View Full Version : Pay too win.

12-20-2014, 08:10 PM
This isn't meant to offend anyone. So try not to look at like that. Let's face it AL has become a pay to win game. If you don't have the mythic and arcane gear no one will run with you when it comes to end game content. The gap between rich and poor is so expansive that it's ridiculous not mention that it's not fun too play anymore. I had to beg I mean literally beg people that have the tip top gear in the game to get help. All my gear is legendary but, after having to beg people that have the best gear in the game I just simply said it's not worth it. The top players are so snobbish that if you speak to them they are so high on horse that they don't even speak back. Kind of reminds me in real life that if you don't have a certain status or income bracket then they don't want anything to do with you. And this is a game and I read where people say they help people all the time and I've asked some of you gamers who post these comments and no answer so it's just all lies. I may just leave the AL community and play something different.

12-20-2014, 08:34 PM
This isn't meant to offend anyone. So try not to look at like that. Let's face it AL has become a pay to win game. If you don't have the mythic and arcane gear no one will run with you when it comes to end game content. The gap between rich and poor is so expansive that it's ridiculous not mention that it's not fun too play anymore. I had to beg I mean literally beg people that have the tip top gear in the game to get help. All my gear is legendary but, after having to beg people that have the best gear in the game I just simply said it's not worth it. The top players are so snobbish that if you speak to them they are so high on horse that they don't even speak back. Kind of reminds me in real life that if you don't have a certain status or income bracket then they don't want anything to do with you. And this is a game and I read where people say they help people all the time and I've asked some of you gamers who post these comments and no answer so it's just all lies. I may just leave the AL community and play something different.

A couple of comments:

1) Yes, you do need to purchase a little bit of plat to be successful in this game. However, you don't need to be some big plat whale to get really good gear, it just takes some time and effort. If you are unable to spend any money on this game, then you wouldn't even have a device to play the game on. Back when I was a kid there was no such thing as a free game. You had to go to the store and buy your games, and they all cost money. So this is not some big crime that a game cost money. The company who makes it is not a charity, they have employees that have to get paid, etc.

2) Many people don't realize this, but when you are a leaderboard player and you stand in town with nice gear, you get about one private message every few seconds, and it can be hard to keep up with it all, especially if you are busy doing something like trying to list an item in the auction. So many times I do not reply to people I don't know. I'm not intending to be rude, but it's no fun to sit in town for hours answering people's questions. I like to actually play the game too.

3) There is a difference between asking for help, and asking someone to do it for you. Most of the players who have asked me for help in the past month have asked for help completing planar tombs. Unfortunately, they don't have the gear to do dungeons that hard, so they end up dying and I fight the boss by myself since they have no ankhs and then when they walk back to the boss after dying, they drag the mobs with them and I die too. Some dungeons in this game are too hard for those with weak gear. Asking someone who has better gear for help is not going to help you finish the dungeon, it's just going to get the other player killed. Every time I have tried to help someone with lower gear finish planar tombs, the result has been many deaths added to my stats and we still can't manage to beat the boss. There is an order to things. If you do not have good enough gear to finish the hardest dungeons, then maybe you need to do the easier ones until you save up enough gold to get better gear.

12-20-2014, 08:35 PM
I think you are reading too much into it. Think about it from the reverse perspective. Everyone is trying to advance in the game somehow, either by running content for loot drops, or gaining xp, or running events, etc. People are going to group with others that further their goals the fastest. People have limited time to play, so they want to maximize their playtime as much as possible. If you are in a guild, maybe you can get someone to help you; at least the good guilds will help you. Guilds are trying to improve themselves, and their members so it's in their interest to do so. A lot of people ask higher level characters for help not realizing that they would actually make content harder, not to mention ruin the experience of doing something for oneself. There is content for every level in this game. Just because someone doesn't want to group with you doesn't mean it's rich vs. poor.

12-20-2014, 08:38 PM
In response to this. I work my tail off and I grind also like the next person but I like to see improvement in my character. I'm not the type who sits around and pops crates all day. I don't have the extra money for it dude. And please don't feel as if I'm attacking you. I'm just giving you my view. I don't mind if we agree to disagree. Cause your right about if your standing in town and a random person ask for you to help them. I go through it too and I help from time to time I put myself aside and help.

12-20-2014, 08:47 PM
A couple of comments:

1) Yes, you do need to purchase a little bit of plat to be successful in this game. However, you don't need to be some big plat whale to get really good gear, it just takes some time and effort. If you are unable to spend any money on this game, then you wouldn't even have a device to play the game on. Back when I was a kid there was no such thing as a free game. You had to go to the store and buy your games, and they all cost money. So this is not some big crime that a game cost money. The company who makes it is not a charity, they have employees that have to get paid, etc.

2) Many people don't realize this, but when you are a leaderboard player and you stand in town with nice gear, you get about one private message every few seconds, and it can be hard to keep up with it all, especially if you are busy doing something like trying to list an item in the auction. So many times I do not reply to people I don't know. I'm not intending to be rude, but it's no fun to sit in town for hours answering people's questions. I like to actually play the game too.

3) There is a difference between asking for help, and asking someone to do it for you. Most of the players who have asked me for help in the past month have asked for help completing planar tombs. Unfortunately, they don't have the gear to do dungeons that hard, so they end up dying and I fight the boss by myself since they have no ankhs and then when they walk back to the boss after dying, they drag the mobs with them and I die too. Some dungeons in this game are too hard for those with weak gear. Asking someone who has better gear for help is not going to help you finish the dungeon, it's just going to get the other player killed. Every time I have tried to help someone with lower gear finish planar tombs, the result has been many deaths added to my stats and we still can't manage to beat the boss. There is an order to things. If you do not have good enough gear to finish the hardest dungeons, then maybe you need to do the easier ones until you save up enough gold to get better gear.
There are many games that pay their employees fine, and their games don't depend buying in game currency with money.

12-20-2014, 08:54 PM
In a way i disagree..
Much of the est gear can be obtained by simply running dungeons for items to sell and then you can buy these items form auction.
Overall a mage set mythic excluding elo gun costs about 2.6m at this time (prob less). During this event you can easily gain that much money form farming locks, but i might get boring.
Now planar tombs is different.
ring means arcane ring btw
I completed the first tomb with legendary gear, a capped mage(no ring), a maul capped war(no ring), and a mythic gear rogue(no mythic wep or ring)
Now this was before event time but they willingly accepted me into there party. (my mage had about 516dmg using dova).

Running for leaderboards or being op in pvp is another matter, but still good gear attainable for players that never open locks.

