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View Full Version : Time for a change in the liquidating of inventory items

12-07-2014, 12:18 PM
Seriously, with the amount of ankhs and pots now needed to play most end game content, and with the lack of economy in the auction house it's time for the amounts of gold returned for liquidating items to change. There are so many legendary items in the game right now that have to be listed 5+ times at a super discounted rate to have any chance of selling. The AH is cluttered with legendary items that are nearly worthless in real terms.

I'm not sure if its the intention of the developers to deplete everyone's in game gold with the purchasing of ankhs and pots and the lack of drops worth the cost of the ankhs and pots but that is exactly what is happening. The game isn't much fun if I'm watching my gold level drop day by day, rather than having an incentive to keep running.

Give us some amounts of gold that make it worth liquidating items. The amounts should be higher for all items, depending on the level of the item, of course. A level 41 green rarity item should be able to return 100 gold pieces, not 5 or 6. A level 41 purple rarity item should return 500 gold pieces and level 41 legendary items should return at least 2,500 gold. And again, these levels would be lower for lower level items (but still higher than they are now). This would also make opening locks a better proposition for end game players, which is better for the game.

Make this change now, before it's too late.

12-07-2014, 01:22 PM
Simple advice..... Stop opening locks lmao...u cud get alotta gold iff ya buy ankhs and sell em

Dex Scene
12-07-2014, 03:26 PM
Simple advice..... Stop opening locks lmao...u cud get alotta gold iff ya buy ankhs and sell em
Who would open locks and get the items for us then? :P
people should open more and more lockeds hehe

12-07-2014, 03:28 PM
I agree with the OP, but keep in mind that this will cause too much new gold to enter the economy and will cause massive inflation. So there needs to be a gold sink to counter this. I suggest raising the prices of potions to offset this. The result will be that these crap pinks will be liquidated and the excess of them which clutter the market and drive down prices on farmable legendary items will be eliminated from the market. It should help legendary items hold their value better, while not causing mythic or arcane to become more expensive.

12-07-2014, 04:13 PM
Let's face it right now, unless you're able to run the new tombs there's nothing worth running for right now because the CS is overcrowded with items

My suggestion/idea is to implement a bind on equip to ALL gear (yes mythic and arcane too) (Would not apply to vanitys)

First off: what is bind on equip? Bind on equip means that if you are to get a drop or loot something from a chest that item is tradeable UNTIL a character equips it making it bound and hence not tradeable.

Why implement this you ask? As I stated earlier, the market is without a doubt filled up with items (especially Legendaries) that just keep circulating and circulating and more items just keep getting added onto the pile each day - adding BoE would make less items appear in circulation

Second off: if this were to be implemented The design team would have to substantially higher the liquidation value of items - also, to prevent anyone buying cheap items before this would be implemented and then selling for a high liquidation value the CS would have to be wiped or all items taken off the CS and auction fees returned to the sellers

I prefer this...

12-07-2014, 04:15 PM
With bind and equip we won't have annoying marchers Lowballing people

12-07-2014, 04:58 PM
BoE right now is a fail. Leaves control of prices in locked poppers hands.

Gold sink aren't needed. Why increase gold given / item liquidated if you then create a gold sink. 1 step forward 1 step backwards. What is it Tango?

If the current potential buyers dont want to buy then:
1. Stabilize the market by not introducing a mythic item every time you need revenue, you used to use vanities go back to that .-.(sts)
2. Bring into the biz more potential buyers, economic 101 Henry Ford explained by Anarchist "people wont buy your stuff if they have no gold" simple.
So introduce a absolutely random system that requires to play:
1. minimum gear
2. accessible by all level
3. No lix
4. Pure luck
5. Time

Planar fail, Arena fail, Mythic recipe fail. Give everyone a chance to get something extremely valuable that requires nothing but time to run.
This way gold will pass from the "gold hoarders" hand to the poor or poorer player hand when the gold hoarders acquire this item from them.
Then the poor player will buy the mythics in cs he couldnt buy before cause he had no gold or more importantly CAUSE HE HAD NO MEANS OF MAKING CONSISTENT GOLD.

12-07-2014, 05:07 PM
BoE right now is a fail. Leaves control of prices in locked poppers hands.

Gold sink aren't needed. Why increase gold given / item liquidated if you then create a gold sink. 1 step forward 1 step backwards. What is it Tango?

I have to agree with this. Every time something is done to fix economy it just makes it worse.

And boe in this game wouldn't work now. It should have been done from the beginning if it was to be done.

12-07-2014, 06:02 PM
Gold sink aren't needed. Why increase gold given / item liquidated if you then create a gold sink. 1 step forward 1 step backwards. What is it Tango?

If you do what he is suggesting and do not add additional gold sinks, be prepared for 500m arcane rings, 100m samael, and 50m arcane weapons. Just sayin....

12-07-2014, 06:21 PM
The game is permanantly broken......
There are currently 2 options that u have
Buy plat and be a "have"
Or dont buy plat and be a "have not"

It will remain this way until the end of days
There is no fix for this

12-07-2014, 06:29 PM
Adding new gear to crates every month would help. Lock poppers would have a reason to open them and farmers could make gold off them again.

By getting locked back to the 10-13k range they were would help the lower class a lot. Then they would have gold to buy all these mythic weapons sitting in auction.

I used to make a fortune farming locked but there isn't anything new in them to give reason to open them.