile and see if it helps because I can't handle being knocked on my butt for a few days every time my brain decides it wants to have another migraine. grrr

02-11-2011, 05:56 PM
Somewhat related, my left hand (by the charger usb plugged in) always falls asleep

02-11-2011, 06:28 PM
The only thing playing this game too long has caused me is a sore wrist, due to the position I hold my iPod sometimes.

It's a widespread myth that sitting in front of a computer screen too long causes poor vision, or astigmatism..those things are usually genetic. It can certainly cause eye strain and discomfort, but it should not permanently damage your vision at all. In other words it won't make someone whose 20/20 become near or far sighted or develop astigmatism. They would have developed that anyway.

It's possible that your eye problems have a different underlying cause, and not due to your phone screen. The double vision thing, your doctor is probably right that it was already there and the eye strain could be exasperating that.

Hmm interesting... I may have to research this.
Hard to believe that I could have some problem my whole life without it showing and no docs noticing it, then an iPhone bringing it out.
Got a fun-filled week of doc appointments and tooth-pulling coming up. I'm psyched.

02-11-2011, 07:01 PM
man, I get a couple different issues from my droid 1. First is a headache from eye-strain, and second is a backache that's from being bent over the phone playing. takes some recovery time after a long run...

02-11-2011, 07:35 PM
Well, if my problem was just dry eyes, sure ... But this is more than just dry, fatigued eyes. Seems more likely related to the screen size and distance from my face.
Maybe all the reading I'm doing on it, too. (Good thing I haven't actually tried reading a book on here!)

One more thing? What model is your iphone? If you have the Iphone 4 your eye problems should be a lot less exaggerated because you don't have the decipher the pixels as much, since you can't really see the pixels, but on the other versions you can... So.. :(

02-11-2011, 07:38 PM
One more thing? What model is your iphone? If you have the Iphone 4 your eye problems should be a lot less exaggerated because you don't have the decipher the pixels as much, since you can't really see the pixels, but on the other versions you can... So.. :(

Oh Parth :rolleyes:

02-11-2011, 07:39 PM
Oh Parth :rolleyes:

Hmm? What did I do?

02-11-2011, 07:40 PM
OMG, I was just going to post today to ask if people were having vision problems or migraines from playing.

I'm farsighted, (not horribly but I'm a +1 on the left eye and a +1.75 on the right eye). I was not wearing glasses when I first started playing and was getting headaches, which was to be expected.

I'm using my glasses now but for the first time in 10 years I've started to get full blown migraines again. I used to be plagued with them and they went away out of the blue. Now I've been getting them really bad. I get migraines with aura and it totally wipes out my vision for a few hours. Over the past few months since I've been playing I've had at least 6 episodes of migraine with aura. Not fun at all.

So, while it's not my eyes, per se, having the migraine with aura is associated with the optical nerve, meaning that that area of my brain is being affected when I'm having the migraine. I think I'm going to have to stop playing for awhile and see if it helps because I can't handle being knocked on my butt for a few days every time my brain decides it wants to have another migraine. grrr

Ever try Imitrex? It's a medication specifically designed to treat migraines with aura. It doesn't prevent them but they have a high efficacy rate in aborting them :)

02-11-2011, 07:42 PM
iPhone 4 here. That's part of the reason I use it so much -- it's so easy to use and a pleasure. I can't stand my pc now lol. My typing on a full keyboard has actually gotten really bad -- I'm super-fast on my iPhone, tho.
I mean, if not for the eye thing, I think it's better for me than a pc -- doesn't have me bending forward or sitting at a desk for hours on end. But this eye thing is really bad :(

Also, I asked the doc if I got the surgery, would my continued use of the iPhone cause the same problem again, but she didn't think so.
Will have to see what the specialist says, though. This is all so bizarre for me. I never imagined getting an iPhone would do this to me. And yet I'm too attached/addicted to give it up, of course.

02-11-2011, 07:45 PM
iPhone 4 here. That's part of the reason I use it so much -- it's so easy to use and a pleasure. I can't stand my pc now lol. My typing on a full keyboard has actually gotten really bad -- I'm super-fast on my iPhone, tho.
I mean, if not for the eye thing, I think it's better for me than a pc -- doesn't have me bending forward or sitting at a desk for hours on end. But this eye thing is really bad :(

Also, I asked the doc if I got the surgery, would my continued use of the iPhone cause the same problem again, but she didn't think so.
Will have to see what the specialist says, though. This is all so bizarre for me. I never imagined getting an iPhone would do this to me. And yet I'm too attached/addicted to give it up, of course.

It's not the phone... I think it is a condition that was passed on but remained hidden until now. The reason why people have the myth going about electronic displays damaging your eyes is because screens used to have a really low refresh rate which did in fact damage your eyes... But... The new screen technology refreshes at a faster rate then our own eyes so you don't have to worry about a screen damaging your eyes.

02-11-2011, 07:47 PM
It's not the phone... I think it is a condition that was passed on but remained hidden until now.

Yes, that may be, but if not for the iPhone, I might never have had the problem erupt.

02-11-2011, 07:55 PM
It's not the phone... I think it is a condition that was passed on but remained hidden until now. The reason why people have the myth going about electronic displays damaging your eyes is because screens used to have a really low refresh rate which did in fact damage your eyes... But... The new screen technology refreshes at a faster rate then our own eyes so you don't have to worry about a screen damaging your eyes.