I dont know if you know baska, but he has never spent a penny on this game but he can buy pretty much anything he would like in this game. (check his traders market thread and go through the first page)

Basically, the game is definetly harder for someone who doesnt open locks, but it is still manageable to get good gear.
Also if you think about it if you completed every dungeon (excluding elites) you technically beat the game because the story is finished. (for now at least)

12-20-2014, 10:19 PM
its the same crap since the end of 21 cap. The only 2 rarities worth much is arcane and mythic. People only get legendaires for the main obvious reasons. Plenty of us have beed complain bout currency and sts released elixes for gold,that helped alot till lockeds became the price of crap pinks. Bottom line is als ecomny will never be evened out. On top of stuck up paris hiltons with their arcane chiuauas. Reason some us old timers pvpin in pl....heck even the trash talk is on the jokin side

12-20-2014, 10:31 PM
Tbh, if you are not in the majority of the players that beg then chances are you're a bit snobbish too. We all are. You can't deny the fact that after getting constant PMs from players who beg, you'll stop responding to them altogether. You can try and become the most humble player out there, but like you said, it's just a game. You can keep replying to them each time saying "Sorry, I don't give out gold" etc. EVERY time they ask you, but you're just making it harder on yourself. I realized that in this game, people like to be surrounded with others who have the same goals. For example, some of the top geared players like to farm nubs (including me) in PvP simply because they have the power to do that. Most of them probably bought platinum which is good for them, but the rest of us that need to hustle (just like irl) in order to get our items are left out from what they can experience. This game is exactly the same irl. It's just a virtual projection. If you wanna play the game then either you FIND a way to prosper or convert to buying platinum. Although you can just quit it altogether. You got 3 choices right there buddy, which one will you choose?

12-20-2014, 10:37 PM
Tbh, if you are not in the majority of the players that beg then chances are you're a bit snobbish too. We all are. You can't deny the fact that after getting constant PMs from players who beg, you'll stop responding to them altogether. You can try and become the most humble player out there, but like you said, it's just a game. You can keep replying to them each time saying "Sorry, I don't give out gold" etc. EVERY time they ask you, but you're just making it harder on yourself. I realized that in this game, people like to be surrounded with others who have the same goals. For example, some of the top geared players like to farm nubs (including me) in PvP simply because they have the power to do that. Most of them probably bought platinum which is good for them, but the rest of us that need to hustle (just like irl) in order to get our items are left out from what they can experience. This game is exactly the same irl. It's just a virtual projection. If you wanna play the game then either you FIND a way to prosper or convert to buying platinum. Although you can just quit it altogether. You got 3 choices right there buddy, which one will you choose?

Ive already quit;....at least pl pvp there isnt 5vs5 isnt 10 people in same gear

12-20-2014, 10:41 PM
try Pocket Legends
U can achieve the best Gear and Cap without using any Plat!
U arent in a disadvantage without Plat either.
Thanks I will give it a shot

12-20-2014, 10:41 PM
Of course you're going to get snobbish responses if you are "begging, literally begging". 99.9% of the time soneone who begs for help with a run will spend that whole run begging for gold, pets, gear and anything else they can think of. It's awful.

Basic mythics don't require platinum to get, and a set is about 1.5mill depending on your class. You can easily make that in 2-3 weeks of farming. If you have a decent amount of skill and a good attitude, people will overlook a lack of extra bling. I run with a number of legendary players with perfectly acceptable stats. Get some decent stats and find an end-game elite guild to join. Even Pheonix's requirements are designed so that they can be met by a player with elite legendary gear, and we have some of the strictest requirements in the game.

However, If you go to them begging, you're going to get a poor response. I had one guy ask me to help him in Shuyal yesterday, and I was going to, until at the end of his request he says PLSSSSSSSSSS. That got him an auto-rejection. No tolerance for beggers. If they beg for help they always want more. Have some pride in yourself and show maturity and people will be much more receptive.

12-20-2014, 10:44 PM
I think you are reading too much into it. Think about it from the reverse perspective. Everyone is trying to advance in the game somehow, either by running content for loot drops, or gaining xp, or running events, etc. People are going to group with others that further their goals the fastest. People have limited time to play, so they want to maximize their playtime as much as possible. If you are in a guild, maybe you can get someone to help you; at least the good guilds will help you. Guilds are trying to improve themselves, and their members so it's in their interest to do so. A lot of people ask higher level characters for help not realizing that they would actually make content harder, not to mention ruin the experience of doing something for oneself. There is content for every level in this game. Just because someone doesn't want to group with you doesn't mean it's rich vs. poor.
Let's be honest with ourselves here. It's plain and obvious that it's an expansive between the rich and poor. I run elites looking for good loot to sell. I've completed the planar tombs on more than one occasion. The items that are dropped don't cover the price of pots and ankhs. I don't have a ton of gold to keep running these events with nothing to show for my time and effort.

12-20-2014, 10:46 PM
No offense but you must pop locks. Have you seen the prices in the cs versus the drops in the elite maps and planar tombs and arena? I'm not trying to single you out just pointing the obvious.

12-20-2014, 10:49 PM
Well I don't beg so I guess I'm a bit snobbish lol. And I understand that people who have achieved the same goals want to be in the same circles. Your right it is like real life people get ahead and just say forget everyone else who is honestly working to get to where you are.

12-20-2014, 10:53 PM
Of course you're going to get snobbish responses if you are "begging, literally begging". 99.9% of the time soneone who begs for help with a run will spend that whole run begging for gold, pets, gear and anything else they can think of. It's awful.

Basic mythics don't require platinum to get, and a set is about 1.5mill depending on your class. You can easily make that in 2-3 weeks of farming. If you have a decent amount of skill and a good attitude, people will overlook a lack of extra bling. I run with a number of legendary players with perfectly acceptable stats. Get some decent stats and find an end-game elite guild to join. Even Pheonix's requirements are designed so that they can be met by a player with elite legendary gear, and we have some of the strictest requirements in the game.

However, If you go to them begging, you're going to get a poor response. I had one guy ask me to help him in Shuyal yesterday, and I was going to, until at the end of his request he says PLSSSSSSSSSS. That got him an auto-rejection. No tolerance for beggers. If they beg for help they always want more. Have some pride in yourself and show maturity and people will be much more receptive.
First things first let's get something straight. One I don't mind asking people for help if I need it. And I don't ask them for gold, gear, pets, regardless and I have decent stats and I hold my own. It's the fact that the players who have made to the top 'per se' act like they haven't asked for help before. That's the type of attitude that kills me with the players who have so called made it.

