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View Full Version : got booted for nothing

02-12-2011, 12:30 AM
im a lvl 37 archer and i just bought all the dungeons. so i decided to try my luck even though i know i wouldnt perform 100% but i still give it my all but i joined a game and they were like pay me 10k or we will boot you. which i think is straight garbage. if you want a private game set up a password not that hard. you dont have to be an a-hole. i know theres leeches out there but not everyone uses others. jus a lil mad but whatever im pretty sure theres better people out there than some lil punk kids trying to be a boss in a game. im just like wow, finally found a good game with awesome people and mow ppl are being rude like no other.....idk.......me jus being me i guess......thx for any any all help or support or ideas........:mad:

02-12-2011, 12:34 AM
Eh, it's because of all the leachers lately. They really have all of the players nerves rattled.

As for pay money or boot, its just how "mercinaries" make money and they have no respect from accomplished players.

There are rude kids all over the game, they will ruin your play experience unless you find a group of friends that you enjoy to run with.

02-12-2011, 12:34 AM
It gets worse the higher you get. Lots of great and helpful people on the forums.

Would suggest you level in dungeons at your level, or team up with higher level friends who'll be happy to help you along...

I'm not bothering with the new lvl50+ dungeons due to the exact same reasons, but there are more decent people than idiots...

Good Luck

02-12-2011, 12:36 AM
It's actually the opposite, your likely to encounter jerk players in lower levels then higher. You will only have trouble with high levels is if you are a really low level trying to join a high level dungeon, thats quite frowned apon in this game.

02-12-2011, 12:39 AM
do what i do and make a list and boot the players that boot you, but im old school

02-12-2011, 12:40 AM
It's actually the opposite, your likely to encounter jerk players in lower levels then higher. You will only have trouble with high levels is if you are a really low level trying to join a high level dungeon, thats quite frowned apon in this game.

really? I've found there is an awful lots of elite-ism going on at higher levels with the elite sets and constant booting. Some people seem not to be playing for fun anymore. I've taken to setting up my own games and inviting a good group I know....

At lower levels there seems to be an appreciation for help..... Maybe something i'm doing wrong then???

02-12-2011, 12:42 AM
I have not been booted from a higher level map in ages. Last time was maybee... 6 weeks ago and it was with reason "Sorry need spot for friend". Public matches too.

Theres not much Elitism, but if you go into Balefort Sewers with a level 34 in frost gear, its likely everyone will boot you.

02-12-2011, 12:43 AM
thx for the insight. i been doin my part helpin ppl when i can and what not but finding good ppl is starting to get hard but yea its like tht in everygame i play. i love pl to death and still learning but i guess im jus having one of those days...lol

if any one gets bored hit me up im always wanting to learn and do exciting stuff on pl ign idudhd-archer. :)

02-12-2011, 12:44 AM
really? I've found there is an awful lots of elite-ism going on at higher levels with the elite sets and constant booting. Some people seem not to be playing for fun anymore. I've taken to setting up my own games and inviting a good group I know....

At lower levels there seems to be an appreciation for help..... Maybe something i'm doing wrong then???

lvl 48 becomes hectic as you'd have to do CTK runs to level up effectively. Problem is, the lvl 50-52s want a party that's strong as possible, so they tend to boot hoping a 50 will drop in in their place...

High-level farmers at low level dungeons, enough said on that note...

02-12-2011, 12:45 AM
some ppl are just lame sometimes i guess. but ppl do take it beyond what it should be.

02-12-2011, 12:47 AM
some ppl are just lame sometimes i guess. but ppl do take it beyond what it should be.

i agree...

Booters, lock your games if you're so worried about leechers and you want to solo farm in piece. And for higher lvl dungeons, the lvl requirement option is available... USE IT!

02-12-2011, 12:48 AM
Right now is the perfect time to level up at 48. If you host your own crush the keeper match, it usually fills for 50's fast. If anyone tells you to boot the 48 (you) just boot them :p.

02-12-2011, 12:49 AM
i understand being the strongest possible but u dnt have to be mean about it.

02-12-2011, 12:56 AM
Its difficult as a lvl47-48 pure str tank as one single error gets you paranoid, because there is so much tank hating. I'm perfecting my skills on AOII / 2-5 which generally gets sub lvl50 in a team who are willing to go round a few times, and more tolerant of a mistake here or there.

keeper is great but everyone has slightly different routes and ways of doing things so its difficult to stay out in front and read everyone behind me. Had a great group the other day who insisted on completing every room, was fun not to skip sniper and keeper as per normal farming groups.... Will be going back to my mage/archer when bear is lvl50. not really enjoying my bear.

sorry have gone off topic slightly....

02-12-2011, 07:21 AM
You should have lots of friends by level 37. If you find yourself getting booted too much, host your own game and invite your friends. Play the "no boot" method for awhile and you'll be happy again.

02-12-2011, 07:27 AM
Like others said, best solution is host your own game -- it's very empowering :)

02-12-2011, 10:27 AM
I've been mostly joining others' game since I started PL. I have to say I didn't get boot much mainly coz I've nvr gone into maps way beyond my lvl. I'm not one for leeching. It's only when I reach lvl 45-49 that I get booted many times as some groups only want lvl 50s to join. It gets frustrating but there're always other groups that'll take you or else just host your own game. Just don't leech and you'll be fine. :)

02-12-2011, 10:34 AM
I don't mind helping you level dude. Add my enchantress, Proloss