View Full Version : Gold purchases with plat

02-14-2011, 04:47 PM
It seems a bit high. Plat costs money and the gold we get is very low. 500 gold for 5 plat is crazy. I can get 500 gold in 2 minutes running a keeper run and selling a few greens.

02-14-2011, 04:48 PM
Definitely agreed. I mean honestly, almost 50 bucks for about 150k? Seems crazy to me.

02-14-2011, 04:51 PM
Or they can make it 100K for 5 plat and totally ruin the economy. I don't want it being affordable, its bad enough the option is there already for rich kids to take advantage of, it doest need to be there for cheap so everyone can take advantage of it and completely ruin the economy. If anything, make it more.

02-14-2011, 04:51 PM
This is what leads to people selling and buying gold for real money. There is a profit to be made for both sides if they do the illegal thing.

02-14-2011, 04:55 PM
Anyone selling gold for money will be reported and most likely permanently banned. The last thing we need is for the economy to get worse.

02-14-2011, 04:55 PM
Or they can make it 100K for 5 plat and totally ruin the economy. I don't want it being affordable, its bad enough the option is there already for rich kids to take advantage of, it doest need to be there for cheap so everyone can take advantage of it and completely ruin the economy. If anything, make it more.

No one wants to ruin the economy but the amount they offer now is simply a bit unfair. 500 gold for 5 plat is a bad deal. If a rich kid wants to buy a lot of gold off of the devs then the devs will get more money and be able to make the game bigger.

A few rich kids will not destroy the economy and not every rich kid will buy up all the gold.

Besides the buying and selling of gold is already taking place...without a penny of it going to the devs. The gold purchased would be in their hands anyways after a few hours of grinding. The only thing it saves them is time. I seriously doubt hoards of rich people will get on and buy up all of the gold

02-14-2011, 04:57 PM
Ok, if its too much then don't buy it. Simple as that. Earn the gold of you want, but this had been.suggested a lot and got struck down many times because itd do nothing but let the wealthier people get more gold. Just wouldn't be fair.

02-14-2011, 05:04 PM
Ok, if its too much then don't buy it. Simple as that. Earn the gold of you want, but this had been.suggested a lot and got struck down many times because itd do nothing but let the wealthier people get more gold. Just wouldn't be fair.

How does that make sense? A wealthy person would still buy the gold. It is just all the more unaffordable to us poor people is all. lol

*shrug* Just get rid of it if it is there just because and they dont want us overusing it....or put purchase limits on it.

Just my opinion is all.

02-14-2011, 05:13 PM
Take out the option for buying gold with money.
Make plat tradeable.
This wont ruin the economy because money is neither being created from nothing, or being destroyed.
More people would buy plat to sell it, STS profits.
People who cant afford to buy plat now have an option.
Rich people have a new way to make money.
Profit, Profit, Profit, Profit


02-14-2011, 05:14 PM
I feel since it is pricey, most people won't buy it. Think of it like this, if they make gold (purchased with plat) affordable for everyone, then someone that isn't very wealthy will buy, let's say, 200K, then someone that is wealthy comes along and buys 1 mil, then right there is where most gold comes from purchases with platinum. Then people that are willing to spend a ton on this game will become wealthy, prices will raise since now certain people have more gold, and those that don't want to spend a ton on gold would be stuck poor compared to those who have. I don't see it benefiting the economy at all. It will only benefit those lazy enough, and wealthy enough to buy their gold.


Bludd, devs have already said plat won't become tradable since it would become the new currency. It could serve the purpose of gold, and then some (everything purchased with gold, could then become purchasable with platinum, but not vice versa)

02-14-2011, 05:17 PM

Bludd, devs have already said plat won't become tradable since it would become the new currency. It could serve the purpose of gold, and then some (everything purchased with gold, could then become purchasable with platinum, but not vice versa)
Ohh. Good point. I'm staying off of wall street.

02-14-2011, 05:24 PM
DD went and started offering in-pp purchases for mana (their gold) in the last update. Problem is, they made it a million for only 3 bucks -- way too easy, IMO, to get rich quick. I've told them several times. PL has it right, and I hope they don't change it. There are plenty of things to buy with plat -- leave gold the way it is.

02-14-2011, 05:33 PM
What's DD?

02-14-2011, 08:14 PM
Im not sure why it's there to begin with. We all know it's a bad deal, and if it was a better deal then people with the money to spend could alter the market. Yet as it is now, it kinda takes advantage of new players who don't realize that its not a good deal. They'll spend the plat not realizing that 500 gold isn't much.

02-14-2011, 08:44 PM
Don't even get me started....

02-15-2011, 07:41 AM
I used it once, to buy one of the middle amounts available simply because I found an item in the CS I wanted, didn't have enough gold for it and had no equips at all so grinding the gold was out of the question.. well, not entirely out of the question but that's the idea of the expensive gold in the Platinum store, if you need gold in a hurry it's there if you're prepared to pay the price.

I'll probably buy gold again when my next character reaches 45.

Anyway, it's probably the best thing you can do with your Platinum.. I mean, you can't sellback anything else bought there, at least the gold you can invest lots in the CS, even if you're a newbie.

I say it should stay as it is!

02-15-2011, 09:05 AM
I am convinced thast the gold for plat option is there for people who see something for sale, do not have enough money and want it NOW! It is just to make in game non plat items available for purchase with plat...