View Full Version : Archer + Sword ++ any weapon as well -> hits anywhere and nowhere + other bugs

02-11-2011, 01:53 AM
Here's the thing.

1: Enemies can damage me even when I'm out of their range, or escaping (for example, sword wielding enemies)
2: This happens quite often: ~30-40% of the time, I can't hit enemies (still, using a sword). It's not a missed hit or a dodge, it lands, but no damage is incurred, even if I keep at it. I have to back off, come again, and then it connects.
3: Similarly to #1 & #2, I can be facing AWAY from the enemy, swing my blade in thin air, and still deal damage. Happens most of the time.

4: definite bug: no matter how fast I'm escaping, enemies sometimes "slide" along with me, moving as fast as me. Similarly, enemies sometimes "pull" me towards them, even if I'm moving in another direction.

5: the aiming system definitely needs some working on. Even if I'm hitting an enemy which is standing right next to me, I will not damage him if my auto-aim is directed somewhere else. Even if the hit passes through him.
IMO, auto-aim should default to the closest enemy, unless you manually select another one, and if the latter dies, the auto-aim moves once more, to the closest enemy available at that time.

6: attacking a retreating enemy (to his position of healing - any enemy) deals no damage.

These bugs and issues have been experienced on version on an HTC Desire HD.

02-13-2011, 02:05 PM
added #6

02-13-2011, 02:32 PM
6 isn't a bug. That's a leash to prevent kiting. When you pull a mob too far away from their spawn, they will reset and you have to start over so you can't simply run away while shooting them. I'm not sure if any of the others are "bugs" either. Direction you are facing for instance doesn't matter. If you attack your attack is directed at whatever mob you have targeted and if they are in range you may hit them. They did put in a system where your character would turn toward your target every strike, but people (especially Dex characters) hated it so they put it back like this. Other stuff may be bugs but honestly the sliding and pulling in effects of mobs could also be explained by lag. That was a constant issue back at the 35 cap where you would think you had escaped a mon only to find yourself pulled back into the mass. Autoattack does default to the nearest mob of you habe no mob targeted, and you can tap to target any other mob you want.

02-13-2011, 02:43 PM
Most of what you wrote makes sense, but with respect to the "facing away yet hitting", that would only make sense for AoE-like attacks, not precise attacks like a sword swing or arrow.
lol, you swing your sword AWAY from the target, yet you hit it. Analogically, an enemy trashing anywhere and everywhere hits you, even if you're really out of range. The latter is kindda unnerving. As long as the enemy's got his lock on you, you're getting hit anyway, regardless of direction or range.
Furthermore, "escaping" isn't really escaping. Ranged enemy attacks for example: you see it coming, you try to strafe, they launch the attack at your previous position, but you're being dealt damage anyway.
This should get worked on...