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02-16-2011, 09:47 PM
I'll keep this post brief and to the point:

It's ok to run (flee) from an enemy if need some time to regen health/mana.

I'm tired of players complaining about this. If you think runners are a problem, it's likely you're simply being outplayed. Wherein the confines of etiquette or exploitation is there a basis for this gripe? It's called survival.

Same thing goes for using the environment for cover. I dunno about most people but the existence of barriers/cover offers a refreshing combat dynamic as opposed to a bland wide open battle grid.

What's next? No hiding around corners?

02-16-2011, 09:49 PM
I'd have to agree.

In the real world, retreat is a perfectly valid tactic in any war. What is a person supposed to do? Commit suicide by running up against a team of 3-5 enemies?

It isn't cowardice, it isn't being "cheap" or anything - it's as valid a tactic as aggro.

Edit: Perhaps things are different as I mainly play 5v5.

02-16-2011, 10:01 PM
A big issue is in a 1v1 with both people starting fresh. You both go running towards each other, you buff, and the other person turns around to run in the other direction... waiting for your buffs to fall, just so they can buff and kill you while you're defenses are down. Cheap move IMO.

02-16-2011, 10:05 PM
I've had to retreat quite often lately since I get teamed on in set 1v1 matches a lot. Some people seem fixated on getting kills and winning instead of just having fun. Nothing is fun if you take it too seriously.

02-16-2011, 10:08 PM
A big issue is in a 1v1 with both people starting fresh. You both go running towards each other, you buff, and the other person turns around to run in the other direction... waiting for your buffs to fall, just so they can buff and kill you while you're defenses are down. Cheap move IMO.

It appears that in this situation you buffed yourself too early. That's probably the most tactical part of the 1v1 match. That initial dance that determines who will buff first, who will attack first, who will enter attack range first!

02-16-2011, 10:11 PM
It appears that in this situation you buffed yourself too early. That's probably the most tactical part of the 1v1 match. That initial dance that determines who will buff first, who will attack first, who will enter attack range first!

It's not buffing too early when you're feet from each other and about to collide... You're BOTH ready to fight and the person repulses/firestorms/stomps. Running to regain AFTER fighting is one thing, but running just because you can't fight is weak.

02-16-2011, 10:16 PM
A big issue is in a 1v1 with both people starting fresh. You both go running towards each other, you buff, and the other person turns around to run in the other direction... waiting for your buffs to fall, just so they can buff and kill you while you're defenses are down. Cheap move IMO.

Ever watch a mixed martial arts match (any sport that offers a one on one opportunity)? It's a feeling out process at the beginning of every encounter. You showed you hand early and the other player made a tactical choice and pretty much out-played you. I don't really pvp (and prolly won't it using intelligence isn't allowed) but if the whole point is to run head to head and play button mashing chicken with each other, where is the fun in that?

02-16-2011, 10:19 PM
Ever watch a mixed martial arts match (any sport that offers a one on one opportunity)? It's a feeling out process at the beginning of every encounter. You showed you hand early and the other player made a tactical choice and pretty much out-played you. I don't really pvp (and prolly won't it using intelligence isn't allowed) but if the whole point is to run head to head and play button mashing chicken with each other, where is the fun in that?

The thing is, they don't even kite. They just flat out run. I'm not stupid either. They're pretty dumb. I keep a strong freeze, so they're easy to stop in their tracks. I don't usually let people kite anyway. Just back off to take their target off you and charge. It's a pain, but you have to play their own game against them. It's just a drawn out kill... they will usually lose...

02-16-2011, 10:21 PM
The thing is, they don't even kite. They just flat out run. I'm not stupid either. They're pretty dumb. I keep a strong freeze, so they're easy to stop in their tracks. I don't usually let people kite anyway. Just back off to take their target off you and charge. It's a pain, but you have to play their own game against them. It's just a drawn out kill... they will usually lose...

