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View Full Version : Economic solution: BoE items (Bind On Equip)

11-28-2014, 12:25 PM
Let's face it right now, unless you're able to run the new tombs there's nothing worth running for right now because the CS is overcrowded with items

My suggestion/idea is to implement a bind on equip to ALL gear (yes mythic and arcane too) (Would not apply to vanitys)

First off: what is bind on equip? Bind on equip means that if you are to get a drop or loot something from a chest that item is tradeable UNTIL a character equips it making it bound and hence not tradeable.

Why implement this you ask? As I stated earlier, the market is without a doubt filled up with items (especially Legendaries) that just keep circulating and circulating and more items just keep getting added onto the pile each day - adding BoE would make less items appear in circulation

Second off: if this were to be implemented The design team would have to substantially higher the liquidation value of items - also, to prevent anyone buying cheap items before this would be implemented and then selling for a high liquidation value the CS would have to be wiped or all items taken off the CS and auction fees returned to the sellers

That is my idea - yes? No? Anything to add/subtract? Feel free to comment

11-28-2014, 12:32 PM
I completely agree! They should've done this a long time ago. Look how stable arcane pet prices are even during double chance weekends! By this I mean, even when flooded they still hold value and eventually recover.

11-28-2014, 12:32 PM
Would you still be able to gem an item and sell it? Because, gems have a large influence on prices, and it'd be bad if you had to gem your gear yourself anytime you wanted gemmed gear.

11-28-2014, 12:35 PM
Would you still be able to gem an item and sell it? Because, gems have a large influence on prices, and it'd be bad if you had to gem your gear yourself anytime you wanted gemmed gear.

Yes ofc, the bind only applies to once a character has equipped the item, you could loot/buy of CS, gem it and sell it

CAK Vader
11-28-2014, 12:45 PM
Brilliant, however it would result in a terrifyingly high increase in forerunner type items...

11-28-2014, 12:56 PM
Big NO, im sure im not the only one to regard all my items as ASSETS! These are investments not a buy-now liquidate for 5 gold later.

A bind-equip scenario could have been good if implemented at the start of the game but were already what 2-3 years so too late for this now.

11-28-2014, 12:59 PM
Big NO, im sure im not the only one to regard all my items as ASSETS! These are investments not a buy-now liquidate for 5 gold later.

Notice how he stated "Liquadation prices have to be raised big time"

11-28-2014, 01:03 PM
Lol this would mean twinking items would just dissapear in no time...

11-28-2014, 01:07 PM
Amazing idea!

11-28-2014, 01:08 PM
Brilliant, however it would result in a terrifyingly high increase in forerunner type items...

I thought about that too - I don't have the exact quote but I remember a dev stating they may be turned into vanitys someday (the orginal forerunner stuff)

As for items being rare IMO if they're discontinued they should be rare and high priced

11-28-2014, 01:09 PM
Lol this would mean twinking items would just dissapear in no time...

Not nessecarily - discontinued items are spose to be discontinued - not kept circulating - opening crates on low lvl's still will provide the gear for it

11-28-2014, 01:10 PM
Look at all the mythics circulating in the game right now lol. More items are circulating then actual gold is.

11-28-2014, 01:12 PM
I like the idea, all the legendary and epic items items coming from chests are just garbage and there are so many in cs that you cant even recoup the cost of the chests nvm plat, I mean really all the gear coming from locks of any kinda that isn't myth or arcane is so badly out dated and just trash, same with loot drops off bosses and mobs. Honestly didn't you all want a tree branch? How about selling all that pink garbage in cs for 150g? How many times would you need to put it in cs till it sold? What is the commission price on that x the number of times you would need to relist? Liquidating pinks...zzzz And what is with the cost of selling items in cs? Is there a break down reason of why that price? It's hard enough to make a profit in this game at this time without having your gold sucked up by the system market. Where does that go anyway? Do you use it for anything worthwhile? Sry.. rant over..

11-28-2014, 01:13 PM
Not nessecarily - discontinued items are spose to be discontinued - not kept circulating - opening crates on low lvl's still will provide the gear for it

Discontinued is not lootable anymore, it doesn't mean that the items stop existing, I don't know what crates you open but storm swords and such are impossible to be gotten for as far as I know.

11-28-2014, 01:14 PM
Lol this would mean twinking items would just dissapear in no time...

Twinks these days usually use newest event gear seeing as they usually get better with each event, it will have an effect on items that are already rare without this system (DWS/Depraved/Etc).

11-28-2014, 01:16 PM
Twinks these days usually use newest event gear seeing as they usually get better with each event, it will have an effect on items that are already rare without this system (DWS/Depraved/Etc).

Yeah but twinking weapons all are old and not to be gotten anymore without gold.

11-28-2014, 01:18 PM
Discontinued is not lootable anymore, it doesn't mean that the items stop existing, I don't know what crates you open but storm swords and such are impossible to be gotten for as far as I know.