12-20-2014, 10:59 PM
Don't give up dude. I also use legendary equipment for quite sometime before I have enough gold to buy descent gear.
Unless if you like to beg for help ( probably gold? ). No one will like you.
Since you are new, you probably need to find a good & helpful guild to be success.
Play AL to enjoy the game, make some friend & always hard working.

12-20-2014, 11:00 PM
First things first let's get something straight. One I don't mind asking people for help if I need it. And I don't ask them for gold, gear, pets, regardless and I have decent stats and I hold my own. It's the fact that the players who have made to the top 'per se' act like they haven't asked for help before. That's the type of attitude that kills me with the players who have so called made it.

Asking and begging are two different things. If you've been at end game with good gear and pets, you would know the experience is that 99% of people who beg for help, beg for gold, pets, gear etc as well. I did NOT say that this applied to you, but that people would have no way of knowing you were in the 1%. I was merely showing that a different approach would work better. However, you really need to join a guild to get the kind of thing you are looking for. You won't get it from random rich people standing around town.

12-20-2014, 11:02 PM
Don't give up dude. I also use legendary equipment for quite sometime before I have enough gold to buy descent gear.
Unless if you like to beg for help ( probably gold? ). No one will like you.
Since you are new, you probably need to find a good & helpful guild to be success.
Play AL to enjoy the game, make some friend & always hard working.
I've completed the end game content and again. I don't beg for gold or anything like that. It's just I'm amazed that how people get to the top and just say forget the rest of everyone else.

12-20-2014, 11:03 PM
Well I don't beg so I guess I'm a bit snobbish lol. And I understand that people who have achieved the same goals want to be in the same circles. Your right it is like real life people get ahead and just say forget everyone else who is honestly working to get to where you are.

Not the begging part, but I mean if someone does come up to you, then you are bound to be influenced by responding in a way that will come off as "snobbish". Also, this is off-topic, but have you played Skyrim? It's an amazing game. Since the legendary edition is 40% off on Steam, I'll be buying it once I get some cash. You should try that for a while! :P

12-20-2014, 11:05 PM
Asking and begging are two different things. If you've been at end game with good gear and pets, you would know the experience is that 99% of people who beg for help, beg for gold, pets, gear etc as well. I did NOT say that this applied to you, but that people would have no way of knowing you were in the 1%. I was merely showing that a different approach would work better. However, you really need to join a guild to get the kind of thing you are looking for. You won't get it from random rich people standing around town.
While I agree with one thing here. I have dealt with the experience of having people beg for gold, pets, gear, etc. The top % 1 just say screw everyone else we have made it. Now I understand that is impossible for them to help everyone out but at least don't sit there like a bump on a log and forget that they weren't in that spot before.

12-20-2014, 11:10 PM
Of course you're going to get snobbish responses if you are "begging, literally begging". 99.9% of the time soneone who begs for help with a run will spend that whole run begging for gold, pets, gear and anything else they can think of. It's awful.

Basic mythics don't require platinum to get, and a set is about 1.5mill depending on your class. You can easily make that in 2-3 weeks of farming. If you have a decent amount of skill and a good attitude, people will overlook a lack of extra bling. I run with a number of legendary players with perfectly acceptable stats. Get some decent stats and find an end-game elite guild to join. Even Pheonix's requirements are designed so that they can be met by a player with elite legendary gear, and we have some of the strictest requirements in the game.

However, If you go to them begging, you're going to get a poor response. I had one guy ask me to help him in Shuyal yesterday, and I was going to, until at the end of his request he says PLSSSSSSSSSS. That got him an auto-rejection. No tolerance for beggers. If they beg for help they always want more. Have some pride in yourself and show maturity and people will be much more receptive.

Not even 1.5mil, during 2X events and such a set can easily drop below that by a few hundred thousand!

12-20-2014, 11:12 PM
Not the begging part, but I mean if someone does come up to you, then you are bound to be influenced by responding in a way that will come off as "snobbish". Also, this is off-topic, but have you played Skyrim? It's an amazing game. Since the legendary edition is 40% off on Steam, I'll be buying it once I get some cash. You should try that for a while! [emoji14]
I'm currently playing destiny and wow and diablo 3 wondering why I keep coming back to AL honestly. The only reason I keep coming back is because of the friends I've made.

12-20-2014, 11:20 PM
Not even 1.5mil, during 2X events and such a set can easily drop below that by a few hundred thousand!
I hope so I will hustle and get up on some

: pop holding it down :[emoji87]

12-20-2014, 11:25 PM
I'm currently playing destiny and wow and diablo 3 wondering why I keep coming back to AL honestly. The only reason I keep coming back is because of the friends I've made.

Well, some of the games you should try especially if you love the RPG aspect are Dragon's Dogma and Skyrim. As for the non-fantasy type games, then you should try out Saint's Row 3/4 (VERY FUN), Red Dead Redemption, LA Noire and the most popular, GTA 5.

I agree about coming back for friends. Only reason I came back to AL was because my PS3 broke. Now I've made a couple of good friends. Haifer's definitely one of them! :)

12-20-2014, 11:27 PM
If you present it as just you being needy and expecting other people to drop their own gaming to come and help with yours, or just spamming/demanding that someone comes to "help you" this usually receives a very poor response in guild chat. This is because its presented in a way which is all about you. YOU need help. YOU need the AP. YOU are just sitting around doing nothing and relying/expecting other players to do something they don't need to do. (not you personally, I'm just saying this is often the case).

Instead, try to get involved in a guild community. When people post asking for parties for things, accept them and go - do runs with people, help others, make yourself known to the guild and make friends. Events are great for running and getting to know guildies because its easy to say "invite me for event :)" when someone asks. You will find that when you are readily available and often take up requests to party with others and play with them, then they are more likely to respond if you ask for a party for something you specifically need.

When it comes to getting help for things its not about gear - You just need to put in the help and presence first to get it back. Mature and independent players will get help, while people who present themselves as needy will not.

12-20-2014, 11:34 PM
Well, some of the games you should try especially if you love the RPG aspect are Dragon's Dogma and Skyrim. As for the non-fantasy type games, then you should try out Saint's Row 3/4 (VERY FUN), Red Dead Redemption, LA Noire and the most popular, GTA 5.

I agree about coming back for friends. Only reason I came back to AL was because my PS3 broke. Now I've made a couple of good friends. Haifer's definitely one of them! :)
Me? 0.o

12-20-2014, 11:35 PM
While I agree with one thing here. I have dealt with the experience of having people beg for gold, pets, gear, etc. The top % 1 just say screw everyone else we have made it. Now I understand that is impossible for them to help everyone out but at least don't sit there like a bump on a log and forget that they weren't in that spot before.

