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View Full Version : Predictions on vanities 2014

12-03-2014, 01:33 AM
Since they are all basically recolorings, what's your predictions on the new and recolored vanities?

1) barbarous warrior will be a green instead of red but still have "popcorn" like cape.

2) Halloween Mage will get a recoloring to look like a little snowman. Make him rounder and give him a silly hat and corn Cobb pipe in his mouth.

3) Halloween warrior will get a recoloring to look like a Caroler. Take out the spark plugs, put a scarf around him and give him music sheets to hold.

4) Halloween rogue will get a recoloring to look like Mrs. Claus. Jack outfit is now red and white and stretched out for plumpness. Head will have white hair and she'll have glasses on.

There you go players. Lb vanities. Meh.

12-03-2014, 01:35 AM
Urghh, I hated Barbarous Santa. Recolour or no Recolour I won't get it, ever.

12-03-2014, 07:29 AM
Urghh, I hated Barbarous Santa. Recolour or no Recolour I won't get it, ever.


12-03-2014, 09:11 AM
Urghh, I hated Barbarous Santa. Recolour or no Recolour I won't get it, ever.

Im like that with all pumpkin vanitys for rogue.