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View Full Version : [GUIDE] Planar Tomb 3 - Pro (non-parking) Ankh Saver Run

11-30-2014, 09:07 PM
Map and pull guide for Planar Tombs 3.

After many many runs with many different players including some of the top runners around, this is what I found to be the most efficient strategy. (Thanks to Twoxc and Protigy for the team-working on the final refinements for this)

The only really difficult spot is Kill Point 3, and most issues can be avoided by running up and down the hall along the walls (I run up one wall and down the other while shooting). The big guys hit hard but they die super fast, so it is about 10 seconds of chaos.

Otherwise, it's pretty straightforward. This map gives the precise kill count needed to spawn the boss. If you miss a vine or something bounces from moving past the marked kill points, you may need to go to the other hall off the last circle and kill a wolf.

Party Size
A party of 3 will alway take far less damage on the boss than a party of 4, and is not any slower. This is the same as for most maps in the game. I always recommend trio over going full size.

Boss Fight
Pulling the boss towards the door is (arguably) the absolute worst thing you can do. Moving him off his spawn platform appears to heavily increase the number of one-hits both from him and the bombs.

NOTE: These are my observations based on both number watching and the number of times my parties get one-hit by stones - others disagree, so test and see which works best for you.

If you stay amongst the pink crystal thingies close to the wall and spread out, you will find the damage is totally survivable. When we pulled him off the platform, I got one-hit almost every time, with 4700hp and damage reduction on.

I do recommend using a damage reduction elixir to give yourself some breathing room. That way if your pots lag, you'll still be alive and save on ankhs. The stones were doing 2100 damage to me with 1500 armor and DR elix. With no elix they never went higher than 3700, even on a crit.

Staying close to the walls also seems to prevent his hammer from hitting you (works about 80% of the time). Our party of 3 rogues had no more than 2-3 deaths per fight, and sometimes none at all. We just made a triangle and hit the crap out of him. He couldn't decide who to aggro on, and when he did, he usually hit the wall instead of us.

As for the vines, the number has been reduced to a reasonable amount now, so they really aren't an issue. If they get in your way, just move around them.

Additional Note: If you are going to pull him off the platform, make sure the party members spread out and stay put. Running close to other players will get you and them killed, so if rogues run in circles, as most are in the habit of, it's pretty much certain death. You should only need to move to avoid his red zone attacks. If you position yourselves in a triangle or square positioning, this should help survivability a lot.


According to Twoxc, it is possible to keep the stones from falling. The boss produces flashing purple rings, usually right after his redzone ring begins. If everyone in the party stays well clear of these purple flashy things, it appears that he does not throw stones at you.

Disclaimer: I have not tested this extensively, but did complete a fight with a party of 4 using this method, and not a single stone was thrown. The other runs, someone always got hit by purple. It's not easy, but it does seem to work.


Disclaimer: I know others will have pulls they prefer, but this is the run that I find best. I also don't believe in parking, since it wastes time and the giants actually die faster than any of the other mobs. You just have to avoid getting hit by them.

I am also aware that many believe pulling the boss down to the door is better. However, the testing was conclusive, so feel free to try this method for yourselves before posting. Thanks.

Parking Run

Due to popular demand, I am adding the parking run. This also includes Moo's Soft Mob Method™. This method of softening mobs (done by scaling to a solo player and then having the party join just before the runner sets the mobs in place at the end of the green route) will only work until the elite timers are turned back on.

While I generally disapprove of both parking and "easy" methods of doing things, these maps cost so much in ankhs, even to geared players, and give such low return on your investments, that I am making an exception in this case. Again, there are faster ways of doing the run, but this is the easiest method for average geared players.


11-30-2014, 09:32 PM
Can you also recommend what kind of pet on this map? and also what pet for boss fight?
thanks ;)

11-30-2014, 09:33 PM
No Grimm, no game. Hit reduction is your best friend here. I even prefer him to Sam for maps like this.

