View Full Version : Ahhhhhhh whereeee are the recipes for planar pendant? omg

12-06-2014, 09:23 AM
I no can drop it, I did planar arena 89 times and 0 drop of recipe, this is totally unfair, and in the auction there not recipes, Idk why after of a update all recipes disapear!

12-06-2014, 09:27 AM
There was a secret nerf! I ran it over 100+ times too and didn't see anyone get it

12-06-2014, 09:27 AM
But like the richs player have the new amulet they no cry, This is like if sts did the first week posible for that they can get the recipe lols

12-06-2014, 10:20 AM
Secret nerf, for SURE

12-06-2014, 11:28 AM
just wait for a double drop chance in the future. currently i wouldnt suggest you keep trying

12-06-2014, 12:23 PM
Yup its BS!
According to devs the planar content was meant to give veteran players a goal to achieve, and to keep us playing more.
In my case its done the opposite, after they nerfed the recipe drop rate and i ran arena about 200+runs
to no avail.......
Ive lost my will to play

Giving us a drop that doesnt drop........ BS

12-06-2014, 05:54 PM
Before the planar update i would just find things to do like randomly level pets and farm kills in wt4.....

But now with this recipe fiasco...and the fact that there are very few players in comparison to the past and also the fact that it seems like nothing sells.
I find it hard to log in for more than about an hour because i get disgusted with the game and what it has become.

Currently looking for a REAL mmorpg alternative like WOW and so forth....AL you will get replaced.

The milk the cow dry mentality that sts has is becoming unbearable.........

12-06-2014, 06:57 PM
I did like 70, nothing for me either.

12-06-2014, 07:01 PM
its a myth,,,

12-06-2014, 07:45 PM
You can a 30% increase in drop rates with all rare items if you purchase 300$ in plat or more!!

12-07-2014, 01:45 AM
The only benefit to spending $300 on plat is that devs answer your posts on the forum for 2 weeks, then go back to not bothering once you have run out of money.

The drop rates of recipe are ridiculous, and seeing as there is nothing at all that drops in arena even worth potion money, it is a waste of time, gold and ankhs to even bother.

12-07-2014, 03:27 AM
I did 200+ runs in planar arena from start still didnt got new pendant recipe i had invested too much gold and my time to farm it.
Disappointed from playing this game now.
Looking for new game if they dont fix this drop rate.
Many ppl had created threads on this topic and dey are also upset from this secret nerf.
Maybe STS had removed recipe from loot table.

Jack O Reaper
12-07-2014, 03:50 AM
The only benefit to spending $300 on plat is that devs answer your posts on the forum for 2 weeks, then go back to not bothering once you have run out of money.

The drop rates of recipe are ridiculous, and seeing as there is nothing at all that drops in arena even worth potion money, it is a waste of time, gold and ankhs to even bother.

So your saying that devs just wants money from us?? D:

12-07-2014, 10:09 AM
So your saying that devs just wants money from us?? D:
You got it

12-07-2014, 10:14 AM
Before the planar update i would just find things to do like randomly level pets and farm kills in wt4.....

But now with this recipe fiasco...and the fact that there are very few players in comparison to the past and also the fact that it seems like nothing sells.
I find it hard to log in for more than about an hour because i get disgusted with the game and what it has become.

Currently looking for a REAL mmorpg alternative like WOW and so forth....AL you will get replaced.

The milk the cow dry mentality that sts has is becoming unbearable.........

Kalizzaa who was the Einstein of this game left for this very reason of it becoming pay to play. I mean really, if you can't even fund pots and anks to run what other method is the to replenish it other than using real money?

I looted my first pink today in arena and it's a rogue shade armor with 11 Dex and something like 30 int. Might as well just give me 15 gold, save me from pressing sell.

12-07-2014, 11:48 AM
I have to say the arena is a big disappointment. I've run close to 300 runs, maybe more. No recipe, drops are pitiful, and that includes the pinks. I just liquidate them no point in wasting gold to list in ah. And to rub salt in the wound, we don't even earn kills there. I've just passed my two year mark playing al, wondering why bother anymore.

12-07-2014, 11:52 AM
This is arcane amulet not mythic amulet :)

12-07-2014, 12:07 PM

True to its definition..