Locks/event locks/event chest

Yes certain old twink weapons are better but that's because there's no new weapons that've came out, most twinks are using event gear rn because it's currently the best there is, wait until there's a event weapon - and I have a good feeling will see the ice weapons return at the winter event

11-28-2014, 01:19 PM
Yeah but twinking weapons all are old and not to be gotten anymore without gold.

You DONT have to have the "BEST" weapon, besides, new weapons that get the job done just fine will come and people will be fine with them.

11-28-2014, 01:20 PM
You DONT have to have the "BEST" weapon, besides, new weapons that get the job done just fine will come and people will be fine with them.

For as far as I remember those ice weapons weren't even that good

11-28-2014, 01:21 PM

11-28-2014, 01:22 PM
You DONT have to have the "BEST" weapon, besides, new weapons that get the job done just fine will come and people will be fine with them.

How do you wanna twink then? Dev maul, dark watch sword, storm sword and captains axe would all be impossible to get for the not to rich people and isn't twinking mostly for the poor that wanna do pvp?

11-28-2014, 01:24 PM
For as far as I remember those ice weapons weren't even that good

Ice weapons have no context with my posts 0.0, and the gear that a majority of Twinks use these days come from crates anyways. (Exped. Bow/Gun, Dev Bows/Mauls, Deprav.), so anytime new things are added to locks it's probable that we will see new/better weapons than the ones used by the majority.

11-28-2014, 01:25 PM
How do you wanna twink then? Dev maul, dark watch sword, storm sword and captains axe would all be impossible to get for the not to rich people and isn't twinking mostly for the poor that wanna do pvp?

I'm not a warrior so I really don't know, lol, but all of these items were available at one point in time, as will new stuff that'll do the job. If you have any skill at pvp you don't need OP stats or millions in gear.

11-28-2014, 01:26 PM
For as far as I remember those ice weapons weren't even that good

At the time no they weren't but this is a year later with scaled states

11-28-2014, 01:27 PM
I'm not a warrior so I really don't know, lol, but all of these items were available at one point in time, as will new stuff that'll do the job. If you have any skill at pvp you don't need OP stats or millions in gear.


11-28-2014, 01:41 PM
Not to get off topic but...

In role-playing video games, particularly MMORPGs, twinking refers to outfitting a new character or player with items or other resources that are not normally available to new or low-level characters. A twink in this usage is a type of powergamer and munchkin. The term can also refer to the twinked character itself (e.g., "My twink has all the best gear."). In its most basic definition, a twink is a character with better gear than one could have easily acquired on one's own.

Twinking is typically done by transferring higher-end equipment from the player's (or their friend's) more-experienced characters (who often have excess gear that would be much more useful to the lower-level character). It can also be done by equipping the character with the best possible gear for their level range, and filling them with end-game enchantments.

Hence the use of the new gear that has been released, the only time the old gear is used is buy people that can't affor the new and newly gemmed items, or because for that certain lvl of thinking nothing better has been released yet...

Back to the topic of revamping cs and item worth, near everyone agrees that there is an overabundance of items in the game, making their worth next to nothing, which in turn makes it extremely difficult to make any in game gold without using plat, AL used to be a game that we could farm and make gold, not just for the in game and rl rich

11-28-2014, 01:48 PM
Unless liquidation prices were raised to be comparable to actual resale value including cost of gems I couldn't support this idea.
I think a better way to stimulate the economy would be to refresh the loot tables with better items more often and lower listing fees or do away with them altogether.

11-28-2014, 01:51 PM
Unless liquidation prices were raised to be comparable to actual resale value including cost of gems I couldn't support this idea.
I think a better way to stimulate the economy would be to refresh the loot tables with better items more often and lower listing fees or do away with them altogether.

Your right the liquidation prices from our inventory is pathetic to say the least, along with this system should be an update of liquidation prices and a change in the cost of listing in cs

11-28-2014, 01:54 PM
We're not talking Bind on Pickup here, but Bind on Equip, so like was said before you can still sell the items you aquire, you can gem them and trade or cs them

11-28-2014, 01:56 PM
Altough I disagree on twink items I agree on mythic and arcane items (maybe an exception to the one ring to rule them all :p)

11-28-2014, 01:57 PM
Unless liquidation prices were raised to be comparable to actual resale value including cost of gems I couldn't support this idea.
I think a better way to stimulate the economy would be to refresh the loot tables with better items more often and lower listing fees or do away with them altogether.

Even more often better gear O.o poor people already can't afford anything now...

11-28-2014, 02:00 PM
Unless liquidation prices were raised to be comparable to actual resale value including cost of gems I couldn't support this idea.
I think a better way to stimulate the economy would be to refresh the loot tables with better items more often and lower listing fees or do away with them altogether.
I've been thinking that over, I'm not sure how a set liquidation price would be feasible for this, seeing as all items have varying differences and vast ranges in price. Maybe, a program that factors in the price you payed (if you did buy from Cs), the average price in CS, the rarity of item, the amount of said item in game, and other varying factors, and this program would decide the liquidation prices for things, instead of the set price for an item that's currently used.