11-30-2014, 10:08 PM
Can you also recommend what kind of pet on this map? and also what pet for boss fight?
thanks ;)

Singe (I realize this an expensive pet), but damage reduction, beast stats, AoE DOT Arcane Ability, he's got the works!

11-30-2014, 10:46 PM
How fast are runs for tomb 2 and 3, and how much ankh's are used in each tomb?

11-30-2014, 11:16 PM
I avoid tomb 2.

Tomb 3 with this guide is approximately 10minutes for a party of 3. Note that the damage amounts noted in the original post is for 3 people. With 4 you will die a lot more. With 3 we use 3-5 ankhs per run as opposed to 10-15 with other strategies.

11-30-2014, 11:21 PM
Kill point 4, 5, and 6 can be combined safely if you know what you're doing and your party is using hit reduction pets.

What's your fastest run? I've personally achieved 6 minutes and some odd seconds with minimal deaths.

11-30-2014, 11:28 PM
I'm aware of that, but since it is a guide, I was trying to make it realistic for non-overgeared teams. I didn't play the tombs before the clocks were turned off, since I was out of town, so I don't actually know our fastest time. Again I am basing the estimate on the likely run time for non-maxed teams.

11-30-2014, 11:31 PM
Nice Map serancha cause I'm not a maxed out player[emoji106]

11-30-2014, 11:34 PM
Nice Map serancha cause I'm not a maxed out player[emoji106]

Thanks! Damage reduction elixir is much cheaper than ankhs, so keep that in mind ;)

11-30-2014, 11:37 PM
I'm aware of that, but since it is a guide, I was trying to make it realistic for non-overgeared teams. I didn't play the tombs before the clocks were turned off, since I was out of town, so I don't actually know our fastest time. Again I am basing the estimate on the likely run time for non-maxed teams.

Okay, but why bring the 2 wolves and skelly down? Wolves reduce armor by 300 per hit and it stacks. Also, it sucks up time to pull them wait for them to come all the way down (while they're nipping at your heels and reducing armor).

Please don't take offense, but this is my suggestion. Try it out and let me know if it is an improvement:
- Stick with Kill Point 1
- Ignore Pulling Wolves
- Bring Kill Point 3 to Bridge
- Pull room just above Kill Point 2 onto Bridge (Ignore Sorcerer and Skeleton)
- Extend Kill Point 3 into big circle room (allows for running space and for Grimm/Singe to evenly distribute hit reduction) & ignore the sorcerer at Kill Point 4
- Pull Mobs to Kill Point 5 & Halfway through, pull Kill Point 6 onto Bridge as well. When you're doing this, the mobs from Kill Point 4 will follow you

I've done it in legendary gears and it's entirely possible but just need to keep a very close eye on the big guys.

PS: I do agree with you on the parking big guys! I hate parking them! They're the easiest to kill - just require a little bit of care.

11-30-2014, 11:40 PM
No offense taken. As I said, there's a lot of variations. This is the one I chose to make into my guide. People are free to do it differently, and there will certainly be refinements over time. However, the base run is solid, and I wanted to get the guide published mostly for the boss fight information.

People pulling the boss to the door is just a huge waste of ankhs, and getting that information out sooner was more important than waiting to refine nitty gritties of the mob pulls. Besides, this is a farming run not a speed run. I don't publish speed runs, as a rule.

11-30-2014, 11:44 PM
No offense taken. As I said, there's a lot of variations. This is the one I chose to make into my guide. People are free to do it differently, and there will certainly be refinements over time. However, the base run is solid, and I wanted to get the guide published mostly for the boss fight information.

People pulling the boss to the door is just a huge waste of ankhs, and getting that information out sooner was more important than waiting to refine nitty gritties of the mob pulls. Besides, this is a farming run not a speed run. I don't publish speed runs, as a rule.

Yep, pulling the boss to door was something I did not know about and will have to verify myself tonight (if you want to run, feel free to join). However, to be fair, I've never really gotten one hit by the falling stones unless they overlap.