I'm not in the top 1% but I don't believe this is true. Sure, it probably is for some of them, but definitely not all. Just last week I was with Twixc farming for essences, and every run he invited random people from the tomb lobby to join, so they could share xp from us to level up faster. That's not something someone does if they are the kind of jaded jerk that is portrayed here.

12-20-2014, 11:47 PM
I'm not in the top 1% but I don't believe this is true. Sure, it probably is for some of them, but definitely not all. Just last week I was with Twixc farming for essences, and every run he invited random people from the tomb lobby to join, so they could share xp from us to level up faster. That's not something someone does if they are the kind of jaded jerk that is portrayed here.
Well twoxc is one of the good ones. It's a rarity that player of his caliber even takes out the time to help and I want to tell him thanks. But I still say that the top 1% is high on a hog and don't want to help the lesser folks.

12-20-2014, 11:57 PM
Me? 0.o
Yes you boss

12-21-2014, 12:20 AM
A couple of comments:

1) Yes, you do need to purchase a little bit of plat to be successful in this game. However, you don't need to be some big plat whale to get really good gear, it just takes some time and effort. If you are unable to spend any money on this game, then you wouldn't even have a device to play the game on. Back when I was a kid there was no such thing as a free game. You had to go to the store and buy your games, and they all cost money. So this is not some big crime that a game cost money. The company who makes it is not a charity, they have employees that have to get paid, etc.

2) Many people don't realize this, but when you are a leaderboard player and you stand in town with nice gear, you get about one private message every few seconds, and it can be hard to keep up with it all, especially if you are busy doing something like trying to list an item in the auction. So many times I do not reply to people I don't know. I'm not intending to be rude, but it's no fun to sit in town for hours answering people's questions. I like to actually play the game too.

3) There is a difference between asking for help, and asking someone to do it for you. Most of the players who have asked me for help in the past month have asked for help completing planar tombs. Unfortunately, they don't have the gear to do dungeons that hard, so they end up dying and I fight the boss by myself since they have no ankhs and then when they walk back to the boss after dying, they drag the mobs with them and I die too. Some dungeons in this game are too hard for those with weak gear. Asking someone who has better gear for help is not going to help you finish the dungeon, it's just going to get the other player killed. Every time I have tried to help someone with lower gear finish planar tombs, the result has been many deaths added to my stats and we still can't manage to beat the boss. There is an order to things. If you do not have good enough gear to finish the hardest dungeons, then maybe you need to do the easier ones until you save up enough gold to get better gear.
I missed responding to you. I'm from that Era where you had to play the game without in game purchases. Let's just say I go back far as Sega master system. I buy ankhs and again I hold my own. I know that STS isn't a charity. They have to pay there employees and keep the lights on. It's just again that the top players act as if they never had to have help. I'm not a crate popper never will be one. I'm a old school player where you earned everything you got. Oh and by the way I've completed the tombs with legendary gear and I don't like farming death either. You must be one of the snobbish players also so this a typical response from one of those type of players. I'm neither amazed nor surprised at this.

12-21-2014, 05:11 AM
Regiza I feel you, I'm not a plat player too. But where do you base your 1% statistics? Becoming a full mythics isn't that hard. You just have to be patient on farming and merching.
I just created a warrior a month ago form the scratch. I used it for farming tooths, after a month is already a full mythic. Now I can run with players with top gears no problem. Running the normal tindirin maps doesn't need mythics or arcanes. After farming tooths, dragonite bars and breeze eggs sells in millions of golds, thats a start.

My point here is, I think you didn't even tried or you tried but you give up too early then posted a rich-vs-poor thread in forum. If you really are an old retro-style gamer then grinding and farming is not a problem, I even remember hatching, reseting, trading and training for a lot of months to get just ONE perfect stat pokemon back then. It dwarfs the efforts I do here in AL just to be an elite-geared player. Please don't preach that your some kind of hard-core gamer who farms everything in-game if you didn't actually do it. Heck! I can create 10 facebook accounts and play the bard daily quest everyday, and at the end of the month its an automatic 800k to 1m worth. Your just lazy.

Again, I'm a non-plat player too. Never purchased nor spent a thing here but I got full mythic set on 3 characters, a couple of arcane pets and top-geared twinks. Don't blame others if they don't party you in elites, strive so that those others will be the one begging you to join them on elites.

12-21-2014, 07:04 AM
All games which include "online" on their genre are all PAY TO WIN, what makes you think its not? On other games they let you purchase the Godly items for a certain price (boring) here on AL you try your luck on crates, and to those people who farmed their way to getting mythic/arcane stuff i salute you!

12-21-2014, 07:42 AM
A lot of people stand In town afk. If they aren't answering they may not even be playing. Or like other have said they may be getting tons of pms.

Best thing to do if no one is helping you and you find poor parties is solo. Assuming everyone else owes you help in this game isn't much different from begging and won't get you good responses. Just some advise.

12-21-2014, 07:51 AM
This isn't meant to offend anyone. So try not to look at like that. Let's face it AL has become a pay to win game. If you don't have the mythic and arcane gear no one will run with you when it comes to end game content. The gap between rich and poor is so expansive that it's ridiculous not mention that it's not fun too play anymore. I had to beg I mean literally beg people that have the tip top gear in the game to get help. All my gear is legendary but, after having to beg people that have the best gear in the game I just simply said it's not worth it. The top players are so snobbish that if you speak to them they are so high on horse that they don't even speak back. Kind of reminds me in real life that if you don't have a certain status or income bracket then they don't want anything to do with you. And this is a game and I read where people say they help people all the time and I've asked some of you gamers who post these comments and no answer so it's just all lies. I may just leave the AL community and play something different.

AL always been pay to win (LB), but I can accept that because I'm not chasing LB, only play for fun :D

12-21-2014, 08:14 AM
A couple of comments:

1) Yes, you do need to purchase a little bit of plat to be successful in this game. However, you don't need to be some big plat whale to get really good gear, it just takes some time and effort. If you are unable to spend any money on this game, then you wouldn't even have a device to play the game on. Back when I was a kid there was no such thing as a free game. You had to go to the store and buy your games, and they all cost money. So this is not some big crime that a game cost money. The company who makes it is not a charity, they have employees that have to get paid, etc.

2) Many people don't realize this, but when you are a leaderboard player and you stand in town with nice gear, you get about one private message every few seconds, and it can be hard to keep up with it all, especially if you are busy doing something like trying to list an item in the auction. So many times I do not reply to people I don't know. I'm not intending to be rude, but it's no fun to sit in town for hours answering people's questions. I like to actually play the game too.