11-28-2014, 02:08 PM
Which is why the suggestions of revamping our trading market to fix these problem, if it was only myth and arcane bindable that wouldnt change the problem of the failing merch system and over load of items, so please tell why would you revamp a trading system to get the system to recovery, but only for part of the equipment? There are many people in the game with end game characters supplying their twinks and yet they all have the same problem as the rest of us, so again back to the start of this circle of addressing the problem that there are too many items and very little gold in the game.

11-28-2014, 02:13 PM
I agree to a certain extent ...just start the timer at a certain point in the future and every item from that point on could be coded to boe....the past is the past and shouldn't be dappled with bc we all know how that turns out:)

11-28-2014, 02:20 PM
Unless liquidation prices were raised to be comparable to actual resale value including cost of gems I couldn't support this idea.
I think a better way to stimulate the economy would be to refresh the loot tables with better items more often and lower listing fees or do away with them altogether.

I've been thinking that over, I'm not sure how a set liquidation price would be feasible for this, seeing as all items have varying differences and vast ranges in price. Maybe, a program that factors in the price you payed (if you did buy from Cs), the average price in CS, the rarity of item, the amount of said item in game, and other varying factors, and this program would decide the liquidation prices for things, instead of the set price for an item that's currently used.

The one crucial factor Ya guys are forgetting is that no one will sell something for under liquidation price if they're feesable

Maybe lvl should be taken into account but

100 for common

500 rare

1k epic

10k legendary

500-1m mythic (minus lep and old ammys)

And although no one would do 1-3m for arcane

11-28-2014, 02:22 PM
Make a cleansing recipe for items to be "cleaned" for re selling and only be bought for 5planar bars or something u HAVE to farm for ...

Sometimes people just wanna TRY an item.

I still think this idea is good tho.

11-28-2014, 02:25 PM
I agree to a certain extent ...just start the timer at a certain point in the future and every item from that point on could be coded to boe....the past is the past and shouldn't be dappled with bc we all know how that turns out:)

The only problem with that is it leaves all of the past items in limbo and still a hindrance on the market. It's not like we are talking about an immediate revamp, things like this take time to work out, like Ral said..

"Maybe, a program that factors in the price you payed (if you did buy from Cs), the average price in CS, the rarity of item, the amount of said item in game, and other varying factors, and this program would decide the liquidation prices for things, instead of the set price for an item that's currently used."

It's another good idea to fix the problem we are having, and a program like that would update itself as to the cost of items from season to season, I like the idea of it combined with BoE

11-28-2014, 02:26 PM
Make a cleansing recipe for items to be "cleaned" for re selling and only be bought for 5planar bars or something u HAVE to farm for ...

Sometimes people just wanna TRY an item.

I still think this idea is good tho.

Great idea too Spell :)

11-28-2014, 02:35 PM
Make a cleansing recipe for items to be "cleaned" for re selling and only be bought for 5planar bars or something u HAVE to farm for ...

Sometimes people just wanna TRY an item.

I still think this idea is good tho.

I like that idea too - maybe something like a "cleansing essence" collect 50-100 same DR as regular essence

11-28-2014, 02:39 PM
Sts will have to get good at stats. No longer could we sell items we find are glitched or just plain suck. I like the BoE concept too and feel it would be great for the economy and ending the scamming.

11-28-2014, 02:41 PM
Interesting idea, much like how pets and gems(when attached to an item) are bound to the character now. There wouldn't be an AH anymore and many things would be earned by effort...or luck if you open locked chests. Still this would help the status of many items...much like Darkness reborn, i believe there is no AH/CS and items have to be liquidated to earn lots of money. So farming and selling to other players becomes obsolete. So obtaining hard to reach items are based on what effort you put in.

11-28-2014, 02:44 PM
I vote no

No sir i dont like it

11-28-2014, 02:54 PM
Definately +1. I have seen this done in other games and it always had a positive effect. Drop-rates will have to be increased a bit as well though.

BTW a new level cap would have a similar effect, at least for a while.

11-28-2014, 02:54 PM
Things would work themselves out ur right but what game is worth playin that changes the rules mid game....that's like in the bottom of the ninth of the World Series changin it to 2 strikes to strike out instead of three...if you wanna see some more people rage quit go ahead ...I believe in things being suitable for everyone and not being to drastic about something this serious would be a wise decision for all of us seeing that the player base is built on a totally different concept of economy as is....this is the governing force in the game right now so just make sure you look from more than one side of the cage before poking what's on the other side

11-28-2014, 02:56 PM
Not to hard to compromise leaving what was once not this way the same and moving on from this point forward

11-28-2014, 03:22 PM
It just occured to me that most decent pink gear doesn't really drop from anywhere any more so if this was implemented eventually all of that stuff would become unavailable to anyone joining the game now or leveling new characters. So unless the current loot tables were radically improved to go along with it this seems like an increasingly bad idea.