Nevertheless, neat guide and I'm sure it'll help a lot of people. :)

12-01-2014, 12:19 AM
Thank you for a Guide like this :), was waiting for a guide to run properly and easier the tombs ,so, later I'll get a party to do some runs

12-01-2014, 01:07 AM
What is your setup? 3 rouges?

utkarsh saini
12-01-2014, 01:09 AM
planars are not made for me .....;-( :-(:-(.......very hard to kill.. and boss always resets............:-(

12-01-2014, 01:18 AM
What is your setup? 3 rouges?

I have run with 3 rogues most often. 2 rogues and one mage, or 2 rogues and a warrior are the other common combinations.

I have also run teams of 4 in various class combinations, but find it so much more costly, that I don't waste my money on 4 person teams anymore. However, if I agree to join a party and there are already 3 people there, it would be rude to leave, so I suck it up. ;)

planars are not made for me .....;-( :-(:-(.......very hard to kill.. and boss always resets............:-(

Planar tombs are the hardest content in the game, and rightly so. These maps are not for undergeared or inexperienced players. If you can not manage them at this time, run other elites and build some skill and money, get proper gear, and then try again.

You don't need an arcane ring or mythic weapon. but you need at least magmatic quality weapons and ancient druid/living spirit/necriptic gear. Mythic ring is a must for dps characters - you need the hp for this.

12-01-2014, 03:54 AM
Very nice guide! Going to try your tips for boss fight :boxing:

12-01-2014, 02:59 PM
As Parth stated this is very similar to the map 3 technique we have been using... I wasn't aware that boss being pulled off spawn point created that much more damage though... we'll need to look at that for sure. Also it's not 100% obvious on the drawings but many of those kill points can be right inside the hallways and always watch out for the evil sorc's and their fog of death... whatever they are really called... they get me the most if I'm not paying attention.

12-01-2014, 03:41 PM
As Parth stated this is very similar to the map 3 technique we have been using... I wasn't aware that boss being pulled off spawn point created that much more damage though... we'll need to look at that for sure. Also it's not 100% obvious on the drawings but many of those kill points can be right inside the hallways and always watch out for the evil sorc's and their fog of death... whatever they are really called... they get me the most if I'm not paying attention.

Well, when we stay up top. I can stand in one place and have rocks rain on me, and I can almost always just pot through, getting 1700-2300 dmg per rock (with 3 people present and DR on). When we go off the platform, the rocks consistently kill me. So there's some big difference there. It was consistent and replicable.

When I was up top and someone was below, the boss took one step off the platform towards them, and suddenly the rocks were hitting 2900 until he came back up.

Yes, pull 3 is in a hall, and is the only tricky spot. The fake red zones on the giants can be a PITA. You can refine the pulls as suit your party. There are tons of options, this is just the one I prefer.

Edit: If you wanted to refine the pulls or use different ones for guild standardizing, you can take this map and use photoshop to fill over my arrows and notes, and then insert your own.

12-01-2014, 09:00 PM
I love it! Great idea, im gonna try it (once I actually complete 1 and 2)

12-01-2014, 09:20 PM
Excellent info here, a great guide. Unfortunately now no one will run with a tank :(

12-01-2014, 11:09 PM
I just tried the part about staying in top circle and didn't notice any damage difference of boulders. Of course, I was in party of 4 at the time. I'll try in pt of 3 and let you know asap. Otherwise, love the thread and I'm sure it will help many people.
Well done :)

12-02-2014, 01:21 AM
Yeah, checked again, there's no difference on the boulder damage. Other than that, it's a job pretty well done. ;)

12-02-2014, 02:24 AM
I use 1/4 of the ankhs up top, and several in the guild had the same findings. Could be some randomness involved with the numbers though. I always get one-hit down below at least 5-8 times, and see others get the same treatment, whereas up top I can usually do a full fight with 0-2 deaths (unless there is a warrior or 2 present). *shrug*

12-02-2014, 03:37 AM
During boss fight you stand all the time on one place? What about wide red zone attack? You are able to survive it when launch?

12-02-2014, 03:40 AM
Never stand in a boss's red zone if you can help it. Although he does appear to miss a lot when you hug a wall, you're playing russian roulette if you stand your ground.

