View Full Version : <Careful> Suggestions

12-01-2014, 11:21 PM
I asked Careful if they had any suggestions for me to send, turns out they were full of ideas. First, we wanted guild masters to be able to put furniture and season decorations into our guild halls. We would love to personalize our Hall. Second idea was to only allow 5 or 10 kicks per day from officers, to prevent mass booting. Third, we would like an integrated Guild Event Reminder to keep us updated on when our events are held. Lastly, I had a personal question. When I use /guildhall it says I require a subscription, please specify what this is. Thank you for your time reading this, please consider using our feedback to upgrade this amazing game!

-Love Careful

12-02-2014, 12:23 PM
wrong section bro

12-04-2014, 09:35 PM
Leave it to me to do a noobish thing :/

12-05-2014, 01:54 PM
its moved now

12-13-2014, 12:51 PM
I asked Careful if they had any suggestions for me to send, turns out they were full of ideas. First, we wanted guild masters to be able to put furniture and season decorations into our guild halls. We would love to personalize our Hall. Second idea was to only allow 5 or 10 kicks per day from officers, to prevent mass booting. Third, we would like an integrated Guild Event Reminder to keep us updated on when our events are held. Lastly, I had a personal question. When I use /guildhall it says I require a subscription, please specify what this is. Thank you for your time reading this, please consider using our feedback to upgrade this amazing game!

-Love Careful

Good Job :)