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View Full Version : changes: beezes ability, catagory from legendary to mythic/arcane

12-18-2014, 08:18 AM
topic: pvp with the breeze? does the freezing 'need to change?

I've heard all these great stories about how OP breeze is.
when I had one or two breeze on my team, I was surprisingly pleased with how we would kill other 4v5 eventhought They Had lvl advantage, my problem comes when you fight with people who have the breeze and your team have not they get 6 seconds where they can kill who they want.
in all pvp from 6-15 can use vixen and then breeze, som vil lead to all rouge and comfortably have died if not the warrior dies with them.
my select suggest is to change the freezing for 3 sec, it may sound unfair to them beeze but those without beeze would not have a chance against them beeze, if the freezing changes two 3 secounds will it make a huge impact two groove beeze users . I'm sure many agree with my points to beezes evne need-to change two 3-4sec.

select suggest: if you would not change the freezing hour.
1. you kan make it give a warning
2 people inside the circle becomes slower and slower to freeze.
3. Make a pet that can counter his attack more effective than ironbite.

this is my opinion and many others think about this pet. I would not call it a legendary pet because of its evne, its evne can counter all Arcane abilitys.

12-18-2014, 09:54 AM
It's been mentioned that the freezing effect was unintentional in PvP so here's hoping they'll fix it soon. The duration of the freeze plus the 100% rate from AA and sky-high freeze rate from passive are overpowered. It's become such a cheap strategy since it basically strips away the last few strategic elements from the fight; nothing enjoyable about who will freeze who first.

12-18-2014, 10:26 AM
im currently playing pop in lv 10 and it takes some time to kill in 5v5 but with beeze the time have changed to 6 sec(the freezing time)
i see people use 4 ironbite in wars because the other team got 2 beeze.
if one of the team got breeze, does the other team have to use ironbite just to be able to fight?
if one from the finale in the last tdm used breeze, the score would be totally different.

12-18-2014, 10:50 AM
im currently playing pop in lv 10 and it takes some time to kill in 5v5 but with beeze the time have changed to 6 sec(the freezing time)
i see people use 4 ironbite in wars because the other team got 2 beeze.
if one of the team got breeze, does the other team have to use ironbite just to be able to fight?
if one from the finale in the last tdm used breeze, the score would be totally different.
The thing with debuff cleansing AA's like Ironbite's is that they also reset the stun immunity. So what good is it if you unfreeze yourself after a stun (say, FB stun which followed by freeze is a guaranteed stunlock) just to get frozen after one more second or stunned again? If I were you I wouldn't pop it, I'd wait until the nerfing is done. If they do the right thing and remove the ability to freeze altogether or limit it to something reasonable like one-two seconds, it'd be considerable option but at least you could survive without having to specialize your build just to counter it.

12-18-2014, 01:00 PM
i was wondering it was worth it to use another month to find out the counter build to beeze, hope sets nerf that pet soon >:I