3) There is a difference between asking for help, and asking someone to do it for you. Most of the players who have asked me for help in the past month have asked for help completing planar tombs. Unfortunately, they don't have the gear to do dungeons that hard, so they end up dying and I fight the boss by myself since they have no ankhs and then when they walk back to the boss after dying, they drag the mobs with them and I die too. Some dungeons in this game are too hard for those with weak gear. Asking someone who has better gear for help is not going to help you finish the dungeon, it's just going to get the other player killed. Every time I have tried to help someone with lower gear finish planar tombs, the result has been many deaths added to my stats and we still can't manage to beat the boss. There is an order to things. If you do not have good enough gear to finish the hardest dungeons, then maybe you need to do the easier ones until you save up enough gold to get better gear.

number 3 is usually the problem. The elite maps weren't meant for those that can handle it. There are plenty of other maps people can run but they choose the hardest maps, die, and complain.

12-21-2014, 10:35 AM
Regiza I feel you, I'm not a plat player too. But where do you base your 1% statistics? Becoming a full mythics isn't that hard. You just have to be patient on farming and merching.
I just created a warrior a month ago form the scratch. I used it for farming tooths, after a month is already a full mythic. Now I can run with players with top gears no problem. Running the normal tindirin maps doesn't need mythics or arcanes. After farming tooths, dragonite bars and breeze eggs sells in millions of golds, thats a start.

My point here is, I think you didn't even tried or you tried but you give up too early then posted a rich-vs-poor thread in forum. If you really are an old retro-style gamer then grinding and farming is not a problem, I even remember hatching, reseting, trading and training for a lot of months to get just ONE perfect stat pokemon back then. It dwarfs the efforts I do here in AL just to be an elite-geared player. Please don't preach that your some kind of hard-core gamer who farms everything in-game if you didn't actually do it. Heck! I can create 10 facebook accounts and play the bard daily quest everyday, and at the end of the month its an automatic 800k to 1m worth. Your just lazy.

Again, I'm a non-plat player too. Never purchased nor spent a thing here but I got full mythic set on 3 characters, a couple of arcane pets and top-geared twinks. Don't blame others if they don't party you in elites, strive so that those others will be the one begging you to join them on elites.
Apparently you rarely read the forums. I work my tail off and play hard also. I can't afford to make 10 Facebook accounts and do 10 bard daily quest. My priorities have changed I mean do have a life. Not saying you don't. I farm eggs, locks, gear, etc. The return versus what your spending doesn't cover what your putting out. And as a rich vs poor alas, you missed it again. I said the gap between the two is expansive if that is a rich vs poor then fine but, that isn't the intent. Lazy you say? You don't know anything about me first of all. If you read the post which apparently you didn't. I said that this isn't meant to offend anyone. I take back the comment about not having a life out of this game. You probably don't have any friends and then complains about not having any. You probably live in your families basements. You probably don't a bill one to pay for or kids or real responsibilities what so ever

12-21-2014, 10:45 AM
number 3 is usually the problem. The elite maps weren't meant for those that can handle it. There are plenty of other maps people can run but they choose the hardest maps, die, and complain.
I've ran into number 3 the most Cookiez

Hamid Ahfir
12-21-2014, 10:47 AM
Rich vs poor .. its that :/
But if u r old player , u sure normally have a gud gear , so got a lot of fun , im personnally a nab lol , i only have a elon bow n mythic set .. n some time , ppl u telling "snoobish" dont tell me too but its only a game , go find other player n got fun or go work .. i dont understand this thread U.u

12-21-2014, 10:48 AM
A lot of people stand In town afk. If they aren't answering they may not even be playing. Or like other have said they may be getting tons of pms.

Best thing to do if no one is helping you and you find poor parties is solo. Assuming everyone else owes you help in this game isn't much different from begging and won't get you good responses. Just some advise.
I never said that anyone owes me help let's clear that up. I've dealt with the pm issue myself. But you can't be one way in game and then come and post about your helping people and you know aren't doing that. No saying that you have done this personally.

12-21-2014, 10:53 AM
All games which include "online" on their genre are all PAY TO WIN, what makes you think its not? On other games they let you purchase the Godly items for a certain price (boring) here on AL you try your luck on crates, and to those people who farmed their way to getting mythic/arcane stuff i salute you!
I agree with all online games are play to win. The prices for items are ungodly in the cs and the crates don't even get me started with them lol.

12-21-2014, 11:06 AM
I paid nothing and im rich, not a scammer, begger, or plat farmer, its called Motivation and Hard Work.

12-21-2014, 11:17 AM
I paid nothing and im rich, not a scammer, begger, or plat farmer, its called Motivation and Hard Work.
Thats good tank! I work my butt off also. Just not seeing the results yet[emoji106]

12-21-2014, 11:34 AM
Just join us at elite runners. We emphasize on skill and strategy rather than gears. I sometimes run with legendary gear and not one even notices.

12-21-2014, 12:37 PM
I never said that anyone owes me help let's clear that up. I've dealt with the pm issue myself. But you can't be one way in game and then come and post about your helping people and you know aren't doing that. No saying that you have done this personally.

Lol only posted it cause while working I stand in town and have a ton of pms when I return. Most don't get answered.

12-21-2014, 12:40 PM
Lol only posted it cause while working I stand in town and have a ton of pms when I return. Most don't get answered.
Lol and I'm willing to bet that most of them are asking you for eggs or gold, pets, etc lol.

12-21-2014, 02:22 PM
reg you are right i have opened 5-7 locks up to date thanks to free offers and got trash (well i think it is trash)
however you are right about the cost effectiveness and often though the planar chests are running 600k each you only get 1/6 of the profit due to the losses. (100k profit) and considering the terrible drop rate you are right sometimes it just isnt worth running elites.

What elites are you running that people wont run with you. Pugs ran with me in tarewa,wilds,and planar when I had legendary gear and now that i have full mythics (except gun) people will still run with me.

also i am interested to know what you are looking to buy....

furthemore insulting people isnt getting you anywhere just making people hate you more and want to help you less...
Also here is a question?
If you only play this game for friends, why do you bother about gold or stats?
Also who are you asking for help?

12-21-2014, 03:17 PM
reg you are right i have opened 5-7 locks up to date thanks to free offers and got trash (well i think it is trash)
however you are right about the cost effectiveness and often though the planar chests are running 600k each you only get 1/6 of the profit due to the losses. (100k profit) and considering the terrible drop rate you are right sometimes it just isnt worth running elites.

