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View Full Version : L. 66 Islander Mage PvP

12-22-2014, 06:11 PM
I would like to thank Gregjoob for letting me buy the set for 1.5 mil :) Thank you good sir!

Now to the subject,

My build, I think, seems to be standard as I am a debuff, full-int, and Green-Dragon-Ring-using mage. :) Hehehehehe

So this is it:

4- Frostbite
9- Lightning
6- Heal
1- Revive
9- Firestorm
1- Icestorm
9- Drain
1- Weakness
6- Nightmare
1- Mana Shield
9- Blessing of Vitality
9- Blessing of Might

Ok. Now comes the interesting part.

Criticism please. At this level, I seem to see many bears. I haven't seen pallies much. The reason why I have debuffs is because of pallies, int mages, and bears. Bears are obvious----decrease stats. Int mages and pallies----use weakness first and wait for heal, and then use nightmare for nuke. (That's why Weakness is at one and Nightmare is at 6). Idk about this build though.

I put one on MS b/c I just figured out that the Lustrous Int Set and the Islander Set have the same base armor........

6 heal b/c 6/7 is enough, even at endgame.

Suggestions/Criticisms much appreciated!

12-22-2014, 06:19 PM
you should be able to nuke. even at a distance without ur debuffs

12-22-2014, 06:36 PM
you should be able to nuke. even at a distance without ur debuffs

True, but once all my spells are on cooldown, I guess it adds something to the build. Idk though...

12-22-2014, 07:27 PM
A Debuff of just 1 is worthless especially at 66+

if you gonna use a debuff build, put atleast 6+ in them and lower lightning and firestorm to 6

12-22-2014, 08:17 PM
Would this be a good build for angelic set

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12-23-2014, 12:28 AM
Idk. Maybe I should just do without debuffs and put a total of 8 into MS.