Sounds like you're pro at pvp, they are just trying to find a strat that works for them. Maybe it's not leet enough to beat you, but if it's worked for them in the past there is no reason to change it until they meet a stronger opponent.

02-16-2011, 10:23 PM
The thing is, they don't even kite. They just flat out run. I'm not stupid either. They're pretty dumb. I keep a strong freeze, so they're easy to stop in their tracks. I don't usually let people kite anyway. Just back off to take their target off you and charge. It's a pain, but you have to play their own game against them. It's just a drawn out kill... they will usually lose...

It would be foolish to doubt your PvProwess and it sounds like you have a good system for defeating the runner's method.

02-16-2011, 10:24 PM
Sounds like you're pro at pvp, they are just trying to find a strat that works for them. Maybe it's not leet enough to beat you, but if it's worked for them in the past there is no reason to change it until they meet a stronger opponent.

I've been awful in high level pvp lately. I went in and got my butt kicked a while ago, but everyone was higher level and with new gear... I was in void. I've been rusty on my main... I've found my place a little more in lvl 35 pvp.

02-16-2011, 10:39 PM
Dudes it's been an unsaid rule since pvp began. Doing small kiting to avoid attacks and get regen is ok- running somebody's buff out- or kiting halfway across the map on you hamma birdy- is not called stratedgy, it's fighting dirty. If that's what some people half to do to try to win so be it. They will never be the best.

02-16-2011, 11:14 PM
Dudes it's been an unsaid rule since pvp began. Doing small kiting to avoid attacks and get regen is ok- running somebody's buff out- or kiting halfway across the map on you hamma birdy- is not called stratedgy, it's fighting dirty. If that's what some people half to do to try to win so be it. They will never be the best.

but who's forcing the hammer bird to chase them across the map eating the runner's auto? If i were the bird, I'd combo them with skills, and the second they try to run, run oppostie of them, it's a perfect way to juke them into another combo.

plus: "When you're fighting a bunch of blind men, sometimes it's just best to stay out of the way." -Jackie Chan

in other words, if you're being ran from, don't be a blind man.

for those who say it's "cowardice"... "cowardice" > stupidity

02-16-2011, 11:19 PM
sorry but i think when birds hit you with repulse, run to the other side of the map, get thier skills back, then repulse you away again is just stupid. plus they only take away about 1/4 health, and with good regen you get that up real quick. so they can never win- and wont give yuo a chance to touch them.

02-16-2011, 11:25 PM
For the record, I've never been a big fan of "unsaid" rules. The game's population is simply too diverse to assume nice play. Running a person's buff out from start to finish doesn't make a lot of sense and I agree with you. There's nothing in you're own arsenal that won't be readied before your enemy's recycle.

Don't forget the most important factor, which I mentioned above: It's your choice when you begin your cycle. If you find yourself chasing a player down, he's likely called your bluff.

02-16-2011, 11:48 PM
Dudes it's been an unsaid rule since pvp began. Doing small kiting to avoid attacks and get regen is ok- running somebody's buff out- or kiting halfway across the map on you hamma birdy- is not called stratedgy, it's fighting dirty. If that's what some people half to do to try to win so be it. They will never be the best.

Fighting dirty, seriously?! So, if I'm a taller fighter and have more range than you shouldn't I take advantage? Sounds like you're one of those "beat them at their own game" types. Sorry, but I play to my strengths. If I can stay outside of a melee enemies attack range, I will for as long as I can. The bad thing about unsaid rules is if no one talks about them, perhaps less people actually know about them than you think.

02-16-2011, 11:57 PM
Fighting dirty, seriously?! So, if I'm a taller fighter and have more range than you shouldn't I take advantage? Sounds like you're one of those "beat them at their own game" types. Sorry, but I play to my strengths. If I can stay outside of a melee enemies attack range, I will for as long as I can. The bad thing about unsaid rules is if no one talks about them, perhaps less people actually know about them than you think.