What elites are you running that people wont run with you. Pugs ran with me in tarewa,wilds,and planar when I had legendary gear and now that i have full mythics (except gun) people will still run with me.

also i am interested to know what you are looking to buy....

furthemore insulting people isnt getting you anywhere just making people hate you more and want to help you less...
Also here is a question?
If you only play this game for friends, why do you bother about gold or stats?
Also who are you asking for help?
I run elite anything it doesn't matter to me. And as far as insulting people goes I don't shoot back unless I'm fired at. I'm looking to get a elon bow and mythic or arcane gear. The arcane ring is way outta league. And as far as the guild goes it's pretty much new. So we have to take the ones who don't know the maps very well and teach them which I don't mind doing but, sometimes it's akin to farming death and the loot is trash for the most part. I know that most people aren't going to like this post but, I felt a need to say something for myself. I'm pretty sure there are other people who feel like me but, won't say anything or they post in a way where it's better received.

12-21-2014, 05:20 PM
so reg it appears your guild is taking up all your time which is limiting your progress.
With guilds, especially new ones it is hard not to help out the new players so what i suggest you do is set a reasonable goal based on your time. Perhaps 5 event locks a day or one loot drop or 3 elite runs a day. After you have completed that goal then you should help your guild.

If i am not mistaken you have full legendary meaning you need the mythic armor (about 1.6m for full set +essence upgrade part), blood ruby (700k clean), fang (130k), elo bow (14m im guessing full grand gemmed), and singe/sam (9m for singe, 18m for sam)

So lets look at the picture before the pets and weapon. Cost: 2.43m (about)
The elo bow and sam. Cost: 32m (about)
Noe the first part is about medium difficulty and could be farmed by soloing certain maps and maybe after 1-3 months you'll have the money you need.
Now if you have that gear, many players will run any map with you. That 32m is still really hard to achieve but by upgrading your stats through an easier method, you can slowly work over to that part.

12-21-2014, 06:49 PM
so reg it appears your guild is taking up all your time which is limiting your progress.
With guilds, especially new ones it is hard not to help out the new players so what i suggest you do is set a reasonable goal based on your time. Perhaps 5 event locks a day or one loot drop or 3 elite runs a day. After you have completed that goal then you should help your guild.

If i am not mistaken you have full legendary meaning you need the mythic armor (about 1.6m for full set +essence upgrade part), blood ruby (700k clean), fang (130k), elo bow (14m im guessing full grand gemmed), and singe/sam (9m for singe, 18m for sam)

So lets look at the picture before the pets and weapon. Cost: 2.43m (about)
The elo bow and sam. Cost: 32m (about)
Noe the first part is about medium difficulty and could be farmed by soloing certain maps and maybe after 1-3 months you'll have the money you need.
Now if you have that gear, many players will run any map with you. That 32m is still really hard to achieve but by upgrading your stats through an easier method, you can slowly work over to that part.
Nice plan I'll give a shot and what happens. I like the whole break down. And I looked at a elon bow but it was a perfect bow which was 15 million so I'm going to have to get one clean or gemmed already. As far as Sam goes that's a different story. It will take some time to get that pet :) until I can get same what is a better alternative? And working with the guild is time consuming but, I don't really mind that much. I will keep you informed of how your plan is working and thanks alot.

12-21-2014, 08:37 PM
A couple things you should be warned about during events is almost nobody will help you during event time.
This is pretty essential to know because most people during events start farming maps such as wt4 and km3 etc. for locks and essences to compete in the event with.

This makes completing the goal i have previously mentioned about 10 times harder so you should be careful of this during event time and dont quit.

A quick word of advice during events though (imo) is, elites > event.
If you monitored the prices for the past couple weeks before event and compare them to now, most prices have risen by 20k while ankhs are losing value. Something to look at especially if you want to merch.
(this is partially theory and results are based on this event only)

also you might want to pm these top players via forum pm. Most of them will then probably answer when they arent in guild wars, or in elites fighting a boss.

12-21-2014, 10:47 PM
True I've checked out the prices on ankhs they roughly 74k and they are around 54k give or take. And it is event time so getting people to help is pretty hard I have to agree with you on that. But I'm thankful for the advice you've given me.

12-26-2014, 11:28 PM
Hey there. :) Hopefully I can help out here a little. As we plan out our content for next year, I think you guys will see a lot better balance coming to the gear in the game. The reign of the current mythics is coming to an end and we are focusing on making sure that new gear that we release is obtainable for both our paying and non-paying players. Yes, platinum often makes things easier, but I think that gradually you'll start to see that gap between rich and poor shrink, making Arlor a much more balanced place. We'll be releasing our Q1 roadmap/producer's letter in a couple of weeks that will give a little more detail on what you'll see in AL going in to next year.

12-27-2014, 03:58 AM
Hey there. :) Hopefully I can help out here a little. As we plan out our content for next year, I think you guys will see a lot better balance coming to the gear in the game. The reign of the current mythics is coming to an end and we are focusing on making sure that new gear that we release is obtainable for both our paying and non-paying players. Yes, platinum often makes things easier, but I think that gradually you'll start to see that gap between rich and poor shrink, making Arlor a much more balanced place. We'll be releasing our Q1 roadmap/producer's letter in a couple of weeks that will give a little more detail on what you'll see in AL going in to next year.

Im bit scared about this.. i havent good gear again but i would, im working hard to get it if with next patches will be too easy have a good gear the game will be more boring imho. Hope u will find the best way.
PS: by the way noobs still noobs also with good gear, i hate ppl cry for all and want all easy without do nothing.
Peace and love. :angel:

12-27-2014, 04:24 AM
i would love to see what remi said above. yes platinums should make things easier but shouldnt be the only option. i would love to see more things like planar tombs and arena. i remember the nordr expansion when there was so much farming and elite bael and krunch was a good option too. i think it would be fine if free players grind game and get good things and plat players gets it a little easily. and all those who say that non plat players should not get good gears , its unfair to those who spend platinums... well i 'd say free players are equally important as paying players as its coz of those free players only the paying players buys platinums coz then who will buy all your ankhs and luck kits? :)

12-27-2014, 05:33 AM
Nowadays if anyone asks me to help them in Planar, I look at their stats and also ask if they have ankhs. This is not snobbish it is due to the devs focusing the game towards ankhs. I simply cannot carry people thru planar who have no ankhs or specs not capable of handling abundance of mobs.

I totally agree with Energizerics 3rd point in his post.