12-07-2014, 12:46 PM
Guys I am 100% Sure there has been a Secret nerf either it was a mistake or on purpose. The day they increased the drop rate of the recipe, there were 7 Recipes in the auction in one day. And now, i've been checking the auction everyday for 7 days and not a single recipe. The odds of this being coincidence are under 0.0001%. No recipes in auction, then when they buff the drop rate POOF 7 recipes in the auction the first day of update, then no recipes for 7+Days?.

12-07-2014, 12:54 PM
I don't mind that the recipe is hard to get, but keeping it secret? It would be nice to know if 3m is enough money to run arena until you get recipe or not, seriouslly. If i knew it was not then i would have spent 3m elsewhere and i would be happy, and when i would have more money then maybe i would try to loot the recipe( if the drop rate got nerfed then the recipe's value increases, so its technicaly still worth to run arena for it in the LONG run= 300+runs at least)

Not giving us a single clue as to weither we have a chance to loot recipe or not is very annoying.Thats the main point that annoys me.

12-07-2014, 01:06 PM
I spend alot money for this game and it was allways fun but in the last weeks i rly get mad.devs what are u thinking about all these receipe threads?the drop rate is not fair.we all spend alot gold and ankhs for nothing.we run tombs for crystals and for what??but its ok stop fixing the old problems just bring out new events and more mythic weapons that nobody needs?as i long as i have the feeling that u not hear to us players i stop buying plat and i hope more people will do it.maybe thats the only language that u anderstand.sorry for my bad english and i hope some dev can answer my questions.thx and cya

12-07-2014, 03:38 PM
Stop buying plat guys they will answer :)

12-07-2014, 03:49 PM
Ofc it was a silent nerf. I have had all the other ingredients for a while now and ran arena 100+ times. In all those times neither I saw somebody loot the recipe, nor did I loot anything else worth selling. Lol?!?

Btw I guess I should not be surprised. Other recent not announced changes:

1. Elixirs, including luck/reroll, do not stack anymore
2. Klaas and Shazbot chance to grant Ankhs has been dramatically reduced ( for me personally to 0 across 4 characters)



12-07-2014, 04:34 PM
Stop buying plat guys they will answer :)


12-07-2014, 04:49 PM
They answered already, confirmed drop rate nerf.

Hey gang,

I wanted to touch on the rarity and difficulty of the elite end-game Planar content (collectively Planar Tombs, Planar Arena and the tie in to Elite Tindirin). The design of the Planar content is to be something to grind on. It's not intended for you to roll in, grab the loot in a weekend and then ask "What's next?" Sure, it might still not be in the best spot for that (we have some more tuning coming on that front), but that's what it is intended to be.

We have the sprawling Winter Event going into Public Testing now and looking to go live after that. Planar stuffs is something you can start now, work on it or Winter over Dec. and still give something for people to work toward in Jan.

Hopefully that helps you understand what we were thinking.

Respectfully yours,

12-07-2014, 04:56 PM
They answered already, confirmed drop rate nerf.

Yup and instead of folks playing the content more they are playing it less. Including me.

12-07-2014, 05:36 PM
They answered already, confirmed drop rate nerf.
So it's fair that people got to loot 5 recipes a day when drop rate was increased but the rest of us will never get one?

STS has some serious issues with equality when they are fine with half of their player base being able to do something and they don't care about the ones that don't. For example the test server for android users only. The Mage class(speaks for itself).And now people that looted recipe in that 2 day period vs people who will never be able to get it now. Getting sick of this 💩

12-07-2014, 05:41 PM
So it's fair that people got to loot 5 recipes a day when drop rate was increased but the rest of us will never get one?

STS has some serious issues with equality when they are fine with half of their player base being able to do something and they don't care about the ones that don't. For example the test server for android users only. The Mage class(speaks for itself).And now people that looted recipe in that 2 day period vs people who will never be able to get it now. Getting sick of this ��

omg I agree +1000000000000000000

12-07-2014, 07:17 PM
Tis why i quit this company. Sts too professional man

12-07-2014, 08:19 PM
Everyone I know that looted recipe looted it while the bonus free plat offers were up, which was the update where the recipe drop rate was fixed and everyone started farming it like mad.

Over that weekend I did 60-70 runs until I dropped a recipe and then continued to run arena to help friends drop it too. In what can't have been more than 200 runs total I saw 4 recipes drop including my own.