Oh, WORD! (applause)

02-17-2011, 01:14 AM
Yeah, spent about 30 secs losing this warbird around a tree, I was at 1/20 hp, he just spawned... finally he lagged and teleported.... >.>

02-17-2011, 05:37 AM
theres NO rule in either FFA(free for all) or 1v1! in 1v1 backing off and waste ur opponents combo isnt cheap, instead its a rly pro move imo, u need to time the range extremely well or u fail. running, kiting or hugging trees r not cheap either, only those noobs dont know how to do it and get their sorry asses kicked then pissed off.

02-17-2011, 05:57 AM
this is my opinion PVP has no rules so IDC if anyone calls me cheap or a noob.. or a tree hugger it doesnt state
if it had rules i would folo them

02-17-2011, 06:43 AM
Everyone is free to fight the way they want just a matter of adjustment

02-17-2011, 07:31 AM
Running is stupid. Juking is a tactical
Here is an explanation of juking :http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?16241-Juking-Running-A-tactical-not-a-cheap-move.&highlight=juking

02-17-2011, 08:30 AM
I agree and disagree.

As far as ducking for cover behind trees and such...if you are properly dueling, you aren't around trees to begin with. I can't tell you how many games I've joined with a person just hiding behind a tree waiting for someone to join. This is how they start the duel or fight off. Sounds real tactical to me. Waiting for someone to approach you as your strafe around a tree is just lame, not skillful. -.-

As far as birds and repulse, it's one thing to repulse to keep distance, push opponent back to avoid combo (or throw it off), but continue to attack. It's another to repulse and literally run the other way, not even to get away, but for all your skills to cooldown. It doesn't exactly require any skills to know the range of repulse and when to use. As far as "knowing your distances", that's not even an issue.

02-17-2011, 08:35 AM
It's not buffing too early when you're feet from each other and about to collide... You're BOTH ready to fight and the person repulses/firestorms/stomps. Running to regain AFTER fighting is one thing, but running just because you can't fight is weak.

Mmm. Not a big PvP player here but it seems to me that running just because you can't fight is kind of the only option if you cannot fight. lol

02-17-2011, 10:21 AM
When I pvp against bears on my level 10 bird, I always root them and run until their rage is finished. I consider it being smart, not a coward. They have their skill (rage) that allows them to hit 150s at level 10, I and have thorn root to stop them from being able ot use it. It's just good tactics in my opinion, and not to utilize all of your skill because of some "code" is just ridiculous. I fight to win, however I am able to, and I have fun doing it. If others don't like how I play than they can play with someone else.

02-17-2011, 10:41 AM
I'll keep this post brief and to the point:

It's ok to run (flee) from an enemy if need some time to regen health/mana.

I'm tired of players complaining about this. If you think runners are a problem, it's likely you're simply being outplayed. Wherein the confines of etiquette or exploitation is there a basis for this gripe? It's called survival.

Same thing goes for using the environment for cover. I dunno about most people but the existence of barriers/cover offers a refreshing combat dynamic as opposed to a bland wide open battle grid.

What's next? No hiding around corners?

Ok, so, heres what this means.

Bears can go to hell.
Your so bad at pvp that you run.
"Flee" Sounds homo, using a fancy word for run doesnt make it ok.
Running isnt outplaying, its being a noob.

Lastly, Getting 43 pvp kills doesnt make you pro.

02-17-2011, 10:42 AM
I'd have to agree.

In the real world, retreat is a perfectly valid tactic in any war. What is a person supposed to do? Commit suicide by running up against a team of 3-5 enemies?

It isn't cowardice, it isn't being "cheap" or anything - it's as valid a tactic as aggro.

Edit: Perhaps things are different as I mainly play 5v5.

Naw bro, in the real world, we no scope collateral 2 of them, then we take this rest with a curved bullet like the ending of "wanted"

02-17-2011, 10:56 AM
Mmm. Not a big PvP player here but it seems to me that running just because you can't fight is kind of the only option if you cannot fight. lol

Lol by cannot fight, I mean sucking.