11-28-2014, 03:33 PM
Terrible idea. So collectors could never wear their stuff again if they want to sell in the future? I never plan on selling any of my collection anyway but if I want to I should be able to equip it and then sell it if I want. Bind on equip wouldn't work well in a game like this.

Also this just seems like a way for merchers to hoard the last few Un equipped pieces of gear and increase the price. This would only help the Merching population IMO.

It would be much better if new gear was added to locked every month to keep people opening them. Farmers would have something to farm again and new gear wouldn't flood the market as much like current crate gear.

11-28-2014, 03:38 PM
Terrible idea. So collectors could never wear their stuff again if they want to sell in the future? I never plan on selling any of my collection anyway but if I want to I should be able to equip it and then sell it if I want. Bind on equip wouldn't work well in a game like this.

Also this just seems like a way for merchers to hoard the last few Un equipped pieces of gear and increase the price. This would only help the Merching population IMO.

It would be much better if new gear was added to locked every month to keep people opening them. Farmers would have something to farm again and new gear wouldn't flood the market as much like current crate gear.

Did you even read the orginal post and through comments?

Orginal post: the CS would have to have all items wiped off it (bought by dev alts) or auction fees returned to sellers and a complete reset of CS to prevent hoarding

Through comments: certain collectors items may become vanitys (forerunner, herald etc) also a cleansing essence could be implemented 20-50 essence with the same drop rate as normal essence to cleanse a item to make it tradeable again (until someone equips again)

Sir Lubo Penev
11-28-2014, 03:45 PM
So, let me get this straight.

I save months for, say, elo bow. I pay 20 million. Then a few months later a better weapon comes out. Bow now costs 10 million, new weapon costs 20 million. And you are telling me my only option would be to liquidate the bow for like 500k? I'd never buy a bow, I'd be better off just taking a break from the game, sitting on my 20 million, and waiting for the next event or the new cap and get the next top weapon. And while there are a lot of people who do that now, implement this and you will see virtually everyone doing it.

And there are some other, specific situation. Think about the bulwark fiasco for example. It wasn't that long ago after all. Now imagine if we had BoE back then. How many warriors do you think would have rage quit? Imagine some of them liquidating maul to get this newly buffed super duper weapon.

In my opinion this suggestion will create more problems than it will solve. To be honest, I am not sure whether there will be any "economy" left at all.

Dex Scene
11-28-2014, 03:45 PM
You DONT have to have the "BEST" weapon, besides, new weapons that get the job done just fine will come and people will be fine with them.
Which new weapon can compete those dws ss or vorpal in twink level?

11-28-2014, 03:48 PM
This a solution for a problem which has a different cause.
Auction is floaded with all the same items, then fix that. Make more items worth running/farming for. The current items have a shorter lifespan and some not even worth running for.

The staged release of items made us all run for the same item. Every staged release over and over again. This cant hurt with a event, but a year long since previous cap?
Normally mass liquidation you only see during a cap raise, but there have been several already.

11-28-2014, 03:51 PM
Great to have fresh ideas. But if there is a single supplier in whole system, isnt it so that only the amount of their supplies matter however you might want to fine tune it?

11-28-2014, 04:02 PM
Did you even read the orginal post and through comments?

Orginal post: the CS would have to have all items wiped off it (bought by dev alts) or auction fees returned to sellers and a complete reset of CS to prevent hoarding

Through comments: certain collectors items may become vanitys (forerunner, herald etc) also a cleansing essence could be implemented 20-50 essence with the same drop rate as normal essence to cleanse a item to make it tradeable again (until someone equips again)

I read it. It's still a terrible idea IMO. It wouldn't work well in this kind of game. There would still be people who hoard in advance that would just clean up on the raised prices after cs is cleared. It just seems like a merchers dream way of making a lot of gold and not helping the general population at all.

Farmers just need something to farm again besides elite tombs. Locked used to provide an excellent income.

A better way would be to let the 5% of the al population who still think we need a gold sink to just buy all the extra equip and liquidate it themselves.

11-28-2014, 04:07 PM
Which new weapon can compete those dws ss or vorpal in twink level?

A. I don't play warrior often enough to know, I'm simply stating that new things will come, and they will GET THE JOB DONE , doesn't specfically mean they will show the old stuff up, just means they will be viable in a pvp scenario. Also, this thread isn't about "Warrior Twink Weapons", let's keep it on topic, so it doesn't get taken down needlessly. PM me of you want to discuss more :)

11-28-2014, 04:13 PM
Yeah in another game I play they have bind on equip items like what youre suggesting, as well as bind on loot (which is something like the arena master chests). This system works really really well.

In that same game, you can upgrade an item through crafting to get the item up to a maximum of +9 or +12. Items get new stats every three levels. To craft the item you need a certain number of an essence type drop depending on item level, and one sacrifice item - the craft and succeed or fail and the higher the rarity of the sacrifice item the higher ur chances of success.

