View Full Version : Game Improvement Guide for all players and devs!!

02-15-2011, 02:43 PM
I noe I have to post this kind of thread in suggestion forum, but I wanted to see

that ppl r gonna aggree with my points or not. (Not really long to read. okay thread)

One biggest problem that devs don't understand is there are many foregin people

(who have different expectations) playing this game.

There are "3" major problems to break down specifically thou.

From highest to the lowest.

1) Rich vs Poor (caused by wrong decision by devs!)

This is very serious problem. Devs only listen to small number of people and make

some changes after one or two days of an update. "Shadow Items Crisis(?)" was the

bigggest one. This made a rich gets more money as a poor gets poorer.

However, thanks to devs! I took an advantage of 100% drop rate of shadow items.

luckly. But what about those unlucky people? ^^;

You know what devs? Not only harsh drop rate makes rare items to be expensive, but

you guys' wrong decisions. Items are more expensive because every wealthy players

in the game expect other players have that much money to afford.

600k to 1.2 mil for one item. hah. Sad for poor and unlucky people.

(Make me think of ancient history, where people who have power over others

persecute poor people and demanding those poors to pay more money. haha)

2) Nothing to do.

Ok. Great that you guys raised the level cap to 56. Made me something to do.

But sadly, many level 50s are quitting this game. More than Half of friends are gone now.

You guys know why? Simply there is nothing to do but farming(not fun at all).

What do you guys think I can do after hitting level 56? (same as I was in level 50)

"""""Need of guild and events."""""" seriously.

You guys think handing out recycled antenna is an event? ahaha.

And what? Guardian of arterra or something? Video guide event?

Something that not everyone can not participate. Handing out special and recycled

items is not an event. Just (n)event for small number of people. Just let you know.

3) PvP

Balance : not okay at all.(especially for warriors)

You know why there are not many warriors in the pvp game?

Because players can respawn in the middle of the arena and coming from random place.

That makes warriors more miserable from range players.

So we repeat this process. Kill die Kill Kill Kill die Kill die

There is no tactic, communication, and cooperation after first encounter.

I personally think beckon is really good skill when doing 3v3 or 5v5 pvp.

I thought beckon has stun effect(50% ? I think). But not really. People still can use skills

when they are still stunned. really funny. Only thing is that they cant move.

So what is difference between freeze and stun?

- Hope you guys can improve this game as soon as possible.

Have to wait two weeks to a month for next update.

02-15-2011, 04:26 PM
I am not so sure that your view points are shared by other players, but I could be wrong. I suspect that by the responses to this thread we will both find out. So please take this as just my opinion on the issues you raised and not any type of attempt to speak for others or to flame you.

Rich vs. Poor players caused by developer decisions.

The only way to blame the developers for certain players ability to obtain large amounts of gold is to say (1) the drop rates for certain items give a select few an unfair advantage in obtaining the most valuable gear, or (2) the Consignment Shop is a bad concept for the game.

First, I am not sure if I would call myself a poor player. But I am most definately not a rich player by any means. I probably have 200,000 gold at the moment, but it is quickly going down because of all the health potions I use in the Sewers and I have used a good number of XP pots here lately as I grind my main toward level 56. However, my Level 50 mage has full Cosmos gear (use to be worth a ton), my Level 50 bird had full Void gear before the sewers (cost a lot as well) and my Bear has full Cyber Rift (free). So I have always been able to raise gold by farming and selling the drops.

So on to the points at hand -- blaming the developers of the game for the ability of certain players to obtain large amounts of gold. As I said, it really could only be a developer issue if one of two things were going on - unfair drop rates or the Consignment Shop.

Are drop rates unfairly favoring only a small select group of players? I don't believe so. "Rich" players are typically the ones that have been able to get high end gear (Level 50 Cosmos, Void, Rift, Shadow, Level 32 green ice) through farming. With the exception of a couple days in the Shadow Caves, the drops for these items are pretty rare and players have to work extremely hard to obtain those items. They spent a lot of time and gold for pots to farm those levels. They spent a lot of time and effort to reach those high levels and have the ability to farm successfully in them. My personal opinion is that the game is only rewarding players for spending time and effort playing the game as a whole. These levels are open to anyone who will spend the time and effort to play them for the drops.

The Shadow Caves is the only real time I have seen a significant change in those rates and it quickly went back to drops being rare. The Shadow Caves did provide a chance for a good number of level 50 players to score fast and numerous drops of high end weapons and armor. However, for anyone that went into the Shadow Caves, they know it took a lot of time and money to farm those levels. Lots of deaths and lots of grinding. It wasn't as if the pinks were being given away. It was also done to make people want to go into those caves because without the high level drops, people quickly lost interest in grinding the levels. So I understand the reasoning behind the decision for the initial high drop rate. I don't think it created a whole class of poeple who are rich. It simply rewarded players for spending time and effort in those caves.

