View Full Version : Weapons??

02-11-2011, 10:05 AM
I think the dev made better weapons for ao3 they were very very creative with them now the new designs have gotton crappyish if i must say because of the gem bows already in fathom crypt like its a remake in sewers and the christmas blasters remake of the blunderbuss and the the shadow caves mostyly just remakes of previous stuff just saying im not a hater or anything im just pointing out the obviuse but i rlly like the devs new crafting system and i respect tht the made recipes dropable thnk u devs!!! and this goes against all the things i just said above but make dropable green mega blasters they loook sooooooooo sick if i must say :D

02-11-2011, 10:13 AM
Or, why don't you go down to Austin Texas and develop them yourself?:rolleyes:

In all seriousness, I feel like they put more effort in boss fights rather than the gear, but the shard wand is new, the armor is epicly new, as are the shields, the helms are pretty legit. The axe is a cross between a battle axe and Heros frosty axe (sorry of I got the name wrong) sword is holiday slash, the other wands are brain freeze wand and stork strike wand, the staffs are ice blast staff of the owl and brain freeze ice blast staff, the 2H sword is EPIC! Looks like some of the boss swords, the maces are like heavy maces but bigger and cooler! The bows are like jeweled bows, the talon is the same old talon design.

Sorry for the big *** run on sentence, but noticing a pattern? All the weapons are remade, which maybe they did it for a reason? Maybe they wanted everything else to be new since armor and helms and shields usually lack? Or maybe they were "lazy" Or maybe they thought we think those weapons are sh** so they got flushed down the toilet and ended up in the sewers?;) I don't know, and I am pretty much rambling since I woke up, but I kinda agree, but I dont think new weapons to be added are in order, just newer designs, and show a bit more than the color of the weapon to be a difference between them:)

02-11-2011, 10:18 AM
Huh... How many variations of bow/swords/knife/shield/wand can you make anyways. If anything the devs made the mistake of having too much cool looking gear at lower levels!

02-11-2011, 10:18 AM
like ao3 was the most amaxing campaign becasue everything!!! was new

02-11-2011, 10:22 AM
I agree but we just have to see if they are in the middle of new stuff for this new campaign. They always have something up their sleeves.

02-11-2011, 10:26 AM
lol true very true they r very sneaky