Edit: Revised the initial post to reflect the findings of the other posters. I stand by my observations, but there is always room for randomness, fluke, coincidence and other variables.

12-02-2014, 12:32 PM
Yeah, checked again, there's no difference on the boulder damage. Other than that, it's a job pretty well done. ;)

I was thinking the same thing, haha!

12-02-2014, 12:34 PM
Never stand in a boss's red zone if you can help it. Although he does appear to miss a lot when you hug a wall, you're playing russian roulette if you stand your ground.

Edit: Revised the initial post to reflect the findings of the other posters. I stand by my observations, but there is always room for randomness, fluke, coincidence and other variables.

He misses most likely because of the hexagonal feature of the circle area. The boss is designed to hit targets, not targets that are there but shielded by corners/textures.

This is a common trick in almost every MMO to date due to the way graphics are designed (hexagons).

At least, that's what I've noticed. I'm just as fallible as the OP though. :)

12-04-2014, 01:15 AM
Great guide. Truly an ankh saver :chuncky:. Got some deathless runs @ tomb 3.

12-04-2014, 06:56 PM
I agree that parking is a pain but there is an added benefit to parking. While the timers are off, if you send 1 player in to park, and have him call once he enters the room which he will actually park in, I found that the health of the mobs have scaled down, making the run considerably easier.

Also, the part about running in parties of 3 really helped. Thanks :)

12-04-2014, 08:35 PM
Cool, thanks for this, i appreciate your effort, good job :))

12-04-2014, 08:44 PM
Thx for guide sis,,.u awesome :D

12-04-2014, 09:19 PM
I agree that parking is a pain but there is an added benefit to parking. While the timers are off, if you send 1 player in to park, and have him call once he enters the room which he will actually park in, I found that the health of the mobs have scaled down, making the run considerably easier.

Also, the part about running in parties of 3 really helped. Thanks :)

Someone's been running with the big Moo. lol. Better to get a rogue to scale the mobs than warrior, just a note.

12-04-2014, 09:40 PM
I'm not very heavily geared on my rogue, so those boulders hurt! But not so much once I'm in the circular area. I'm acutely aware of the difference it makes because in one instance I'm 1-hit and in the other, I'm still hanging on with 10-20% health left. Thanks for saving me ankh $$!

12-05-2014, 12:35 AM
Due to popular demand, I have added the Parking pulls, including Moo's Soft Mob Method™. Enjoy.

12-06-2014, 04:01 AM
..including Moo's Soft Mob Method™. Enjoy.
Damn it flamp, I told you we had to patent it!

12-06-2014, 05:24 AM
[QUOTE=Serancha;1942918]Someone's been running with the big Moo. lol. Better to get a rogue to scale the mobs than warrior, just a note.[/]
Hahaha yea moo and flamp are always the ones who teach me tricks for elites. Learnt the parks in caves from moo too lol.

12-06-2014, 01:49 PM
I'll fire them both. You're not wearing a pheonix tag yet..... ;)

12-06-2014, 02:05 PM
Excellent info here, a great guide. Unfortunately now no one will run with a tank :(

Where (in this guide) did I say not to take a tank? Just because I don't often run with tanks does not mean they can't use this guide also.

12-27-2014, 09:25 PM
Some people in my guild are running tomb 2 as they find tomb 3 still gives too many deaths, hmm ... I waste about 5 Ankh's per run in tomb 2, but haven't tried tomb 3 yet since not enough guidies want to run, I still need the AP.

12-28-2014, 04:46 AM
Tomb 2 is a relatively new fad, that started about a month after this guide was made.

I don't find any difference in death count. Both bosses are prone to one-hit you, but it is also possible to do both without dying. They both give the same number of fragments, and I haven't seen any more chests in 2 than I did in 3. People seem to think 2 drops more of them, but I certainly have not witnessed that. I get the same rare and epic junk in both 100% of the time.