Using sacrifice items is another way to help elite gear retain its stats, because if in this game you had to sacrifice legendary gear whenever you wanted to craft a gem it would be a way to drain them out of the game meaning they would also retain some sort of value.

Sacrifice items and bind on equip are nice as they prevent items endlessly circulating and changing hand until there are more of one item than anyone could ever want and the price eventually just bottoms out.

Edit: The game I'm talking about is called Tera Rising- it has a really nice F2P model :) the community spirit is a bit lacking in comparison to here but the F2P model I'd say they have it spot on.

11-28-2014, 04:14 PM
This idea has its pros and cons.
A major con is it prevents sharing, I have alot of IRL friends who play this game, I share my gear with them when they need it. So this idea would stop that. But its a decent idea and for that you get my thanks. Although I may have to vote no.

11-28-2014, 04:15 PM

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Dex Scene
11-28-2014, 04:20 PM
A. I don't play warrior often enough to know, I'm simply stating that new things will come, and they will GET THE JOB DONE , doesn't specfically mean they will show the old stuff up, just means they will be viable in a pvp scenario. Also, this thread isn't about "Warrior Twink Weapons", let's keep it on topic, so it doesn't get taken down needlessly. PM me of you want to discuss more :)
Iam on topic my friend.
Its not about warrior twink weapons but its about gears where WARRIOR Twink Weapons fall too and it was just an reply to your comment where you said twink people can use new weapons.

11-28-2014, 04:20 PM
So, let me get this straight.

I save months for, say, elo bow. I pay 20 million. Then a few months later a better weapon comes out. Bow now costs 10 million, new weapon costs 20 million. And you are telling me my only option would be to liquidate the bow for like 500k? I'd never buy a bow, I'd be better off just taking a break from the game, sitting on my 20 million, and waiting for the next event or the new cap and get the next top weapon. And while there are a lot of people who do that now, implement this and you will see virtually everyone doing it.

And there are some other, specific situation. Think about the bulwark fiasco for example. It wasn't that long ago after all. Now imagine if we had BoE back then. How many warriors do you think would have rage quit? Imagine some of them liquidating maul to get this newly buffed super duper weapon.

In my opinion this suggestion will create more problems than it will solve. To be honest, I am not sure whether there will be any "economy" left at all.

I see you're another person who doesn't read through comments - refer to cleansing essence please

11-28-2014, 04:24 PM
I think this would be a fine idea for legendary and below items. But for mythic and arcane, there is no need to do this as all it would cause is prices on this stuff to go even higher. But for legendary gear, this would help eliminate some of the excess on the market.

But really, I think a better way would be to just stop having so much of the legendary gear drop. It has become way too common.

11-28-2014, 04:36 PM
Iam on topic my friend.
Its not about warrior twink weapons but its about gears where WARRIOR Twink Weapons fall too and it was just an reply to your comment where you said twink people can use new weapons.

Also, as far as rare items go, see the "Cleansing" idea by Spell...

11-28-2014, 04:48 PM
Also what happens when I want to stash something to let another of my characters use it? I have to pay to be able to stash it and let another of my guys use it? Then pay again to switch it again? The more I think about this idea the worse it seems.

11-28-2014, 04:51 PM
Also what happens when I want to stash something to let another of my characters use it? I have to pay to be able to stash it and let another of my guys use it? Then pay again to switch it again? The more I think about this idea the worse it seems.

Where does it say that you can't stash it? The new mythic is non-tradeable but you can stash it, so I assum that this would be similar.

11-28-2014, 04:52 PM
The problem I see here is for new players - the ones leveling up. Currently the proces is as follows:

1) Use common and epics found in low level maps until reaching travellers outpost.
2) Liquidate trash for pennies until you have enough for the cheapest pinks.
3) Wear those pinks until you outgrow them, sell them and buy new cheap pinks your level
4) Gem the pinks as you sleep each night so you can resell for more
5) Repeat step 3 and 4 all the way up the level process, also selling anything you find along the way (which is usually worthless)

Yes, I read the comments and this "cleansing essence" appears to only be for the wealthy end gamers. What about new players? If they can no longer sell the gear they grew out of to other players:

a) How will they afford more gear as they level up? there's no liquidation fee that would make logical sense here, unless STS was willing to continually adjust with price fluxuations.
b) Who will provide decent, cheap pinks for these players? This would be putting the entire loot chain in the hands of crate poppers.
c) What about the guy who spends every penny of his 500k to get mediocre gear so he has something to wear until he earns enough for good gear? Now he not only needs to earn gold, he also needs some expensive essence thing just to sell that mid-range gear and get decent?

I don't think there's a liquidation value that would work as a blanket that would be fair for all. Prices for non-end-game gear would be dependent on those who opened crates and would get out of hand super fast.