Since I don't think drop rates favor any player over another, I just don't think that is a developer issue.

The second issue would be as to the Consignment Shop, because that is really the source of all of the money if you think about it. That shop simply operates on the laws of supply and demand. I often see people asking how much is something worth. The answer is that it is worth as much as someone is willing to pay. The CS simply allows that process to take place. The items are expensive because they are rare and supply is low with demand being high. The only way to make items cheaper is to increase supply with higher drops -- which I think actually takes away the reward for those that have spent the time and effort playing the game to get these items -- or to lower demand which happens every time the developers raise the level cap and is what you are seeing right now with the old level 50 gear.

I personally think the CS is a great part of the game. It allows people to have access to items that are rare and to individualize their characters. The fact that large amounts of gold are required for some items simply gives people a short cut to the hard work and farming required to obtain those items through traditional drops. That option is always available for anyone that doesn't have the gold to buy things outright.

So I can't really see the wealth of players being related to any game developer issues. Rather I think it is a function of some players spending a lot of time and effort in the game to obtain items that are rare and being rewarded for all that effort.

As to your point about "nothing to do" -- I think there are real efforts being made by the developers to address this problem. The daily quests and crafting are a good start to this and I expect more to come, including one day the inclusion of guilds. In the mean time, I never run out of things to do. You can create twinks with level caps, you can farm with friends, and spend lots of time getting to know other people playing this game.

I have to honestly say that I think the developers in this game are the most responsive I have seen to addressing things raised by the players. I think they do listen -- and more importantly tweak the game itself when the feed back they receive indicates it is needed. So overall, I think the developers are getting it right and I can't wait to see what they do next.

02-15-2011, 04:29 PM
I would suggest you format your post differently because it is difficult to read (at least for me).

02-15-2011, 04:45 PM
Agree with doubletime.

02-15-2011, 04:59 PM
1) Rich vs Poor (caused by wrong decision by devs!)
This is very serious problem. Devs only listen to small number of people and make some changes after one or two days of an update. "Shadow Items Crisis(?)" was the bigggest one. This made a rich gets more money as a poor gets poorer. However, thanks to devs! I took an advantage of 100% drop rate of shadow items. luckly. But what about those unlucky people? ^^; You know what devs? Not only harsh drop rate makes rare items to be expensive, but you guys' wrong decisions. Items are more expensive because every wealthy players in the game expect other players have that much money to afford. 600k to 1.2 mil for one item. hah. Sad for poor and unlucky people.

huh? You sound like you just put down a K.Marx book. This is a game no one will suffer from lack of gold, it only takes some efforts to farm for items and get more gold. Kids are not going to die.

02-15-2011, 05:11 PM
huh? You sound like you just put down a K.Marx book. This is a game no one will suffer from lack of gold, it only takes some efforts to farm for items and get more gold. Kids are not going to die.

lol +1........

02-15-2011, 05:30 PM
Firstly, the devs listen to everyone. They are constantly on forums, reading what we have to say. They check e-mails and facebook for feedback. They are always listening to us.

Nextly, like any game you start out poor. You need to work your way up to making money and finding good items. The rich started out poor and are rich now because of hard, dedicated farming and personal tactics. Pinks drop randomly, there is no way to plan when or what pink you will get. If selling in the consignment shoppe, the owner of the item gets to pick their own price, not the buyer or the devs. Don't buy an item if it's overpriced or you can't afford it.

No, the best items in the game don't fall from the sky or appear overnight. You must attempt to earn them by completing levels and fighting bosses. Besides Shadow Cave pinks, most level 50 pinks are going down in price with the new campgain. You may find these prices more realistic, while the items themselves still do the job for what you are doing.

Nothing to do? As said by Doubletime, the devs are working hard to find things to do. Hence, crafting. Some people like to chill in town, farm levels, or stand around doing nothing by the consignment shoppe.Do quests, do whatever you want. If your friends leave then that's their choice, but there are things to do.

02-15-2011, 06:01 PM
I really don't agree with anything except the fact that the only people who made real profit from Shadow Caves were the ones who bought up huge stocks of items (requires gold) or farmed there non-stop. So if you didn't play a lot or had a heap of gold to invest, you ended up not making any gold. The real issue here is that there is no gold sink.

Every game needs a gold sink to stop inflation. How long does it take to farm something? How long does it take to farm the appropriate/equivalent amount of gold? Why do some players have such riddiculous amounts of gold while most people don't have more than 1 Mil? (Or less) The game needs something that rich players can spend their gold on, something that doesn't mean the gold is just being passed on to the next player. Because face it, elixirs and potions aren't going to make all the gold disappear over night.

No, rich players need something that they can spend their gold on. By that, gold will once again have an intrinsic value, selling some of the crafting materials for gold is a really incredible move. Good work devs, we need more where that came from.