12-27-2014, 07:02 AM
This isn't meant to offend anyone. So try not to look at like that. Let's face it AL has become a pay to win game. If you don't have the mythic and arcane gear no one will run with you when it comes to end game content. The gap between rich and poor is so expansive that it's ridiculous not mention that it's not fun too play anymore. I had to beg I mean literally beg people that have the tip top gear in the game to get help. All my gear is legendary but, after having to beg people that have the best gear in the game I just simply said it's not worth it. The top players are so snobbish that if you speak to them they are so high on horse that they don't even speak back. Kind of reminds me in real life that if you don't have a certain status or income bracket then they don't want anything to do with you. And this is a game and I read where people say they help people all the time and I've asked some of you gamers who post these comments and no answer so it's just all lies. I may just leave the AL community and play something different.

1. I've got a friend in a real world playing AL who is a pro. He's got Bulwark (he payed 15m for it but he was robbed for 10m while destroying Bulwark's stats) with Para and Grand Blood gems, perfect mythic set (including jewellery), mythic and the best legendary pets. But's not the end: he's got two bonus characters: 41lvl mage and 5lvl rogue. The mage is exactly equipmented like a warrior and the rogue has Dova, the most expensive legendary set and a Para Gem. This event he's got Platinum Tier on a war and a mage. What's the point? He didn't spend a cent for platinum. Everything is the effect of his hard work. Possible? Possible.

2. We are snobbish? Well, maybe I'm not such pro as my friend, because I don't have new mythic weapon, but I have mythic armor, a few mythic pets, quite a lot legendary pets, Para Gem...I also have a 3lvl twink with Dova and the best legendary gear for this lvl(everything bought without 1 platinum) Herds of beggers also beg me for cash, for unlocking the maps, for giving gear. Don't you think it's simply annoying? When you only step a foot in a city you've got 5 friend requests and messages like 'Give me 5k pls' or 'Help me with a map'. Don't you think we don't have time to help every noob begger in a city? We have our own lives, families, friends. Even if we just don't want to help you, because we want to go make a poo it's still not your business! Maybe we're in pt with our friends, go to city only to buy a kit? Maybe we've been playing whole day and we're done? Maybe we've gtg to work or school? Maybe we're engaged with someone and going out to meet him? You're cheeky to talk like this. It's only our good will to help you.

Fran Mac
12-27-2014, 08:28 AM
top gear, items and pets its for the best players or for the lucky ones, since im not neither i will never be a top stats player so i have to play with what i have. since i have the 3 chars 41 i decided to buy an item that could fit all, so i went for mythic ring with para, and only because of that i have better stats in all 3 chars that most of the hundreds of players i found running event in random parties.

then i decided to buy pets and items that i hope they will sell for more in a few months (new players usually dont think in time, they want everything as soon as they start)

and i can have fun this way, why cant the others too? cause they are not top players? (just think this event is too long and a bit boring cause of that)

12-27-2014, 08:34 AM
This isn't meant to offend anyone. So try not to look at like that. Let's face it AL has become a pay to win game. If you don't have the mythic and arcane gear no one will run with you when it comes to end game content. The gap between rich and poor is so expansive that it's ridiculous not mention that it's not fun too play anymore. I had to beg I mean literally beg people that have the tip top gear in the game to get help. All my gear is legendary but, after having to beg people that have the best gear in the game I just simply said it's not worth it. The top players are so snobbish that if you speak to them they are so high on horse that they don't even speak back. Kind of reminds me in real life that if you don't have a certain status or income bracket then they don't want anything to do with you. And this is a game and I read where people say they help people all the time and I've asked some of you gamers who post these comments and no answer so it's just all lies. I may just leave the AL community and play something different.

false, I believe that it was after, now the game let farm energy, give us ankhs, many things. Is more you no need open locked because in the chest elite there posibility of drop items mythics and arcanes and I dropped a fang in a chest the last week.

Also the game give many options for farm gold, hauntle, elite, events, etc...

I in this winter event won 2.8m + hallowen 1.8m + urshot assault 3.5m = 8.1m

12-27-2014, 10:14 AM
Nowadays if anyone asks me to help them in Planar, I look at their stats and also ask if they have ankhs. This is not snobbish it is due to the devs focusing the game towards ankhs. I simply cannot carry people thru planar who have no ankhs or specs not capable of handling abundance of mobs.

I totally agree with Energizerics 3rd point in his post.
Lol I honestly forgot this post until I got the notification that someone else had posted. I can read your post and respect you for them cause you give explanations of what you are explaining.

12-27-2014, 09:17 PM
I paid nothing and im rich, not a scammer, begger, or plat farmer, its called Motivation and Hard Work.

Precisely what he just stated and on the top of that please keep in mind that some countries are at the disadvantage when it comes to free plat offers. Ive realised that the usa is the best for this type of endeavours while i can hardly see anything worth doing in the uk.

U can make milions in this game quite quickly selling locks and exploiting events. I personally preffer to pop locks. I spend 2-4h in job, get 2xmax plat on offer and usually end up with good stuff.

Similar results can be achieved with free running, however, the time required will be in weeks and months.

12-27-2014, 11:23 PM
Precisely what he just stated and on the top of that please keep in mind that some countries are at the disadvantage when it comes to free plat offers. Ive realised that the usa is the best for this type of endeavours while i can hardly see anything worth doing in the uk.

U can make milions in this game quite quickly selling locks and exploiting events. I personally preffer to pop locks. I spend 2-4h in job, get 2xmax plat on offer and usually end up with good stuff.

Similar results can be achieved with free running, however, the time required will be in weeks and months.
This much is true and I don't disagree with you. Much can be achieved through hardwork and time. I do have to disagree with the usa statement cause I know plenty of people who haven't reached the goals they have set out after farming and so forth. I'm from the U.S. lol.