02-17-2011, 03:59 PM
theres NO rule in either FFA(free for all) or 1v1! in 1v1 backing off and waste ur opponents combo isnt cheap, instead its a rly pro move imo, u need to time the range extremely well or u fail. running, kiting or hugging trees r not cheap either, only those noobs dont know how to do it and get their sorry asses kicked then pissed off.

sorry, my sensei has spoken, and you cannot argue with the best :D I concur with Imp. And if you know they're retreating and playing tactical, it's up to you to catch that and not fall for any traps. If you do, then that's just you failing to notice it, or being naive/too bloodthirsty to care.

02-17-2011, 04:06 PM
I am trying really hard of not making any bad French army jokes here. Please stop!

02-17-2011, 04:09 PM
It would be foolish to doubt your PvProwess and it sounds like you have a good system for defeating the runner's method.

Dude runnin is noobish. I was pvpin a guy named loseryareli or somethin and i told him to pvp me cause he was a big mputh. He made a ctf match and i joined him. He just spawnkilled me again and again. I made a 3v3 arena and said go. I buffed and he just RAN ALL OVER THE MAP. Then i stoped runnin behind him and he rushed me. If u like this tact then u should play pacman bro cause if ur a pally and u need to run :/ u must fail a lot. Runnin is natural. OVERRUNIN is noobish. Think of someone who took your money. He comes to give it to u and then he starts runin and when u get exhausted he turns around, hits u on the head or breaks somethin of your body. Then he takes anythin prescious u have. Think it this way. ALSO ur too new to understand everythin whch is contained in pvp. Let time pass and see for urself

02-17-2011, 04:11 PM
I am trying really hard of not making any bad French army jokes here. Please stop!

lol los Germanos son cabrones no? XD

02-17-2011, 04:14 PM
Dude runnin is noobish. I was pvpin a guy named loseryareli or somethin and i told him to pvp me cause he was a big mputh. He made a ctf match and i joined him. He just spawnkilled me again and again. I made a 3v3 arena and said go. I buffed and he just RAN ALL OVER THE MAP. Then i stoped runnin behind him and he rushed me. If u like this tact then u should play pacman bro cause if ur a pally and u need to run :/ u must fail a lot. Runnin is natural. OVERRUNIN is noobish. Think of someone who took your money. He comes to give it to u and then he starts runin and when u get exhausted he turns around, hits u on the head or breaks somethin of your body. Then he takes anythin prescious u have. Think it this way. ALSO ur too new to understand everythin whch is contained in pvp. Let time pass and see for urself

so to paraphrase, running is a tactic, but not excessive running?

I can agree with this, it does get annoying during a match that lasts 45 minutes when the mage i'm fighting runs oom, and my health regen is faster than their auto attack...

02-17-2011, 04:17 PM
Ok, so, heres what this means.

Bears can go to hell.
Your so bad at pvp that you run.
"Flee" Sounds homo, using a fancy word for run doesnt make it ok.
Running isnt outplaying, its being a noob.

Lastly, Getting 43 pvp kills doesnt make you pro.

1st time i freakin totally agree with twinkstatic but TOTALLY

02-17-2011, 04:24 PM
so to paraphrase, running is a tactic, but not excessive running?

I can agree with this, it does get annoying during a match that lasts 45 minutes when the mage i'm fighting runs oom, and my health regen is faster than their auto attack...

