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View Full Version : im confused what can this mean a joke or what...

12-10-2014, 02:07 PM
so im standing in kraag and suddenly i see text says i got gifted an fossil a person with the name onasegeraf gift me an fossil first i didnt belive it so i checked my inv and there it is an fossil... i try pm this person couse i knew he must have given by mistake but it said character not found... after few mins i made an new account to look up this name and it was availble to use... so what can this mean he wanted quit game and gift me this or is it a joke?
couse it made no sence

if anyone is missing this fossil pm me detailed with possition, the time with exact minute and if i see ur the real owner i will return.. but plz real owner step forward dont want any fake actors spamming with lies..

12-10-2014, 02:10 PM
Go for it i say �� but, up to you.

Pirate Captain
12-10-2014, 02:10 PM
I think he wanted you to give me it

12-10-2014, 02:21 PM
Email support@spacetimestudios.com and tell them what happened, they might be able to help.

I will say that on the TEST SERVER I accidentally gifted my arcane ring to the wrong person... so it's possible a mistake was made and he was trying to transfer it to another toon or whatever. I just clicked on the wrong person and gave, was a real eye opener that the trade window is best used for these sort of items.

That's very cool of you to figure out if it was an accident or whatnot. See if you can find him on the forums too and send a PM. Nice to see an honest person in this game!!!

12-10-2014, 02:30 PM
There is many people who quits game and gifts everything to others. Sometimes they are so angry because of different circumstances like losing gold, personal real-life problems, not getting the content they want, ETC so they just gift all their stuffs without any PM or anything. It's hard for me to think he accidentally gifted it to you since that item has no stats so s/he wasn't checking how it would look on you and accidentally clicked "gift". I think you will never see him/her again and I really don't recommend you to search for the owner on forums because many people will try to trick you. Just keep PM-ing that guy in-game and see if you can talk to him and find out what really happened. I think you are one of those 0,5% players that would give back a super rare arcane if s/he didn't got it fairly and some guy clicked wrong and lost millions in few seconds. Nice.

12-10-2014, 02:36 PM
There is many people who quits game and gifts everything to others. Sometimes they are so angry because of different circumstances like losing gold, personal real-life problems, not getting the content they want, ETC so they just gift all their stuffs without any PM or anything. It's hard for me to think he accidentally gifted it to you since that item has no stats so s/he wasn't checking how it would look on you and accidentally clicked "gift". I think you will never see him/her again and I really don't recommend you to search for the owner on forums because many people will try to trick you. Just keep PM-ing that guy in-game and see if you can talk to him and find out what really happened. I think you are one of those 0,5% players that would give back a super rare arcane if s/he didn't got it fairly and some guy clicked wrong and lost millions in few seconds. Nice.

the only problem is this account got deleted.. i did try use this name and it was untaken.. so how can i reach out to this person i will try talk to support team or something because this person may be very sad in this moment and look for this fossil

12-10-2014, 02:42 PM
its yours bro, he probably quits the game and thats probably someone who made an alt to give his stuffs.

12-10-2014, 02:43 PM
Also could be part of operation arcane santa or someone that wanted to gift it. Take ss and email support. If they reach out and it was an accident, you return it. If not, merry xmas. :-)

12-10-2014, 02:53 PM
the only problem is this account got deleted.. i did try use this name and it was untaken.. so how can i reach out to this person i will try talk to support team or something because this person may be very sad in this moment and look for this fossil

Confirmed, that's a gift, congratulations. If he deleted char then that's surely a gift. Enjoy your Christmas gift!! <3

12-10-2014, 02:57 PM
Also could be part of operation arcane santa or someone that wanted to gift it. Take ss and email support. If they reach out and it was an accident, you return it. If not, merry xmas. :-)

operation santa goes for the less wealth players as far as i kno.. i dont think i look poor hehe there are 2 options... 1. this person was about to delete his alt and was about to trasnfer this fossil to his other toon/frind or 2. he s a new player that maybe looted an fossil from lock on his first try.. but then comes the question why delete the account.... confusing.. but i will wait 5 days to find the real owner if i dont find him/her i will gift this fossil to a player who deserve it because im not in need of gold and can afford this when i feel to buy.. but not everyione can do it so if i dont find the owner have your eyes on contest section couse i will give this to 1 lucky player

12-10-2014, 03:01 PM
but i will wait 5 days to find the real owner if i dont find him/her i will gift this fossil to a player who deserve it because im not in need of gold and can afford this when i feel to buy.. but not everyione can do it so if i dont find the owner have your eyes on contest section couse i will give this to 1 lucky player

*no words*

12-10-2014, 03:03 PM
You are by far the most honest player! One time someone mis gifted a Lunar amulet when they were still worth over a million! I too looked for him to give it back and it was greatly appreciated! Rather see a player stay for the long run than to rage quit due to a small mistake xD

To me it could have been a couple of scenarios

1) OMG I gave fossil to the wrong player, rage quit
2) wants to quit, randomly giving stuff away in towns
3) a friend of yours who wanted to quit and just gift under an alt.

12-10-2014, 03:27 PM
so im standing in kraag and suddenly i see text says i got gifted an fossil a person with the name onasegeraf gift me an fossil first i didnt belive it so i checked my inv and there it is an fossil... i try pm this person couse i knew he must have given by mistake but it said character not found... after few mins i made an new account to look up this name and it was availble to use... so what can this mean he wanted quit game and gift me this or is it a joke?
couse it made no sence

if anyone is missing this fossil pm me detailed with possition, the time with exact minute and if i see ur the real owner i will return.. but plz real owner step forward dont want any fake actors spamming with lies..

It was actually a huge mistake. He meant to gift it to me, but you were standing right next to me, so he must have clicked on you by accident. But don't worry, I'll be happy to take it off your hands. No need to worry!

