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View Full Version : blacksmith's beret not checked, tried deleting, cannot get new

02-16-2011, 04:44 PM
My blacksmith's beret of strength was not showing up as checked when I callled up the warrior's cap recipe. I tried lots of stuff and finally deleted my beret and all my items in the crafters tab... how do I get a new beret and start craftig Again? -stinky

02-16-2011, 04:49 PM
You need to find the recipe before you start crafting....you will get one to start with when u are done the first part or your crafting missions in FH, so if u sold the beret...which u made from crafting then you will have to find more recipes!

02-16-2011, 05:00 PM
-So I need to wander forest haven until a new blacksmith's beret recipe Drops? The first one was given to me by burke, but he no longer offers me that initial quest... are you sure about the blacksmith's beret also being a drop? I could spend forever looking for it and never find it if you are wrong

I would be amazed to find out I was the only one with this issue... any one dlse out there need a new Beret? -stinky

02-16-2011, 05:09 PM
well all i know is you get a recipe once from the FH craft quest.....then after that you have to find the recipes yourself.

02-18-2011, 04:46 PM
Start a new character, do the first crafting quest (quesets?) to get the recipe again, assuming you mean that beginning recipe you get?

You can always delete the character after you're done.

Alternatively, if your character is low enough, delete him and do it again Just remember before deleting to remove EVERYTHING from the character and of course, try not to delete characters w/ extra inventory/auction slots.

02-19-2011, 05:18 AM
Ok. So I can use a disposable toon to get that blacksmith beret recipe. How do I get it to my permenant toon without mail like wow has?

02-19-2011, 05:53 AM
Anything that is placed into your Stash is accesible from any of your other characters on your account. So, place the item(s) that you want to transfer into your stash, then log off that character, log on to the the character you want those item(s) on, go to your stash, and withdraw them from it ;)