After the update that ended that offer, friends who hadn't dropped it yet have kept trying and I don't know even 1 of them who has seen a single recipe drop.

Also during that time period we all saw for ourselves that new recipes were constantly being listed in CS with a steady drop in price. Since the update I'm not even sure a single one has been listed.

It seems like the increased drop rate acted more like a "double chance at xxx" rather than a permenant change in game, and was removed with the same update which concluded the period of double plat offers? Could have been a mistake but either way it need to be looked into :/

People have done hundreds of runs with no sign of the recipe and many on the point of rage quitting with a sense of injustice that either you got lucky that weekend or you will never have the amulet :/

12-08-2014, 07:51 AM
More recipes drop now means more people will settle for elon/ halloween mythics as their stats are not significantly lower than winter mythics.
More people settled down with elon/ halloween mythics mean lesser demand for winter mythics.
Lesser demand for winter mythics mean "Lesser plat sales"
Lesser plat sales mean "lesser revenue for STS"

The time it really went wrong was when STS allowed plat farmers inspite of knowing what was happening (for a few months). During this time the plat buyers(STS' customers) were mostly in the dark and continued to buy more to get top tier items in the game. This drove STS revenues really high. When plat buyers came to know that they were spending IRC on this game only to compete with plat farmers, things started changing. STS not only lost many plat buying customers' trust, the lost revenues which took a nose dive. To meet YOY revenue and growth, blablabla... they have no option but to manipulate "so called luck" to their favour. This manipulation is the reason for double odds, arcanes, mythics ...etc being showered and ruining everyones gaming experience.

At the end of the day STS is not a charitable institution that offers all aspects of their game free of cost. Meeting and exceeding YOY targets is the sign of any successfull company and STS is no exception.

Remember even in a Casino there is a chance that you may walk out rich if its. In the virtual gaming world you could get richer in game and never in real life unless there is a way to convert plat/gold to IRC and transfer IRC to your bank account.

12-08-2014, 09:17 AM
They answered already, confirmed drop rate nerf.

They nerfed it FIRST then uploaded it on the forums that they nerfed the drop rates.

12-08-2014, 12:36 PM
Its a shame how they threat their customers.
I like the game, dont get me wromg there, its not a great game but the friends i made in game make it fun to play.

That being said, STS seems to have lost their goal with this game. Weak new content on not so fun events. Behind the scenes drop rate manipulation, lack of clear response on foruns ( always the we are looking into it.) makes u wonder if they know what they are doing.
Instead of making the game appealing to new players and still interesting to old players they seem to do the opposite. And worse than that is not being humble and taking some great ideas that we see here on forum they just do some re skin and release "new" bad content.

Looks like they rly need some help to get back on the right track.

Or perhaps im wrong and they are just....u know....not so smart and humble...

12-08-2014, 12:51 PM
Honestly, I've given up on the arena.

The only way I'd suggest is a viable method of profit is to farm tomb 3. With 10 runs a day, you can buy recipe for the helms via fragments and sell for a million or so. 1 mill every 2-3 days is great!

12-08-2014, 12:52 PM
The inability to be forthright about drop rates is concerning. Often they will attribute it to your (bad) luck or only respond when the feedback gets too much, or just ignore the questions entirely. There is no way to know when/if they buff/nerf drop rates and that is what is concerning because on one day I could have a 1/100 chance of looting something then the next it is 1/1000 and I just don't know. Please just set a drop rate and leave it.

I'm done with Arena and Planar until I start hearing that recipes are being looted again. As far as I can tell all recipes were looted between two updates over one weekend. That is telling.

12-08-2014, 01:02 PM
show us loot table rate please

12-08-2014, 01:24 PM
Today the dragkin tooth drop rate was nerfed, I found 1 teeth in 40 runs, insane.

12-08-2014, 01:35 PM
i don't feel so bad now paying 35m for the recipe lol on the first day. had a feeling something like this was gonna happen after everyone was massively looting it left and right. i also looted one and sold it back for 25m that same day. clearly there was a hidden nerf lol this game is so rigged by sts. they have an OFF/ON switch to decide when to turn it on and off on drop and etc. If it's like this for the recipe. who knows what else sts has up their sleeve. for example Lock crate is also possible on arcane drop. all about timing and depend on them deciding when to let arcane dropped etc etc and the mythic drops from new locks.