12-10-2014, 03:36 PM
operation santa goes for the less wealth players as far as i kno.. i dont think i look poor hehe there are 2 options... 1. this person was about to delete his alt and was about to trasnfer this fossil to his other toon/frind or 2. he s a new player that maybe looted an fossil from lock on his first try.. but then comes the question why delete the account.... confusing.. but i will wait 5 days to find the real owner if i dont find him/her i will gift this fossil to a player who deserve it because im not in need of gold and can afford this when i feel to buy.. but not everyione can do it so if i dont find the owner have your eyes on contest section couse i will give this to 1 lucky player

Awesome bro. The gift that keeps on giving. Your post made me smile. Very awesome thing you're doing.

12-10-2014, 08:30 PM
Your were gifted cause most wouldn't give an arcane fossil. I'm not going to lie I wish I was gifted that item but, I can commend you for your honesty on trying to find this person. [emoji106]

: pop holding it down :[emoji87]

12-10-2014, 08:44 PM
Oh so thats where my package went! Im sooo gunna complain to Fedex!

12-10-2014, 08:58 PM
so im standing in kraag and suddenly i see text says i got gifted an fossil a person with the name onasegeraf gift me an fossil first i didnt belive it so i checked my inv and there it is an fossil... i try pm this person couse i knew he must have given by mistake but it said character not found... after few mins i made an new account to look up this name and it was availble to use... so what can this mean he wanted quit game and gift me this or is it a joke?
couse it made no sence

if anyone is missing this fossil pm me detailed with possition, the time with exact minute and if i see ur the real owner i will return.. but plz real owner step forward dont want any fake actors spamming with lies..

SO nice of You to think such a good...
I would say contact support team. See whether that guy transferred to u unknowingly while transferring to his other account...IF his account is no more . Then use it . :)

12-10-2014, 10:04 PM
Wow!An early christmas gift from unknown player.lol.I guess you deserve it,because of your real kindness.He/She made the right choice to picked you.congrats :)

12-10-2014, 10:11 PM

12-10-2014, 10:50 PM
You are super lucky bro keep it you earned it and I now noticed with you being honest bro have fun (:

Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk

12-10-2014, 10:52 PM
Oh so thats where my package went! Im sooo gunna complain to Fedex!

Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk

12-10-2014, 11:42 PM
Ahh! I see you accidentally received my fossil! I meant to give it to my friend, he was standing right next to you. Honest mistake, truly. I'll have it back now :3

12-10-2014, 11:51 PM
you know what i see in this thread? some scrub thirsty and begging for attention, and some people making stupid jokes. if this guy really got a fossil, good for u keep it. who gifts that to the wrong person? so keep it, or give to a guild member, or to some random who may sell to a merch for cheap. People gonna be all like "Oh dude you're so mean! This guy is trying to give a fossil back to the owner because he is honest!" Sure. I see someone wanting attention.

12-11-2014, 12:03 AM
Twoc just be like screw this nekro haha

Awesome to see a honest player though it seems like this person has quit game saldy :(

12-11-2014, 12:28 AM
so im standing in kraag and suddenly i see text says i got gifted an fossil a person with the name onasegeraf gift me an fossil first i didnt belive it so i checked my inv and there it is an fossil... i try pm this person couse i knew he must have given by mistake but it said character not found... after few mins i made an new account to look up this name and it was availble to use... so what can this mean he wanted quit game and gift me this or is it a joke?
couse it made no sence

if anyone is missing this fossil pm me detailed with possition, the time with exact minute and if i see ur the real owner i will return.. but plz real owner step forward dont want any fake actors spamming with lies..

A long time ago, when mythic helms/armors were expensive (S4), a real nice person gifted me a set. Went by the name xxkunoichixx/wanderinghuntress. I got the pleasure to know her better later, but then one day she disappeared :p Imo, she played a huge role in my AL career... I never told anyone this but maybe there are secret santas out there, who knows.

I will say that on the TEST SERVER I intentionally gifted my arcane ring to the wrong person...

Awwww... You're so nice!!

12-11-2014, 12:42 AM
Oh so thats where my package went! Im sooo gunna complain to Fedex!

EVERYBODY saw that movie? O.o

12-11-2014, 01:13 AM
I have to say I'm very impressed with yOu and your honesty. In this game filled with scammers and those out to cheat anyone, anyway they can, it is nice to see a genuine person. AL could certainly use more like you. The Christmas spirit seems to be alive and well within you. Hope you get to keep your gift.

12-11-2014, 02:14 AM
yes, i have my friend's weapon still...Hazard....was a darn good player...still miss him...even Hot...i dunno what happened....she already planned to leave...man...i just keep loosing people. I even lost my most trusted friend...now its AL...looks like i made the wrong decision of trusting anyone...One of my biggest mistakes in AL LIFE...i shouldnt have stopped my isolation....

12-11-2014, 02:48 AM
what is a fossil..??

12-11-2014, 02:58 AM
An honest man(or woman). Nice to see they are among us.

To me you already earned it ;)

12-11-2014, 08:54 AM
what is a fossil..??

Arcane Fossil is one of the ingredients required to craft the new "crafteable" arcane pet Nekro. It comes from lockeds and it's very very rare. You can get few tenths of millions of Gold selling one. :)

12-11-2014, 10:00 PM
Arcane Fossil is one of the ingredients required to craft the new "crafteable" arcane pet Nekro. It comes from lockeds and it's very very rare. You can get few tenths of millions of Gold selling one. :)
Yea like 30m. If i were u ill sell it ASAP and enjoy the gud money as a headstart. Gratz god gave it to u

12-12-2014, 01:28 AM
oh...neckro are rare...i have only seen 3 nekro's in my entire life in AL