View Full Version : How one man tracked down Anonymous and paid a heavy price

02-12-2011, 08:18 PM

Very interesting article of how Aaron Barr, CEO of HBGary Federal (an online security firm), gets totally screwed by Anonymous (the mysterious group of the most leet hackers in the world).

Turns out this guy is really corrupt himself!

02-12-2011, 08:42 PM
can you summarize what his consequence was? i read that he got 1Tb ob memory deleted..is that it?

02-12-2011, 09:19 PM
Basically this is what happened:

Mr. Barr decides to track down all the hackers in the group Anonymous (famous for DDoSing or taking down websites and other hacking-related things) and sell this information to the FBI for a large amount of cash - so he's greedy. He CLAIMS he has all their personal information

Anonymous decides to laugh in his face:
His company's website is hacked
His e-mail is hacked, and 40,000 of his own emails are posted online
They delete 1 TB of his backup data
His facebook, twitter, and even his iphone is completely hacked and taken over
His personal information and information about his company's executive board is released (phone number, e-mail, address, etc.)

Basically they said that his information was all wrong, and that he was a n00b for trying to sell off false information to the FBI for money. So they just decided to release all the information that he collected free on the internet :)

Forbes reports that his company lost millions of dollars in the past couple of days. I don't think they'll be in good business anymore.

02-12-2011, 10:03 PM
Wow... while ago on my old forums some people posed under the cover or Anonymous to basically destroy this guy's gaming life.. lost an account with over 6k invested in it.

02-13-2011, 01:36 AM
Rules 3-6.


02-13-2011, 11:03 PM
what happens if that group hacks .... :(

pocket LEGENDS????? WAHHH