U dont get it do u? Ok i dunno whats your class. Mine is a pala since lvl 35. First of all i see people with 3k kills who r lvl 51-53 when I HAD 6K KILLS AT lvl 25 WITH BARBAMITSOS FFS. (1st rage) SECOND. IMPERIAL IS TOTALLY INCORECT AT HIS STATEMENTS. if u want me to explain why tell me.THIRDLY, people hidin behind trees, runnin when they say go in a duel, rushin and stuff like this are mynas gen nooblets who just want to kill someone when they r weak cause they are too NOOBS to fight when they are equal! Basically what ladylOve stated.FOURTH: NONE OF THESE MYNAS GENS OR LATER CAN UNDERSTAND THE GAME WHEN THE ONLY AREA THEY HAVE BEEN IS AO2 AO3 AND BALEFORT SEWERS! FIFTH: MAKIN such a thread is a failure cause it shows how noob is its maker cause he cant Pvp without runnin! SIXTH no guys were not at a real war with real guns. If this game has influenced u that much tell your parents to take the devices off your room. Eighth: people who beleive runnin is a good tact please make a bear and play with it for like 10 pvp games and feel teh fail.
And yes its a rage post!

9th: if u wana understand what i mean read everythin above 2 times

02-17-2011, 04:33 PM
3 words: Play to win

Just to elaborate in case it's unclear, I mean doing everything in your power to win within the limits of morality (aka without cheating). If that means running around for a while to regain your hp/let skills cooldown then I dont see a problem with it. It gives both players a chance to do so actually, and basically resets the fight. So in the end the better player should still win. Sure the match will take longer, but the result should be the same.

I don't think using a tactic like this has anything to do with being a "mynas gen", because as far as I see that term is used to describe players with a lack of tactic in mostly PvE situations. Above you said that players who do this just want to kill someone when they are weak. When else would I want to kill someone? If my rage is down for the next 8 secs, and I see my opponent use his rage at that time, I'd be an idiot to try to take him on. But in the same respect he'd be an idiot to not try to kill me. I think unless you and your opponent talk before hand and lay down some rules for your fight, anything goes.

Now I'm not endorsing running or anything of the sort, and I'm even less likely to actually do it in game though I admit to it being advantageous in some situations. I like to play aggressively and from my experience trying to run will get you killed anyways.

02-17-2011, 04:35 PM
3 words: Play to win

4 words: U care that much?

02-17-2011, 04:36 PM
4 words: U care that much?

5 words: this is getting nowhere fast :D

02-17-2011, 04:38 PM
Bottom line: Runners will always argue that it is sound strategy. Non-runners will always argue that it is poor play and weak. No way to make anyone change their mind because the running behavior seems to be successful for some players so they will keep doing it no matter how aggravating it may be.

02-17-2011, 04:47 PM
U dont get it do u? Ok i dunno whats your class. Mine is a pala since lvl 35. First of all i see people with 3k kills who r lvl 51-53 when I HAD 6K KILLS AT lvl 25 WITH BARBAMITSOS FFS. (1st rage) SECOND. IMPERIAL IS TOTALLY INCORECT AT HIS STATEMENTS. if u want me to explain why tell me.THIRDLY, people hidin behind trees, runnin when they say go in a duel, rushin and stuff like this are mynas gen nooblets who just want to kill someone when they r weak cause they are too NOOBS to fight when they are equal! Basically what ladylOve stated.FOURTH: NONE OF THESE MYNAS GENS OR LATER CAN UNDERSTAND THE GAME WHEN THE ONLY AREA THEY HAVE BEEN IS AO2 AO3 AND BALEFORT SEWERS! FIFTH: MAKIN such a thread is a failure cause it shows how noob is its maker cause he cant Pvp without runnin! SIXTH no guys were not at a real war with real guns. If this game has influenced u that much tell your parents to take the devices off your room. Eighth: people who beleive runnin is a good tact please make a bear and play with it for like 10 pvp games and feel teh fail.
And yes its a rage post!

9th: if u wana understand what i mean read everythin above 2 times

Allow me to clarify my position on this arguement, I'm double-sided. Neutral. Just stating things out of experience.


