View Full Version : Some Ideas for the Future

11-30-2014, 11:05 AM
So, planar tombs just came out and everything, and this will definitely hold us over past Christmas. But when will the next expansion be? How is STS going to add items without overflowing the market?
Start Adding New Maps with Extremely Rare Items

These maps should be elite, and these new items should be pets, mythic rings, and vanities. There are already an overflow of mythic items, and we do not want to make that worse. This is how the maps should look:

[*=1]They should be like a dungeon. This is arcane legends, add some darkness or fear to the game! We need new maps that aren't redecorated Shuyal (Planar Tombs). Also, as you get deeper into the dungeon, the mobs should get harder, and more bosses should appear. Everytime a mini-boss appears, you have a chance to loot a red ruby, which buffs your damage by 5%, a diamond which buffs your critical by 2%, and a emerald which buffs your health by 10%. Lots of these mini-bosses will appear throughout the map. When you finally get to the last boss, the rest of the dungeon is trapped off, so you don't need ankhs or platinum respawns. The last boss gives you a chance to loot mythic pets, mythic rings, and extremely rare vanities that have stat bonuses.
[*=1]Since all this stuff is lootable, the boss should be extremely hard. It should not have unexpected one-hit shots, but you will need lots of strategies to beat this boss.
[*=1]The mythic rings will not be tradable, but it has a 10% chance of being procced. It will send lightning bolts on your oppenent that lowers their health by 80% of what it already is, then it lowers armor by 50%. The mythic pets will be tradable, and they will an have 80% stun bonus, with 15% damage added. Also, 50 points will be added to each class. The vanities will add 10-15% critical on a rogue, 500 HP or 100 damage to a mage, and 1000 armor or 70 damage to a warrior.

So designers, I challenge you to make a new map that looks amazing, and that can keep us busy.

Obee, the fun loving mage.

11-30-2014, 11:16 AM
will the mythic ring lower the health by 80% regardless of how much armor you have? Either way sounds op

11-30-2014, 11:17 AM
will the mythic ring lower the health by 80% regardless of how much armor you have? Either way sounds op
Good point. Lol people ignore my stats, I suck at making them

11-30-2014, 11:19 AM
Good point. Lol people ignore my stats, I suck at making them
No worries ;) the rest of the suggested above are great ;) +1

11-30-2014, 12:52 PM
and extremely rare vanities that have stat bonuses.

Also, your idea is good, +[insert high number here]
But, on the other hand, your stat ideas is not the best XD

11-30-2014, 04:32 PM
And how sts get some money from that ? Lol

11-30-2014, 04:35 PM
It's not called a vanity anymore
if it gives stat bonus
+1 anyway great idea!

11-30-2014, 09:06 PM
and those stats are crazy op but otherwise the idea is great
those stat bonuses aren't permanent right :)

and a way to simulate plat will be to create items that will help you pass the dungeon only obtainable by plat (tradeable though). these items may be outdated every 2 month and the arena could be updated at times to give different rewards or have "bonus rooms" that drop special non-tradeable items that give slight char boost (non stackable) ...

12-02-2014, 07:41 AM
I disagree with vanities giving stat bonuses but overall great idea +1

12-02-2014, 08:05 AM
go to pl lol most vanities have stats also sts would lose money and the plat spenders would not be happy because ftp players would or could have better gear and if u think about it the ring and all the pets would be worth close to nothing if u could loot them in one run no matter what