Sir Lubo Penev
12-29-2014, 08:54 AM
No matter what technique you use, the death count for the average player (i.e. non-5k hp rogues or 8k+ hp tanks) is almost the same vs boss 2 and boss 3. As for chests - people say tomb 2 drops more of them. I started running tomb 2 again a few days ago, so I can't confirm this - I haven't seen a single chest drop so far in maybe 12 or 13 runs.

12-30-2014, 11:20 AM
I believe people run Tombs 2 just because it is much faster than Tombs 3.... But thats just my reasoning for running Tombs 2 more than Tombs 3

12-30-2014, 01:28 PM
I believe people run Tombs 2 just because it is much faster than Tombs 3.... But thats just my reasoning for running Tombs 2 more than Tombs 3

It's not faster the way people are running it. It's just 50% of it is standing around being bored while someone scales the mobs, then going out and running through the whole map again to make the boss easier. Boring as hell imo, and scaling the mobs doesn't even make it easier - at least not enough to warrant the boredom.

Personally, I would rather go and kill everything and even if it cost a bit more, than use this new pansy method and forgetting how to survive in a real elite. I just hope they put clocks back in soon. Laziness and boredom are very much not my style, but finding anyone to do proper runs is turning out to be impossible.

12-30-2014, 03:38 PM
Love the guide Serancha! An exquisite job, done. I especially like that you included '3 people is better than 4'. The map designs are also very helpful!

01-20-2015, 01:51 AM
Any video for this guide? I want to watch, because my english sucks. Thanks. :-)

01-20-2015, 10:18 PM
Thanks! This is a nice guide :encouragement:

01-27-2015, 03:25 AM
Updated with hot new news!!!! Check the newsflash on the main post of this thread.

01-27-2015, 03:59 AM
Updated with hot new news!!!! Check the newsflash on the main post of this thread.

I dont see this in your guide anywhere: Circle red zone is charging of falling stone, so if you stun boss during this charging ---> no stones.
Circle red zone has 16-18s CD, so one Kelvin in party will secure no stones in whole boss fight

01-27-2015, 05:31 AM
I dont see this in your guide anywhere: Circle red zone is charging of falling stone, so if you stun boss during this charging ---> no stones.
Circle red zone has 16-18s CD, so one Kelvin in party will secure no stones in whole boss fight

Everyone knows kelvin will stun bosses to prevent red attacks. However, the stat loss of using that pet compared to something decent, is not worth it in my opinion. I only post things I would advise doing, and Kelvin use is not one of those things. The likelihood of the party living to time their kelvin AA's in chain against this boss are very slim even without stones falling. Better to use real pets and strategy rather than a weak crutch.

Sorry, but I am very opinionated when it comes to using stun pets over skill.

01-27-2015, 06:02 AM
The likelihood of the party living to time their kelvin AA's in chain against this boss are very slim even without stones falling.
I never say anything about more than 1 kelvin
Better to use real pets and strategy rather than a weak crutch.
someone like real pets (=better passive stats like HP, dmg, crit which you have all the time and you dont have to make nothing more) and someone sacrifice stat bonuses and keep another skill button (=pet button when it do real thing) and use it in right time
Sorry, but I am very opinionated when it comes to using stun pets over skill.
"Staying close to the walls also seems to prevent his hammer from hitting you (works about 80% of the time)."

^^just another point of view^^

01-27-2015, 06:43 AM
^^just another point of view^^

That actually made no sense at all, but I will clarify my point.

The reason I dislike Kelvin is that you lose a major amount of damage from pet stats, AND kelvin is a rare pet so doesn't hurt elite bosses - nobody levels him to. 41 anyways. As a result, using pets like this makes the fight much longer than necessary. The longer the fight, the more likely people are to die.

You need more than one to effectively stun the boss. Why? The pet's leash is short, so if you stay out of the red zone, he's likely to come away from the boss. Also, the stun only works on one enemy, and that enemy is often the extra vines.

The point of this guide it to use positioning and strategy so parties can farm efficiently and cost effectively. Making boss fights last longer by using weak pets does neither of those things.

