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View Full Version : scammer alert

02-12-2011, 10:03 AM
This guy aikoshot tried to pull a fast one on me. I was selling my death pieces and he put 200k in the trade window to buy my pieces and soon as I hit accept he put something in his window to cancel. The started talking to me and then switched the gold amount to 20k and then hit accept hoping I wouldn't notice luckily I did.

Sucks I can't post a screenshot to prove that...

02-12-2011, 10:05 AM
Not cool at all.

02-12-2011, 10:24 AM
I played with him yesterday. BIG ***

02-12-2011, 03:40 PM
everyone can offer wad they like...don't spoil ppl's reputation when you didn't have the proof to prove it... words are nothing

02-12-2011, 04:27 PM
maybe he just left out a zero? i do it when putting auctions up alot, the lack of commas can be confusing.. i dunno though people keep throwing the term scammer around like its candy and i think there is usually more to the story than is revealed. i havnt been scammed but im not stupid, so maybe there's something to that?

02-12-2011, 04:31 PM
everyone can offer wad they like...don't spoil ppl's reputation when you didn't have the proof to prove it... words are nothing

he wasn't asking for offers, he said 200k. Plus cabero's an established player here. He wouldn't make something up like that, so i don't see why we can't take his word for it. He's not trying to get this guy banned, just letting us know, scammer's are in season

02-12-2011, 04:37 PM
theirs been scammers since gifting came out- actually before- and there always will be. just keep a wary eye, and check before you click. we do need commas. thanks cabero for alerting players the a trickster is on the loose.

02-12-2011, 04:42 PM
This isn't a court & Cabero is just sharing his story. I've seen him around enough to strongly doubt he'd make something up like this for no reason (TinTinForU). Although, it may be part of his diabolical three step plan:

1. Ruin aikoshot's forum reputation
2. ???
3. Profit!

Even if Aikoshot is just careless with zeroes (Blazin) that's a good thing to know if you are going to trade with him. Why take it so personally?

02-12-2011, 04:45 PM
Even if Aikoshot is just careless with zeroes (Blazin) that's a good thing to know if you are going to trade with him. Why take it so personally?

If blazin were the Godfather, you'd never ask this question :D

02-12-2011, 05:12 PM
This scam has been around for a while now, just always be sure to double check the zero count, and the items. Scamming started since the games release. Although it wasn't very popular before gifting came out, it was still around (tricking others into giving away their acc info) Even with secure trade, there is still skullduggery. So always double check.

02-12-2011, 05:22 PM
It's a common scam. Look at the "be aware of trade scams" thread in announcements. Thade has said that a second confirmation is in the works. That should help prevent this type of scam

02-12-2011, 06:03 PM
if you had the screenies i had for blitzxbarrage, he would be banned within the blink of an eye

yes he did get banned

02-12-2011, 06:07 PM
haha not taking it personally didn't mean to come across that way. i just saw someone earlier in balefort ranting to someone and i really just think that most of the time someone trusts another to repay em which unfortunately probably won't happen. but its kinda your own fault if stupid enough to let that happen. it just seems that stuff like this keeps happening maybe i should get used to it lol, i am new on the forums so maybe it just has made me more aware? =P

02-12-2011, 06:55 PM
He originally had 200000 in the trade window and when I said he put something in the windowto cancel my confirmation for the trade he took right back out he only had it in there for a second then took it out. The window never closed. So he had to take out the 200000 and renter it to 20000 then when he did he instantly hit his confirmation button. While doing this he was talking to me to distract me. This is a very old scam that dates back way before pocket legends. I first seen this scam 7 yrs ago playing diablo2. How most people fall for its by the speed of the experienced scammer to which is able to switch and distract someone. I have seen this so many times that's why I'm experienced enough to watch for this and not let them pull it on me.

Edit: And when I seen him do it I instantly closed the trade window and pmed him and said "nice try scammer" and he didn't even bother to defend himself and try to finalize the trade with me again. So if it was a honest mistake why didn't he try to redo the trade?