But in my situation, I don't think it's so much what's on the screen, as that I'm staring at a small thing right in front of me for hours a day. So my eyes are getting used to looking at only things right in front of my eyes. In fact, my iPhone right now is pretty much the only thing I could look at right now without seeing double -- which continues the cycle, bc it's uncomfortable for me to look at other screens, etc, that are farther from my face. So I keep doing it. Oh and my glasses make everything worse, so if I'm looking at something close up like my phone, book, or writing something, I take my glasses off. But can't do that for anything else, bc it'd be too blurry. I thought that was bc my glasses were designed for the way my eyes used to be positioned, and now they're not fitted properly for this condition.

That was my theory, anyway. Was surprised the doc didn't agree.

02-11-2011, 11:03 PM
Your double vision goes away after a few minutes? Be careful, bc it sounds like you're developing what I got.

I do try yo hold it away from me -- but it always ends up close up again.

Hmm... A few people suggesting the rinsing -- I'll have to try that.

Yeah... I used to always have it migrate closer.. until moving it away was the only thing I thought about... I now play at arms length... a bit harder, but worth it.

02-14-2011, 01:53 PM
So the specialist said the iPhone could not have caused my problem. I asked like 10 times. It's all a coincidence apparently. And I was so sure that's what it was....
Still not sure what's causing it yet, tho -- need more tests.

02-14-2011, 02:35 PM
Ever try Imitrex? It's a medication specifically designed to treat migraines with aura. It doesn't prevent them but they have a high efficacy rate in aborting them :)

I haven't dealt with them in so long that years ago when I got them Imitrex was not widely prescribed and then I stopped getting them so I never needed it. Now I'm reluctant to try different meds mostly because I'm a big old hippy who steers clear from meds if at all possible.

I've tried not playing as much but it's so addictive that I keep going back! lol. I have been taking more breaks, though, and I'm not having as many back to back so maybe less play is helping? I'll look into the meds further, though, if they keep up.

Les, I hope you get some answers soon. This must be scary.

02-14-2011, 02:42 PM
Thanks Pandamoni. It is -- but my mom's the one freaking out and getting me all paranoid.

02-14-2011, 02:49 PM
Thanks Pandamoni. It is -- but my mom's the one freaking out and getting me all paranoid.

Lesrider, it's nothing to be worried all too much about. Phone screens can't really damage your eyes and eye surgery is so precise now, that there is almost nil chance of error. You will be fine, I can almost guarantee it :) No worries. Akuna Mattata (Whatever that Lion King catch phrase is)

02-14-2011, 04:24 PM
Lesrider, it's nothing to be worried all too much about. Phone screens can't really damage your eyes and eye surgery is so precise now, that there is almost nil chance of error. You will be fine, I can almost guarantee it :) No worries. Akuna Mattata (Whatever that Lion King catch phrase is)

Actually, don't know the cause yet, so surgery is not the plan right now. Gotta do some tests to figure out what it is.

09-16-2012, 05:43 PM
I'm 15 and ever since I started using my iPod a lot my vision has been getting blurry and harder for me to focus. I'm originally nearsited but now I can't see clearly at all. I'm unsure why this is happening.

09-16-2012, 05:58 PM
(my eyes have problems from my laptop) My eyes have so much LED damage.. stupid of me to WASTE 5 years of my life on RuneScape.. (that game absolutely sucks, wasted my life, destroyed my eyes and theres nothing i can do about it..)

09-16-2012, 09:50 PM
I'm guessing you didn't look at the date the last post was made Worship? Lol someone Necro'd above you.

02-14-2011,*10:24 PM

Man reading through this brought so many memories of people that have left or been banned ):

09-16-2012, 10:29 PM
I can't even read in a moving vehicle without feeling like I'm gonna puke my insides out. I can't text or anything

Oh jeez I know how you feel..

Elaine Wilson
07-02-2016, 08:06 AM
Oh, to top it all off, I found out today I need to have my wisdom tooth pulled. Yeah, I thought I got lucky bc I made it so far without any and thought I was safe. Nope, it's all grown in and getting pulled next week.

Fun day.

Do you also have problems or pain opening your mouth wide? If so getting your wisdom teeth out might help the TMJ which in turn helps the double vision issue.
I have pain in my jaw when opening wide, could be TMD. I also have double vision when after using or reading on the iPhone. It goes away after about 30 mins.

Muhammad Faizaan Khan
07-11-2016, 03:48 AM
my eyes pain bad when i watch ipod to much idk why yyyyyyyyyyy

07-11-2016, 03:55 PM
my eyes pain bad when i watch ipod to much idk why yyyyyyyyyyy

Because you are staring directly at a light source rather than on an object deflecting light. When light gets deflected, its energy is split in many directions and the light that hits your eyes is only as powerful as a fraction of the total energy from the light source.

Your device produces light as well, its an illuminator. Looking at it is like looking at a lightbulb, its complete energy is focused in all directions including your eyes. Prolonged exposure can literally burn out the delicate visual receptors in the back of your eyes causing permanent vision damage. Although phones are made with a limited amount of lumens so the light energy coming from your phone isnt powerful enough to cause much damage with moderated use. But excessive exposure could still cause eye strain and vision damage.

01-23-2018, 08:32 PM
I am nearsighted, and normally use iPad, so nope:o

Same, ipad 2 though