12-08-2014, 03:55 PM
Buff the drop rate of recipe and make sure to let us know you did.....via a thread started by samhayne himself.
Until then I and most others wont step foot in arena again.

In my case i barely log anymore until i hear that recipe gets a buffed drop rate.
If they do not buff the rate and tell us about it......more than likely this will be the final straw.

I currently have no plans to login or participate in the winter event at all......and its because of the pendant recipe
and how the current drop rate makes me feel scammed by sts themselves.

12-08-2014, 04:07 PM
You just have bad luck keep at it and youll loot it for sure

12-08-2014, 07:04 PM
You just have bad luck keep at it and youll loot it for sure


Undercover Dev speaking. ;-)

12-08-2014, 07:54 PM

12-08-2014, 07:55 PM

Undercover Dev speaking. ;-)

Rofl haha

12-08-2014, 08:28 PM
That's why this company does not deserve any money; constantly manipulating the game and just wasting everyone's time/money and efforts.

The worst thing is they don't even tell anyone...

Well, its ok, my wallet is safe.

12-08-2014, 09:25 PM
They refuse to update cintent that is friendly to free players so the player count slowly closes

just another upbeat positive comment from your friendly neighborhood forumer 😆

12-09-2014, 12:18 AM
2014 is not a very good year in AL IMO, I hope in 2015 most issues like this would be fixed.

12-09-2014, 06:08 AM
I not gonna spend a simply dollar on STS game anymore, they are so unprofessionals.

Buff and nerf drops? lol

Waste plat to get a mythic weapon, and then price would be ridicoulus?

Waste plat to try find an arcane nty?

No way

Im in process to quit this game, when i found a good alternative and never play STS game again

12-09-2014, 07:15 AM
^ Yup, except I haven't spent anything, too much fail for me to tolerate.

Soon as another game comes around the corner and looks reasonable/proper, FUN!, always innovating and deserves money, I will jump ship quicker than random one-shots by Hammer.

Even if nothing comes around, I have my PS4 from Black Friday. Way more bang for buck, and most importantly, it's super FUN!

When was the last time, this game was fun? and what's the minimum cash you gotta hand over for this game in order to get somewhere? $80+? And even then, it's still not guaranteed; everything is by chance, whole chore/grind fest... That's more than a full PS4 game and still no fun? Somethings wrong here.

I'll just skip Winter Event, we played it already; its got reused dragons, mobs, gear, vanities, same old putrid energy system and chore-like grind fest, except now you intend to further destroy friends bonds which will drive away more and more players away and eventually there won't be a game but that's ok, you will have made your money and I will still have mine intact, thanks for playing.

12-09-2014, 10:16 AM
STS Should focus on making this game more fun and creative to attract new players instead of desperately trying to make the same players pay money. + Deceiving alot of their costumers with the recipe ect The fact that it is not a priority for them who knows the info of new content before who? They need to gain more trust. STS Is not bad,when they did the 2x Arcane and 2x mythic but they failed to implement those numbers alot of people were opening lockeds with a normal chance thinking they had double odds. STS Actually admitted on the forums they had failed to implement the x2 Arcane and mythic odds and they refunded the plat and chests to everyone who opened some locked chests. That was the good thing to do, if their intention was truly to completely scam us would they have even mentioned it? The free Amazon code thing was also good. The haloween and elondrian events were fun to me but i admit they cannot repeat the same events over and over again, creativity is very important, they are making mistakes that are slowing their success down too much :(. I hope all will go well in future updates :) I have faith in thise game, but they need to listen a bit more to their costumers.( im talking about the realistic threads, not the ones that say tombs is too hard(because thats the onlly reason farming tombs gets you money, its hard) or this game should not be plat based)

12-09-2014, 10:26 AM
I think it was a mistake personally... although I'm still also waiting for that fossil to drop as well... everyone should PM Carapace (he means well he did adjust the recipe for the gems coming up) he has control over this stuff... the chests in the new maps are almost as bad... I've run hundreds and gotten 1! Sad thing is I spent like 10M buying them (since I can't loot them for some reason) and nothing but blue epics were inside... not anything close than what I need to make the bottom part of imbued dark crystal armor!!!