1. Didn't ask for a speech of rage, I'm not being hostile. I just wanted your opinion and nothing more.
2. This isn't about mynas gens, bringing them into this is pointless
3. Zeriousbear, my main twink
4. I also play as a mage so I know running is necessary at times when bears are constantly on your arse
5. Don't argue, when you're not open-minded even to see the opposing side's points.


PS: *Thick layer of sweet, delicious sarcasm, batting eyes* Or do you not get it?

02-17-2011, 04:48 PM
Bottom line: Runners will always argue that it is sound strategy. Non-runners will always argue that it is poor play and weak. No way to make anyone change their mind because the running behavior seems to be successful for some players so they will keep doing it no matter how aggravating it may be.

so u just say thAt they should keep runin and runin and runin. u run away from. problem in ur life? it will get in front of u again... learn to face someone HEAD TO HEAD. and not like loseryareli who is a coward

02-17-2011, 04:48 PM
5 words: this is getting nowhere fast :D

6 words: That is what we call tryhard.

02-17-2011, 04:49 PM
so u just say thAt they should keep runin and runin and runin. u run away from. problem in ur life? it will get in front of u again... learn to face someone HEAD TO HEAD. and not like loseryareli who is a coward

Hey no problems here. Just stating that if it works for them they will keep doing it. Chill bro.

02-17-2011, 04:50 PM
6 words: That is what we call tryhard.

7 words: TT we for once we are together

02-17-2011, 04:52 PM
Hey no problems here. Just stating that if it works for them they will keep doing it. Chill bro.

when did u start playin? i mean at what cap? if ur fathomgen then u would understand what i mean. if ur not then i cant make u understand my statement cause BACK THEN no mynasgen 5k kills lvl 50s Apeared and no lvl 6 came in ao3 crush the keeper with exp pots sayin: powerlvl me plz

02-17-2011, 04:57 PM
when did u start playin? i mean at what cap? if ur fathomgen then u would understand what i mean. if ur not then i cant make u understand my statement cause BACK THEN no mynasgen 5k kills lvl 50s Apeared and no lvl 6 came in ao3 crush the keeper with exp pots sayin: powerlvl me plz

I came late in the game. All I am trying to get across is that as long as the game itself let people run away or power level there is no point arguing with those who do it because if it works for them and they are having fun they will keep on doing it. Sorry If I came across taking one side or the other. It was just an observation. Never mind me... Sorry again if I bothered you in any way.

02-17-2011, 05:00 PM
when did u start playin? i mean at what cap? if ur fathomgen then u would understand what i mean. if ur not then i cant make u understand my statement cause BACK THEN no mynasgen 5k kills lvl 50s Apeared and no lvl 6 came in ao3 crush the keeper with exp pots sayin: powerlvl me plz

"Allow me to clarify my position on this arguement, I'm double-sided. Neutral. Just stating things out of experience.


1. Didn't ask for a speech of rage, I'm not being hostile. I just wanted your opinion and nothing more.
2. This isn't about mynas gens, bringing them into this is pointless
3. Zeriousbear, my main twink
4. I also play as a mage so I know running is necessary at times when bears are constantly on your arse
5. Don't argue, when you're not open-minded even to see the opposing side's points.


PS: *Thick layer of sweet, delicious sarcasm, batting eyes* Or do you not get it?"

Barb, please read this, you're looking like someone trying to flame when frankly no one here is interested

02-17-2011, 05:04 PM
so u just say thAt they should keep runin and runin and runin. u run away from. problem in ur life? it will get in front of u again... learn to face someone HEAD TO HEAD. and not like loseryareli who is a coward

Ofc it will get in front of you again. The idea here is that when it does, you are more prepared for it

02-17-2011, 05:08 PM
Ofc it will get in front of you again. The idea here is that when it does, you are more prepared for it

SO u have a deadline at a project. U run away frOm doin it ... Ull get minus grades! Runnin away when duelin... Dude serious problem here... If u beleive runnin is awesOme make a bear lvl 50 and Pvp my bird lvl 50. Ill watch how u wont be able to come near me and ull se my point. Til then with ur lvl 10 u cant have an opinion on this thing. "play to win" is general... ToO general