Not as critical, but certainly an issue also:
When new gear comes out, who is going to test it and write informative reviews for other users? Most people who do testing and writeups never intend to keep the item, only use it to provide information to others and then resell it.

11-28-2014, 04:57 PM
Where does it say that you can't stash it? The new mythic is non-tradeable but you can stash it, so I assum that this would be similar.

If it binds when equipped it's obviously bound to that character. That's how it works with bind on equip. Non tradeable and bound are 2 different things.

This idea will only help merchers and not the rest of the population IMO.

11-28-2014, 05:18 PM
Ok one last thought before going to work. How to clear the cs? You say devs will buy everything. So the day before this gets implemented people load lots of crap in auction for millions. Now devs pay everyone's asking price? How do they decide what's a fair price?

This idea may have worked from the beginning but there honestly isn't a way to add it now. Best best is to get the 5% of the population with too much gold to buy the excess gear up and liquidate it themselves. They would be doing it for the greater good of arlor.

11-28-2014, 06:32 PM
Ok one last thought before going to work. How to clear the cs? You say devs will buy everything. So the day before this gets implemented people load lots of crap in auction for millions. Now devs pay everyone's asking price? How do they decide what's a fair price?

This idea may have worked from the beginning but there honestly isn't a way to add it now. Best best is to get the 5% of the population with too much gold to buy the excess gear up and liquidate it themselves. They would be doing it for the greater good of arlor.

Pick a day, don't tell players when, hold a "matenance", buy off the items or wipe

11-28-2014, 06:33 PM
If it binds when equipped it's obviously bound to that character. That's how it works with bind on equip. Non tradeable and bound are 2 different things.

This idea will only help merchers and not the rest of the population IMO.

It'd still be stash able, maybe BoA is a better concept (bind on account)

11-28-2014, 06:57 PM
I never hold on to my stuff, I'll buy them and then sell them, just so I can try all the weaps ^^!

11-28-2014, 07:09 PM
I would like to challenge everyone for and against this idea, to present their thoughts on what would help the current economic problem we see in Al. I reat alot of no this and that from alot of different people but very few with suggestions. So yes or no and what you would like to see, after all this is just brainstorming

11-28-2014, 07:49 PM
High priced mythics and arcanes will be even higher.
There won't be half as much pinks on auc causing new players to be forced to run in trash gear as any gear they buy can't be resold for a decent value. Tbh I'm getting the impression the only people backing up this thread are those people with arcanes/mythics they want to be 2x more so they can sell for more profit, they aren't looking at everyone else and how it will affect them.

11-28-2014, 07:53 PM
Nice idea, however in my perspective this should only apply to a few if not the upcoming items. This BoE would make discontinued items rather hard to get around :3

It would have been great in the beginning but now, not so much....

Take Runescape for example, they implemented a system where there is a pre constructed price on an item when sold in their equivalent of a CS. Now people don't have to sell it for that price, it could be lower or higher, but generally seeing as it's there the players get a general value on an items worth and hence forth would sell it for that price regardless on personal thought.

11-28-2014, 08:33 PM
This will just become another platinum thing again if its ever implemented.

Only 1000 Platinum to make your equip tradable again!!!

and also, it will just increase the price more as it will make items harder to find.

11-28-2014, 09:06 PM
Noticing the double odds and everything....there is very less demand and more of supply which will cut off the prices going down. But what is happening is there's absolutely no gold circulation. There are more items than gold...

Sir Lubo Penev
11-28-2014, 09:39 PM
I would like to challenge everyone for and against this idea, to present their thoughts on what would help the current economic problem we see in Al. I reat alot of no this and that from alot of different people but very few with suggestions. So yes or no and what you would like to see, after all this is just brainstorming
I would like to see new items in locked crates. It has been said hundreds of times already. Put some vanities. Put a new bow/rifle in there for example. Ankh kits, elixir kits, new pets, whatever. The whole economy of this game revolves around locked crates, so why not refresh them a bit.

And remove some of those junk pinks that the market is flooded with.

This would be a good start imo. And I doubt it would be that hard for devs to implement.

11-28-2014, 10:01 PM
A good idea would be for them to adjust the liquidation price for all legendary items to be 2k (the same amount you get when you get the minimum gold reward from a locked crate). Then increase the price of potions slightly to add a gold sink for that extra gold being added to the economy. The end result is all these junk legendary items will be liquidated and won't clutter the market. That should cause a general increase in price of all legendary items, which would result in farming being more profitable. Everyone knows how annoying it is when you loot a shade armor or something similar and you cannot even sell it because it's worth so little, that you just liquidate it for 15 gold. Looting a legendary item should yield more than 15 gold.

11-28-2014, 10:01 PM
I would like to see new items in locked crates. It has been said hundreds of times already. Put some vanities. Put a new bow/rifle in there for example. Ankh kits, elixir kits, new pets, whatever. The whole economy of this game revolves around locked crates, so why not refresh them a bit.

And remove some of those junk pinks that the market is flooded with.