01-27-2015, 06:54 AM
That actually made no sense at all, but I will clarify my point.

The reason I dislike Kelvin is that you lose a major amount of damage from pet stats, AND kelvin is a rare pet so doesn't hurt elite bosses - nobody levels him to. 41 anyways. As a result, using pets like this makes the fight much longer than necessary. The longer the fight, the more likely people are to die.

You need more than one to effectively stun the boss. Why? The pet's leash is short, so if you stay out of the red zone, he's likely to come away from the boss. Also, the stun only works on one enemy, and that enemy is often the extra vines.

The point of this guide it to use positioning and strategy so parties can farm efficiently and cost effectively. Making boss fights last longer by using weak pets does neither of those things.

Argh, I apologize. I forgot that Im in "warrior-less" guide :-)
All what I have wrote was mean for party with warrior

01-27-2015, 07:09 AM
Argh, I apologize. I forgot that Im in "warrior-less" guide :-)
All what I have wrote was mean for party with warrior

It is not a warrior-less guide, but no worries.

01-27-2015, 08:38 AM
A'ight, so, on Kelvin. A warrior or mage using it doesn't bring up the kill time since by timing the AA, you can always stop the falling rocks which is disorienting the party by trying to avoid, keep tapping pots and fire skills. Only one is required so it can't be considered "cheesing" (which would be if four of them were rotated). DPS players just have to move up, grab aggro of the vines and take them out as they spawn while the warrior stays on the lower part of the room.

If avoiding the purple circles does actually prevent the rocks, then that's probably a better strategy to go with but I don't seem to recall such behaviour (will try it out and post back).

01-27-2015, 08:55 AM
I have seen boss go through his preparation routine, nobody stuns him, and yet no stones are falling. So maybe this information is correct. Will test.

01-27-2015, 09:29 AM
The base of it is actually correct. So, theoretically, the three-four players in party could be prepared to back out and prevent the rock falling! BUT, it's not just the purple circle you have to be away from, it's almost a 15m distance you need to steer clear of (the distance you'd be hit and pushed back plus some more). Not sure if it's possible to keep everyone outside with the frequent panics and tackle red zones.

Of course things like time shift and slowdown/stuns can help here. Also, you only have to avoid the first one or two purple rings to prevent the rock fall. This looks like a non-tank team strategy due to proximity limitations.

01-27-2015, 04:07 PM
Wow so much hate for poor Kelvin. I'm happy I'm not nobody. My Kelvin is lv41 and behaves like a real pet. He's quite happy and loved lots in my stable.

01-27-2015, 06:07 PM
Wow so much hate for poor Kelvin. I'm happy I'm not nobody. My Kelvin is lv41 and behaves like a real pet. He's quite happy and loved lots in my stable.

That's good. Mine is loved when he stays in his stable too.

I was only explaining my reason for not adding Kelvin as part of my guide. The pros and cons of pets should have their own topics in the pet section.

01-28-2015, 03:29 AM
awesome guide , as always :D im a fan

01-28-2015, 10:32 AM
It should be noted that even though the boss is stunned, frozen, rooted, it can still attack whilst being stunned.

1. Grab Sorcerer and put him into party.
2. Ensure Sorcerer has Clock w/ root upgrade.
3. Have Sorcerer root boss w/ Clock.
4. During charge attack, if one is still near charge red zone, they will get one hit.

This also applies to the pushback. The only thing that stuns seem to stop is falling stones (if just before) or one armed punch.

01-30-2015, 12:42 AM
A'ight, so, on Kelvin. A warrior or mage using it doesn't bring up the kill time since by timing the AA, you can always stop the falling rocks which is disorienting the party by trying to avoid, keep tapping pots and fire skills. Only one is required so it can't be considered "cheesing" (which would be if four of them were rotated). DPS players just have to move up, grab aggro of the vines and take them out as they spawn while the warrior stays on the lower part of the room.
This is actually what I mean. One Kelvin used by warr will NOT make boss killing time longer

02-01-2015, 09:12 AM
This is actually what I mean. One Kelvin used by warr will NOT make boss killing time longer

I agreed.