02-15-2011, 06:15 PM
Imo, rich vs poor is a bad reason to think this game is "lacking" something. It's all effort and how bad you want it, as said earlier.

The CS is probably the best thing that ever happened in the market for PL. This IS the economy, this will show you where you stand in terms of "wealth" and whether you possess anything of value.

Pvp. You must be out of your mind to say bears have trouble. Try pvping at lvl 10-25, and tell me which class reigns. Plz. Now be happy with the way they perform at 50+

02-15-2011, 06:18 PM
actually, I think I read somewhere that getting to lvl 56 with potting will drain you of about....say......1 million in pots..and that's just XP.

02-15-2011, 06:21 PM
but HerWolf...this guy is ONLY talking about 50s. Anyway, If you want some advice, then you should go gold farming in FH. Rare crafting drops drop there on the bosses, and each zombie usually gives you 20+g. Add that in with a rare drop, and you'll be rich in no time.

02-15-2011, 06:37 PM
I agree with Doubletime. I don't have an advantage in time or drop rates. My only advantage, I think, is that I generally know how to play and can find people to play with, assuming I'm not feeling solo-like that day.

People did NOT initially go into Shadow Caves due to the drop rate. We went in because it was a new area and there are always people who want to be first and who want to explore.

In every game, there is an advantage if you have been there longer or first. However, there is nothing preventing a smart and/or dedicated new player from reaching the top levels of any game. I'm pretty sure there are many new players much richer and probably higher level than I am. However, I know exactly why they have all that: it's because they spent the time.

A game SHOULD reward players for how they play and how much they play. There is some skill and there is some grinding. It's true of all games. Some players are very focused. Those people will get to the top very quickly. I suspect, however, that more at like me: we have our focused moments, but mostly we like to wander about and explore and talk and merchant and wear pretty things and look at all the new stuff, etc.

I think this particular game is what you make it to be. If you think it's just to reach level 56, then I think you are missing a large part of this game.

02-15-2011, 06:38 PM
Herwolf Let's PvP. If you kill my mage with your warrior character for now, I will quit this game ^^;

02-15-2011, 06:46 PM
ill pvp you..whats your level?

02-15-2011, 06:50 PM
lol knight has a point ^^

02-15-2011, 06:52 PM
i was considering quiting because it is so boring. i am one of those poor guys who never gets a good drop and things like droid or any other devs i rarely see them.
I have decided dex archer int bear and str healer just to try it out

02-15-2011, 06:58 PM
I noe I have to post this kind of thread in suggestion forum, but I wanted to see that ppl r gonna aggree with my points or not. (Not really long to read. okay thread)

One biggest problem that devs don't understand is there are many foregin people (who have different expectations) playing this game. There are "3" major problems to break down specifically thou. From highest to the lowest.

1) Rich vs Poor (caused by wrong decision by devs!)

This is very serious problem. Devs only listen to small number of people and make some changes after one or two days of an update. "Shadow Items Crisis(?)" was the bigggest one. This made a rich gets more money as a poor gets poorer. However, thanks to devs! I took an advantage of 100% drop rate of shadow items. luckly. But what about those unlucky people? ^^;

You know what devs? Not only harsh drop rate makes rare items to be expensive, but you guys' wrong decisions. Items are more expensive because every wealthy players in the game expect other players have that much money to afford. 600k to 1.2 mil for one item. hah. Sad for poor and unlucky people. (Make me think of ancient history, where people who have power over others persecute poor people and demanding those poors to pay more money. haha)

2) Nothing to do.

Ok. Great that you guys raised the level cap to 56. Made me something to do. But sadly, many level 50s are quitting this game. More than Half of friends are gone now. You guys know why? Simply there is nothing to do but farming(not fun at all). What do you guys think I can do after hitting level 56? (same as I was in level 50)

"""""Need of guild and events."""""" seriously.

You guys think handing out recycled antenna is an event? ahaha. And what? Guardian of arterra or something? Video guide event? Something that not everyone can not participate. Handing out special and recycled items is not an event. Just (n)event for small number of people. Just let you know.

3) PvP

Balance : not okay at all.(especially for warriors)

You know why there are not many warriors in the pvp game? Because players can respawn in the middle of the arena and coming from random place. That makes warriors more miserable from range players. So we repeat this process. Kill die Kill Kill Kill die Kill die

There is no tactic, communication, and cooperation after first encounter. I personally think beckon is really good skill when doing 3v3 or 5v5 pvp. I thought beckon has stun effect(50% ? I think). But not really. People still can use skills when they are still stunned. really funny. Only thing is that they cant move. So what is difference between freeze and stun?

- Hope you guys can improve this game as soon as possible.

Have to wait two weeks to a month for next update.

Reformatted for those unable to read it