12-28-2014, 05:51 AM
I didnt read any of the above posts.
I m a non-plat user as well.. I started al during the ursoth event which was a big help to get me started and earn some money
Its so not true that non-plat players cant achieve the best gears in al.. I have the mythics a maul and most of the mythic pets.. I earned that all within 3-4 months without using plat and with some merching.. Just gotta play the smart way.
After all there is no fun in using plat, getting things for free and playing. U gotta work hard to achieve it

And yeah i m currently running for lb as well:)

12-28-2014, 06:59 AM
Apparently you rarely read the forums. I work my tail off and play hard also. I can't afford to make 10 Facebook accounts and do 10 bard daily quest. My priorities have changed I mean do have a life. Not saying you don't. I farm eggs, locks, gear, etc. The return versus what your spending doesn't cover what your putting out. And as a rich vs poor alas, you missed it again. I said the gap between the two is expansive if that is a rich vs poor then fine but, that isn't the intent. Lazy you say? You don't know anything about me first of all. If you read the post which apparently you didn't. I said that this isn't meant to offend anyone. I take back the comment about not having a life out of this game. You probably don't have any friends and then complains about not having any. You probably live in your families basements. You probably don't a bill one to pay for or kids or real responsibilities what so ever

Apparently you read forums a lot, thats why you don't have time for farming (unlike what you said working your tail-off). It seems that you can't take the arguement on how a non-plat can farm those golds for mythics and arcanes so you attack personal life which you had no idea of. Firstly I'm a female design engineer working at an electric company, the game was introduced to me by my boyfriend since we were both gamer back on college days. At age of 20 I already own a house and supporting my two other sibbling on the college fees. Now this is very far from your logic because what you do is complain here. The 10 facebook account was just an example on how to have big golds, and instead of noticing the idea I gave -you choosed to attack an immaginary life about me.

Your "lazy" ??? Yes! my words stands for itself, we both started as level 1 toon at windmoore. I complain about lag and dc because I can't farm properly but you complain about gap between rich and poor, see the difference?

I missed the poor vs rich? Your effort in farming is not equal to your gain? Nope, I was encouraging you to farm and merch harder so you can close that gap yourself. And pointing out what is wrong with your point of view.

Anyway, my effort to make you spend more fun time in game farming and merching to get your goals had different effect on what I intended. And since you can't stand behind your own words
This isn't meant to offend anyone. Even the other forumers who replied on this thread got a what-not reply from you. I won't post on this thread anymore nor read its content, goodluck to you and you so called priorities.

12-28-2014, 10:44 AM
I didnt read any of the above posts.
I m a non-plat user as well.. I started al during the ursoth event which was a big help to get me started and earn some money
Its so not true that non-plat players cant achieve the best gears in al.. I have the mythics a maul and most of the mythic pets.. I earned that all within 3-4 months without using plat and with some merching.. Just gotta play the smart way.
After all there is no fun in using plat, getting things for free and playing. U gotta work hard to achieve it

And yeah i m currently running for lb as well:)
Great job universal pro.

12-28-2014, 11:24 AM
Apparently you read forums a lot, thats why you don't have time for farming (unlike what you said working your tail-off). It seems that you can't take the arguement on how a non-plat can farm those golds for mythics and arcanes so you attack personal life which you had no idea of. Firstly I'm a female design engineer working at an electric company, the game was introduced to me by my boyfriend since we were both gamer back on college days. At age of 20 I already own a house and supporting my two other sibbling on the college fees. Now this is very far from your logic because what you do is complain here. The 10 facebook account was just an example on how to have big golds, and instead of noticing the idea I gave -you choosed to attack an immaginary life about me.

Your "lazy" ??? Yes! my words stands for itself, we both started as level 1 toon at windmoore. I complain about lag and dc because I can't farm properly but you complain about gap between rich and poor, see the difference?

I missed the poor vs rich? Your effort in farming is not equal to your gain? Nope, I was encouraging you to farm and merch harder so you can close that gap yourself. And pointing out what is wrong with your point of view.

Anyway, my effort to make you spend more fun time in game farming and merching to get your goals had different effect on what I intended. And since you can't stand behind your own words Even the other forumers who replied on this thread got a what-not reply from you. I won't post on this thread anymore nor read its content, goodluck to you and you so called priorities.
Lazy don't grind get until it gets mythic gear. I've never ran or hid behind anything I've stated. Lazy wouldn't be able to get help from friends to help lazy complete end game content for the simple fact he's lazy. Lazy helps other guildies achieve goals cause lazy has been in that situation where lazy has needed help before so therefore lazy understands. Lazy has went to college as well and has a bachelor's degree in English and paired it with foreign language also and is currently working towards another degree in international business and business law. So therefore lazy commends you and your hard work.

12-28-2014, 11:30 AM
Some people have different priorities, there are all sorts of guys/gals in this game. I try and give a percentage of my gold away every week. I wouldn't be considered rich by a long shot but I do spend money on plat and if things go well, I like to do things for people. Gave somebody gold for spendalot hat last week I think. What I try and do with players that are new or are having a tough time getting a lepre or mythic armor is I make a deal that if they give me X amount of locked crates, I'll buy them their helm/pendant/whatever it is if I can afford it. It's gratifying to all involved and I don't become a complete pushover in the process. It works a little better imo rather than seeing a gold number that seems unattainable. Something like get me 50 locked crates and I'll buy you a mythic helm or whatever the number is. I feel like I give some by covering the value difference and they accomplish something by being on a farming grind. The sound of 50 locks seems easier on the ears than 650K for a helm. That's how I try and do my helping people. I think people would also be a lot more willing to help if clear effort is shown by the people asking for help too. I know I am. Just a little about me. :-)

12-28-2014, 01:04 PM

12-28-2014, 03:09 PM
I believe that the comment of Remi [emoji178] say all!

12-28-2014, 03:09 PM
I am not sure about u guys, but I kind of like the gap between rich and poor and i think it should be sustained. Balancing this game and letting everyone having the best EQ in this game makes things tedious. If i dont see anyone stronger than myself then whats the point of playing? I probably would not mind everyone being weaker, but since i do not play that much it makes no difference. I happen to desire better things than someone who does not support this game financially. At the moment your poorly conducted choices made almost everyone equipped with elo gun, bow, bulwark, and their frost peers. Arcane weapons have become useless and Samales are chilling on every corner with signes, glacials and HJs selling for scraps.

Perhaps, make more plat offers lasting forever, top it up with more 2x chances for mythic, and reintroduce the same supposedly exclusive weapons for any given event again, and again ,and again, and adversely impact upon your player-base.

This has always been Pay to Win game, now it has slowly become Pay and if your extremely lucky, you may be stronger than random Joe, for a week or less.

12-28-2014, 03:20 PM
Hi evereyone,

As Remiem stated (see below), there are plans to help balance the gear in game. I'm closing this thread now as it has devolved into insults and non-construtive discussion. Please be respectful when posting. Thanks!

Hey there. :) Hopefully I can help out here a little. As we plan out our content for next year, I think you guys will see a lot better balance coming to the gear in the game. The reign of the current mythics is coming to an end and we are focusing on making sure that new gear that we release is obtainable for both our paying and non-paying players. Yes, platinum often makes things easier, but I think that gradually you'll start to see that gap between rich and poor shrink, making Arlor a much more balanced place. We'll be releasing our Q1 roadmap/producer's letter in a couple of weeks that will give a little more detail on what you'll see in AL going in to next year.