View Full Version : Lock All Announcement Threads!

12-13-2014, 05:59 AM
There's no reason for spam to gather up on those topics, making us going through pages and pages just to check the latest word of a dev/mod on a subject!

Want to post your opinion on an announcement? Use the Suggestions & Feedback or General Discussion.
Want to say thanks? Use the "thanks" button (or make a topic on the above subforums if needed).

This change will also lower the amount of work moderators, going through all those posts in so many different subforums to respond and/or flag topics for devs. It's only logical! Please consider this!


12-15-2014, 10:31 PM
And then everyone's going to spam the suggestions section. There needs to be a way to comment without bringing the threads to the top of the forum.

12-16-2014, 07:34 AM
And then everyone's going to spam the suggestions section. There needs to be a way to comment without bringing the threads to the top of the forum.
I really doubt that. General chat seems to be where every thread is made lately --ignoring Suggestions and Happy Trails subforums-- all because they're looking for the most attention.

We can always make official feedback topics on new additions and sticky them on Suggestions. So no more threads moving up and down.

12-16-2014, 11:07 AM
I really doubt that. General chat seems to be where every thread is made lately --ignoring Suggestions and Happy Trails subforums-- all because they're looking for the most attention.

We can always make official feedback topics on new additions and sticky them on Suggestions. So no more threads moving up and down.
Yeah, but then the suggestions section is going to become filled with useless feedback threads. At least in the announcements section, players can directly comment on a certain update and conveniently provide feedback rather than having to fish out the feedback thread in the feedback section. There's no point in creating multiple threads on one update.

But i do think they should find a way to allow comments to be made without bumping and mucking up the order and causing confusion.

Now as for the big things like events and expansions and stuff, that would be fine because they're major. I dont think your suggestion would be appropriate with updates like specialty weekends or minor bug fixes.

12-16-2014, 11:33 PM
Please also don't post newer versions or clarifications of the announcement as replies pages into the thread. I find it highly annoying to find that key information and dev replies to queries are found hidden among pages and pages of players replies/complaints to the thread.

Its also frustrating to be browsing player questions only to find that "this change/proposed nerf/buff/introduction or not of new gear has already been confirmed here: [link to some obscure post on page 4 of a 10 page topic.]"

Could you please copy any dev replies containing key information as an EDIT: if related to an announcement thread, or as a new announcement itself if its not posted on an "announcement" but is still something of significant importance to all players?

12-17-2014, 11:29 PM
I have to agree with this. Make a separate suggestions thread, and then any response by the developers that includes changes should appear in both the suggestions thread and the original announcement thread. That way people can just get information without reading through 20 pages of comments.

12-19-2014, 08:46 AM
Suggestions and feedback should be separate forums from each other.