View Full Version : ok heres the downfalls...

02-13-2011, 09:30 PM
i believe pvp at any lvl range should not permit anyone higher than 5 lvls above the creator of the game, to enter. in all honesty, if ur 24-25 and make a game, you're opening a portal for lvl 30's to enter ur game and you will get owned. i think allowing people 10 lvls higher to join a lower lvl game is just not fair in any cases, even if ur a twink. dont get me wrong, say im using my 24 dex bear and i have a pretty rounded team i can knock down a couple 30's before im teamed on. but it never seems to fail, that my team gets mad and leaves me alone vs 3 other high lvls. regardless if i fight back ill die, either by being honorable and fighting them all or by leaving, resulting in a death. now heres another point, id like to make. if your on wifi and ur playing pvp, the ping goes up to high and makes you lag, resulting in a death. depending on if you have a bad build or not. but to me, pvp is getting very repetitive and im tired of the lag deaths. before the level cap raise, lvl 50 pvp was alright. but now since it cost so much to get to lvl 55-56 and takes alot of time to get there, for the low lvl 50's they get owned. it might seem like im complaining alot, but my views on these problems will not change. thanks for reading this. please dont criticize to much. :p

02-14-2011, 01:45 AM
This level bracket already takes place... 5 levels above and below the game creator. If you see people 10 lvls apart it's because the host was 5 lvls higher than the lower level and 5 lvls lower than the higher lvl. People just need to watch the lvls of the games they join if they wanna avoid trouble.

02-14-2011, 02:19 AM
The bracket isn't optional I don't believe. Only players 5 levels below, and above the game maker can join (not counting the current cap) So if you come across anyone 10 levels above, or below you, like wolf said, it is because you are 5 levels below the game maker, and the other person is 5 levels above the game maker, or vice versa.