This would be a good start imo. And I doubt it would be that hard for devs to implement.

You do that and give it a month & you're right back where you started - to many items on the pile

11-28-2014, 10:02 PM
A good idea would be for them to adjust the liquidation price for all legendary items to be 2k (the same amount you get when you get the minimum gold reward from a locked crate). Then increase the price of potions slightly to add a gold sink for that extra gold being added to the economy. The end result is all these junk legendary items will be liquidated and won't clutter the market.

I'm out of thanks but I really like this +1

Sir Lubo Penev
11-28-2014, 10:45 PM
You do that and give it a month & you're right back where you started - to many items on the pile
Refresh periodically and you're not.

11-28-2014, 11:07 PM
Refresh periodically and you're not.

Tell sts that *7months later*

11-28-2014, 11:52 PM
The problem I see here is for new players - the ones leveling up. Currently the proces is as follows:

1) Use common and epics found in low level maps until reaching travellers outpost.
2) Liquidate trash for pennies until you have enough for the cheapest pinks.
3) Wear those pinks until you outgrow them, sell them and buy new cheap pinks your level
4) Gem the pinks as you sleep each night so you can resell for more
5) Repeat step 3 and 4 all the way up the level process, also selling anything you find along the way (which is usually worthless)

Yes, I read the comments and this "cleansing essence" appears to only be for the wealthy end gamers. What about new players? If they can no longer sell the gear they grew out of to other players:

a) How will they afford more gear as they level up? there's no liquidation fee that would make logical sense here, unless STS was willing to continually adjust with price fluxuations.
b) Who will provide decent, cheap pinks for these players? This would be putting the entire loot chain in the hands of crate poppers.
c) What about the guy who spends every penny of his 500k to get mediocre gear so he has something to wear until he earns enough for good gear? Now he not only needs to earn gold, he also needs some expensive essence thing just to sell that mid-range gear and get decent?

I don't think there's a liquidation value that would work as a blanket that would be fair for all. Prices for non-end-game gear would be dependent on those who opened crates and would get out of hand super fast.

Not as critical, but certainly an issue also:
When new gear comes out, who is going to test it and write informative reviews for other users? Most people who do testing and writeups never intend to keep the item, only use it to provide information to others and then resell it.
Applying the BOE to the highest level gear of each season (for example this season 40-41 or 37-41) and using the planar essences to cleanse the bind items should solve everyones problem; from low level
new players and collectors to resellers.

My advice though is to make this cleansing process significantly harder.

Dex Scene
11-29-2014, 12:33 AM
This will benefit lots of people while ripping off middle class and poor newbies.
A new player wont be able to buy decent gears and sell em off as he level up and develops.
When a newbie ask me for suggestions I always tell them buy gear only at level 16, 21,26,31,36,40,41. They won't be able to do that anymore as farming Planner bar for making them tradable is highly doubtable for them.
While stuffs will be picking the prices there will be also a fact people will just buy only what he needs. There will be lots of gears people wont even bother to buy and try em out if the planner bar would be hard to farm which is likely to make bind successful. Yes People still buy lots of different pets but that's for different AA and APs which the gears don't serve. Expect Expiry at our selling items in auctions more. There are lots of pros and cons.
Idk it might be a good idea to implement but I have a bad feelings about it :(

Dex Scene
11-29-2014, 12:35 AM
Applying the BOE to the highest level gear of each season (for example this season 40-41 or 37-41) and using the planar essences to cleanse the bind items should solve everyones problem; from low level
new players and collectors to resellers.

My advice though is to make this cleansing process significantly harder.
Applying BOE to the highest level gears or arcane items is what I like

11-29-2014, 01:17 AM
This will benefit lots of people while ripping off middle class and poor newbies.
A new player wont be able to buy decent gears and sell em off as he level up and develops.
When a newbie ask me for suggestions I always tell them buy gear only at level 16, 21,26,31,36,40,41. They won't be able to do that anymore as farming Planner bar for making them tradable is highly doubtable for them.
While stuffs will be picking the prices there will be also a fact people will just buy only what he needs. There will be lots of gears people wont even bother to buy and try em out if the planner bar would be hard to farm which is likely to make bind successful. Yes People still buy lots of different pets but that's for different AA and APs which the gears don't serve. Expect Expiry at our selling items in auctions more. There are lots of pros and cons.
Idk it might be a good idea to implement but I have a bad feelings about it :(
Somewhere, idk where, Enerjizeric (Or however the heck you type it), said something about how in PL you can farm twink gear/lower lvl'd gear. Personally, if this was to be implemented, I think good twink gear needs to drop in scaled elites for just those levels. Say you're a level 16, and you want better gear, then you can go farm Elite Brackenridge for a drop of gear, like you would have during the season where that was the level cap.

11-29-2014, 01:18 AM
Applying the BOE to the highest level gear of each season (for example this season 40-41 or 37-41) and using the planar essences to cleanse the bind items should solve everyones problem; from low level
new players and collectors to resellers.