Warriors should use Kelvin.
Warriors should learn how to use Kelvin the "right way"

If your party has an experienced warrior using Kelvin, nobody will die fighting the boss

02-01-2015, 06:02 PM
Whatever, guys. Please take it to another thread. This is a strategical guide for running Planar Tomb 3, not a discussion on the merits of Kelvin for Warriors.

03-22-2015, 08:46 AM
planars are not made for me .....;-( :-(:-(.......very hard to kill.. and boss always resets............:-(

its not hard...u just need some decent gear and ankh....and some gaming experience

04-12-2015, 01:02 AM
Spread out strategy works fine, and i just realized that the one who move much will grab boss aggro. Idk it is just my feeling or not. But i tested it. Just spread out and stand still is less death than runnin arround :p

04-21-2015, 11:51 AM
Spread out strategy works fine, and i just realized that the one who move much will grab boss aggro. Idk it is just my feeling or not. But i tested it. Just spread out and stand still is less death than runnin arround :p

This is correct. If everyone spreads out and stays put, rather than running around like headless chickens, survival rates are way way higher. You only need to move to avoid the red zones and flashes, and you do not need to run very far to do that.

A large part of the reason for this is that if the stones DO fall, having two or more people close together will cause multiple stones to bomb the same place. One stone is usually survivable - multiples are not. Nothing more annoying than having your team members all run right into your space and murder you with rocks meant for them.

04-21-2015, 12:17 PM
Spread out strategy works fine, and i just realized that the one who move much will grab boss aggro. Idk it is just my feeling or not. But i tested it. Just spread out and stand still is less death than runnin arround :p

This is correct. If everyone spreads out and stays put, rather than running around like headless chickens, survival rates are way way higher. You only need to move to avoid the red zones and flashes, and you do not need to run very far to do that.

A large part of the reason for this is that if the stones DO fall, having two or more people close together will cause multiple stones to bomb the same place. One stone is usually survivable - multiples are not. Nothing more annoying than having your team members all run right into your space and murder you with rocks meant for them.

Also i would like to add, if the stones do fall, run around outside of the red circle area of effect where the stone is falling, *(don't run the entire area around the boss, only the area where the stone drops, or the above as serancha explains will happen)*this seems to lessen the amount of more stones falling.

See photo below.


(I took dmg as I stopped to take a screenie to better explain what I mean in the above paragraph)

04-21-2015, 02:11 PM
im not sure about this ....and tbh i didnt read threads about it , but the damage u get while standing in that red zone is multiplied if there is another pt member in that same place, same *** Trail , is it ?

*i don't know how to explain lol

04-21-2015, 02:45 PM
im not sure about this ....and tbh i didnt read threads about it , but the damage u get while standing in that red zone is multiplied if there is another pt member in that same place, same *** Trail , is it ?

*i don't know how to explain lol

Yes :)

(11 character rule) :) :)

04-21-2015, 02:53 PM
im not sure about this ....and tbh i didnt read threads about it , but the damage u get while standing in that red zone is multiplied if there is another pt member in that same place, same *** Trail , is it ?

*i don't know how to explain lol

It's similar to Jagged Trail, yes.

When the rocks fall, they target players. When there is only one player in a spot, only one rock falls towards them. When there are 2 players in one spot, a rock falls for each of them - 2 rocks fall to that spot, equaling twice as much damage. When 3 people are standing together - you get 3 rocks all falling in the same place etc.

Same thing if someone is running to get away from a rock. If they run and keep running in one direction, the rocks keep falling in the path they run. So if someone runs past me, then the rock that was falling for them will now hit me. Better to dodge to one side to miss the hit, then dodge the other way to miss the next rock. Don't run in a circle and get all your pals bombed with your rocks. It's not necessary. Everyone take 1/4 of the circle around the boss and stay inside it.

04-21-2015, 04:20 PM
yes, that's it , ty :D

05-17-2015, 05:58 AM
nice guide . thank you. :encouragement:

05-17-2015, 01:49 PM
Can I say how to stop boss attacks here?;3 hint hint:mages r OP.