02-17-2011, 05:11 PM
SO u have a deadline at a project. U run away frOm doin it ... Ull get minus grades! Runnin away when duelin... Dude serious problem here... If u beleive runnin is awesOme make a bear lvl 50 and Pvp my bird lvl 50. Ill watch how u wont be able to come near me and ull se my point. Til then with ur lvl 10 u cant have an opinion on this thing. "play to win" is general... ToO general

Who died an made you king? You're no one to say who has an opinon or not.

fyi, this is A GAME not LIFE... Go outside and ride a bike like all the other 8-year-olds.

02-17-2011, 05:14 PM
SO u have a deadline at a project. U run away frOm doin it ... Ull get minus grades! Runnin away when duelin... Dude serious problem here... If u beleive runnin is awesOme make a bear lvl 50 and Pvp my bird lvl 50. Ill watch how u wont be able to come near me and ull se my point. Til then with ur lvl 10 u cant have an opinion on this thing. "play to win" is general... ToO general

Procrastinating on a project in school or something is much different then what we're talking about here. I never said running was "awesOme," I'm not a big fan of it myself either. Tbh I dont think level plays much of a role in my ability to form opinions either, so I'll stick to it.

02-17-2011, 05:17 PM
I'm setting 2 people o this thread to ignore. running is noobish- kiting and juking is fair. God, pvp used to have honor.

02-17-2011, 05:20 PM
I'm setting 2 people o this thread to ignore. running is noobish- kiting and juking is fair. God, pvp used to have honor.

to some of us it still does, my firend

02-17-2011, 05:23 PM
Procrastinating on a project in school or something is much different then what we're talking about here. I never said running was "awesOme," I'm not a big fan of it myself either. Tbh I dont think level plays much of a role in my ability to form opinions either, so I'll stick to it.

At lvl 50 a bear cant get the bird dead with auto shots like in 10 pvp. Thats why i tell it to u! And this is why i tell u kitin sucks. And now iv goten raged from the whole discusiOn. My only statement is that runnin isn somethin that proes do like the threadmaker and imperial stated. Imo if u cant kill someone imdiately just repulse him but dont start runnin oposite to make him useless! Seriously

And thats my main point from all these posts. If u can understand it its ok for me. If u dont its ok too. When u find out what i mean ull see the other way

02-17-2011, 05:30 PM
theres NO rule in either FFA(free for all) or 1v1! in 1v1 backing off and waste ur opponents combo isnt cheap, instead its a rly pro move imo, u need to time the range extremely well or u fail. running, kiting or hugging trees r not cheap either, only those noobs dont know how to do it and get their sorry asses kicked then pissed off.

AGREED. This true in any PvP in any game.

02-17-2011, 05:50 PM
At lvl 50 a bear cant get the bird dead with auto shots like in 10 pvp. Thats why i tell it to u! And this is why i tell u kitin sucks. And now iv goten raged from the whole discusiOn. My only statement is that runnin isn somethin that proes do like the threadmaker and imperial stated. Imo if u cant kill someone imdiately just repulse him but dont start runnin oposite to make him useless! Seriously

And thats my main point from all these posts. If u can understand it its ok for me. If u dont its ok too. When u find out what i mean ull see the other way

no one said it's pro, it's only noob to complain about it

02-17-2011, 05:53 PM
no one said it's pro, it's only noob to complain about it

And u mean its noobish to complain about somethin noob?

02-17-2011, 06:05 PM
And u mean its noobish to complain about somethin noob?

if that's what i said, but it's not.

02-17-2011, 06:09 PM
This is quickly descending into a flame war.

I don't think that there's going to be a consensus here. Maybe it's best if this thread were just locked.

02-17-2011, 06:12 PM
This is quickly descending into a flame war.