My advice though is to make this cleansing process significantly harder.

I have to disagree. When most people first reach the cap levels (like 40/41) they buy temporary gear so they have enough stats to farm for the good stuff that they can sell for money. They almost always, unless they are extremely wealthy players, then NEED to sell that temporary gear in order to afford the next quality level up.

Implementing this would just drive an even huger wedge between wealthy and/or overgeared, and not-so-wealthy and/or undergeared players. We already have such a huge financial gap in the player base that making it bigger would be catestrophic for the community.

The Planar tombs are NOT for new or mediocre-geared players, so those players would have next to no chance of getting the cleansing essence if it required the suggested 5 bars (which means 250 runs of tomb 3 - the hardest run in the game, or 500 runs of tomb 1). Also remember that this is elite content, so restricted to end game.

11-29-2014, 02:24 AM
I have to disagree. When most people first reach the cap levels (like 40/41) they buy temporary gear so they have enough stats to farm for the good stuff that they can sell for money. They almost always, unless they are extremely wealthy players, then NEED to sell that temporary gear in order to afford the next quality level up.

Implementing this would just drive an even huger wedge between wealthy and/or overgeared, and not-so-wealthy and/or undergeared players. We already have such a huge financial gap in the player base that making it bigger would be catestrophic for the community.

The Planar tombs are NOT for new or mediocre-geared players, so those players would have next to no chance of getting the cleansing essence if it required the suggested 5 bars (which means 250 runs of tomb 3 - the hardest run in the game, or 500 runs of tomb 1). Also remember that this is elite content, so restricted to end game.
The truth is that the way AL currently is it can not sustain a BOE system and its not just for new players thats a small problem since legendary item prices are painfully cheap, actually BOE will help the average farmers keeping the surplus of legendary stuff controlled and the events will provide the dirt poor players with free better gear overtime.

Implementing this would just drive an even huger wedge between wealthy and/or overgeared, and not-so-wealthy and/or undergeared players. We already have such a huge financial gap in the player base that making it bigger would be catestrophic for the community.^This is the biggest problem.

AL cant sustain Bind items, its not built for that cause it's based on popping lockeds this leaves the flow of mythic and arcane rarity items in the hands of few who would triumph and trample in a BOE system.

BOE system works where everyone can have access to the items so it plays out very very well in games with a F2P economy.

I said +1 to Derezzed suggestion though cause i believe gradually Arcane Legends is becoming F2P, check out the new mythic pendant which can be obtained nearly* for free.
Hopefully if the F2P trend continues, when we start having 3/4 mythic items farmable through normal difficulty and costs but immensely long quests, adding BOE wont be a problem anymore.
(You wont need mythics and millions/dollars in ankhs to finish the quests but time, this way the number of people left out will decrease but the number of items will more or less remain low)

NEARLY:Its true mythic pendant is free but the number of average players that can't farm for it cause they can not yet afford the mythics and ankhs necessary to run planar is significantly high.

11-29-2014, 04:24 AM
-1 what about the not so rich players who want to buy the second best gear farm and farm and when they earn enough buy the bestgear
Or the new players who buy cheap legendaries and when they lvl up they sell their previous legendaries and buy new ones

11-29-2014, 06:08 AM
I admit I've not read all the replies but I don't like the idea, this will stop the market and will create many other problems related to past items and what people already got.

A good thing could be imo to put an npc that gives you a random gem (yes also tarlok or other event gems that will disappear if not reintroduced in game) for (for example) 50 epic items or 10 legendary items and I would delete from the game all the common and rare items that anyone needs or want (exceptions made for past items like heraldic that will change rarity), this will give a market also to bad items dropped from crates or maps, won't introduce new gold in the game at the contrary it will do a little gold sink because of the auction commission price and will make all players able to try their luck and new builds with different gems (more it will give the server less data to save). An economy is healthy imo when there are many people that buy and sell many different items not when the market is stuck. Nowadays the problem in AL is that there are every day less people buying and everyday more people selling. Another problem is the big difference in prices between best items and less good but not bad items, I really prefered when there was a maximum price in auction and trades of 10 milions

utkarsh saini
11-29-2014, 10:03 AM
brilliant plan !!!!but yep i agred to epicrrr too.......because atm i think we all are having items those we have equipped at least once and rest we liquidate to make space in inventory ......it is our investment ......
and one more thing..... umm . for ex. ..

i have 100m .. i brought a stuff xyz for 100m so as to increase my stats and afterwards i will sell it for 80m...... so its like an investment for future .....but if we will adapt BOE than many player [ especially non plat players ] would just be left with pink or an old mythic ..as its not easy for them to make many millions in the game where about in every couple of month one weapon or any equipment of high stats realease btw it wouldnt cost plat players alot and basically they open locks get items and sell.. and if they get something good they just used to equip them and make alot of gold....

and yes its a good plan also as it will make an item rare ... as .... neutral for this plan here