STS haven't said anything about how OP mages r at boss.

We know that mages are currently freezing the planar bosses. This is a bug, so can't be used in the guide, since once it is fixed, the information will be inaccurate. Thanks.

05-17-2015, 11:48 PM
Can I say how to stop boss attacks here?;3 hint hint:mages r OP.

STS haven't said anything about how OP mages r at boss.

shhshsh stop spreading!!

05-19-2015, 10:26 PM
thanks for this bro :)

05-20-2015, 06:06 AM
Thanks for guide :*

05-20-2015, 10:24 PM
thanks mate , thats very helpful

06-02-2015, 02:16 PM
Its also possible to pull the mob on the bridge and freeze him with ice bolt skill from mage. With that method we are able to dont die once

06-02-2015, 05:16 PM
As a wise player reminded my guild only yesterday, mage frost bolt only has a 20% chance of freezing the mobs around the one you hit. Relying on that to prevent death from groups of mobs is not necessarily wise.

06-02-2015, 06:22 PM
Its also possible to pull the mob on the bridge and freeze him with ice bolt skill from mage. With that method we are able to dont die once
do you use heal skill? then you are very dead. The method is simple. If there is a warrior, he must have taunt skill. If not, as a mage I use shield, drop the clock, fire, ice, fire, ice, pot, pot, pot.

never do that alone, at least 2 players to do that. except you have high HP.

sent by a nab using tapasucks

06-03-2015, 01:34 AM
do you use heal skill? then you are very dead. The method is simple. If there is a warrior, he must have taunt skill. If not, as a mage I use shield, drop the clock, fire, ice, fire, ice, pot, pot, pot.

never do that alone, at least 2 players to do that. except you have high HP.

sent by a nab using tapasucks
As youcan see above, 3 player runs are the easiest one. So for this method the best formation is to have one mage one rogue and one tank:)

06-03-2015, 08:38 AM
try frost bolting the boss at the gate :)

06-03-2015, 12:42 PM
As youcan see above, 3 player runs are the easiest one. So for this method the best formation is to have one mage one rogue and one tank:)
no, the best form is 2 rogue and 1 mage. Or 2 mage and 1 rogue. warrior sucks at 3 in 1 party.

sent by a nab using tapasucks

06-03-2015, 12:51 PM
no, the best form is 2 rogue and 1 mage. Or 2 mage and 1 rogue. warrior sucks at 3 in 1 party.

sent by a nab using tapasucks
A tank reduces the pot usage:)

06-03-2015, 01:03 PM
A tank reduces the pot usage:)
but you get slower party. Too many dumb tanks arround here. They don't use taunt skill, and do 'hit-run' just like rogue and mage do. that's ridiculous. If you want to do random run on planar, making party with a warrior is risky.

sent by a nab using tapasucks

06-03-2015, 01:08 PM
but you get slower party. Too many dumb tanks arround here. They don't use taunt skill, and do 'hit-run' just like rogue and mage do. that's ridiculous. If you want to do random run on planar, making party with a warrior is risky.

sent by a nab using tapasucks
Ik im nub but what does taunting mean, i dont really get it:)

Is taunting the same like panic?

06-03-2015, 01:12 PM
Ik im nub but what does taunting mean, i dont really get it:)
it means a warrior should make the mobs pay attention to him. The skills that have taunt upgrade : Jugg, HoR, chest splitter, Windmill. I was a warrior then I choose to be a mage. but I just realize the best class is rogue so now Im levelling up my rogue.

sent by a nab using tapasucks

06-03-2015, 01:13 PM
it means a warrior should make the mobs pay attention to him. The skills that have taunt upgrade : Jugg, HoR, chest splitter, Windmill. I was a warrior then I choose to be a mage. but I just realize the best class is rogue so now Im levelling up my rogue.

sent by a nab using tapasucks
Ah ok so it makes the mobs to attack you.
Ty! :)

07-02-2015, 04:16 AM
this is awesome ty