I don't think that there's going to be a consensus here. Maybe it's best if this thread were just locked.

it already is a war kind of, but it's because some people don't wanna accept that other people have opinions too.

02-17-2011, 07:32 PM
My name says it all...

02-17-2011, 08:45 PM
theres NO rule in either FFA(free for all) or 1v1! in 1v1 backing off and waste ur opponents combo isnt cheap, instead its a rly pro move imo, u need to time the range extremely well or u fail. running, kiting or hugging trees r not cheap either, only those noobs dont know how to do it and get their sorry asses kicked then pissed off.

If you have common sense, the runner ends up being the stupid one. Fight the person once and don't make the same mistakes. You'll end up hitting more than they do. I'd say tree hugging is a sorry move. That's how you get stuck against a tree with nowhere to go but down on the floor.

02-17-2011, 08:47 PM
If you have common sense, the runner ends up being the stupid one. Fight the person once and don't make the same mistakes. You'll end up hitting more than they do. I'd say tree hugging is a sorry move. That's how you get stuck against a tree with nowhere to go but down on the floor.

When people tree hug, I just stop attacking, then when they think it's all good and safe, I unleash my combo on them, and it is bye bye cute lil stuffed animal!

02-17-2011, 08:53 PM
Actually I only run in extreme emergencies. For instance this happened last night,,, In a mage group and doing more dd then the others. I am near death and the others have near full hp. I ran a bit out and waited for agro to clear before running back. No one died and I didn't lose my xp pot.

02-17-2011, 08:54 PM
Actually I only run in extreme emergencies. For instance this happened last night,,, In a mage group and doing more dd then the others. I am near death and the others have near full hp. I ran a bit out and waited for agro to clear before running back. No one died and I didn't lose my xp pot.

Running is fine in pve. This is pvp we're talking about lol. I kite like mad when I have aggro.

02-17-2011, 09:24 PM
Ooh .... nevermind! Lol

02-17-2011, 09:45 PM
7 words: TT we for once we are together

8 words: I might Take you off my ignore list.

02-17-2011, 09:47 PM
8 words: I might Take you off my ignore list.

Aww all the people who hate each other are being tolerant!!!!

02-17-2011, 10:07 PM
Lol it's the people who can't win without running that are making these threads.

02-17-2011, 10:08 PM
Lol it's the people who can't win without running that are making these threads.

And bingo was his name-o...

02-17-2011, 10:10 PM
Lol it's the people who can't win without running that are making these threads.

dead where it hurts the most. Well said

02-17-2011, 10:50 PM
I don't PvP but the allowance of "no running" as an unwritten but established rule is sorta like two boxers exchanging punches with each other without moving/dodging. Am I hearing this correctly?

02-18-2011, 12:28 AM
I don't PvP but the allowance of "no running" as an unwritten but established rule is sorta like two boxers exchanging punches with each other without moving/dodging. Am I hearing this correctly?

Pretty much.

The rules are so blatantly obvious, that they dont need to be written...

Just like in black ops, you dont use a 74u in a quickscope lobby...

02-18-2011, 12:34 AM
I don't get it, it's like restricting the AWP in de_dust2. Who made up these rules? So if you run in PL or use an AWP you're branded as a cheater/low-life/poor sport/cheapskate?

If the devs intended running away in PvP to be a gamekiller, they would've fixed PvPers in one spot. "Juking" is another way of running away but in a more meaningful and strategic manner. You can't deny that. In football when you juke, you MOVE/RUN SIDEWAYS to avoid getting tackled. I don't understand why "running" and "juking" are not nearly synonymous, but more like incredibly separate terms.

02-18-2011, 05:18 AM
Range pawns melee. Get mad then get over it.

I was on my 20 dexbear the other night and this 23 birds range just pawned me.
We were 1v1 cuz he seen my name on a list and said he wanted to take my spot. That sht made me lol.

Anyway I could not hurt him. I could not hit him with any skills or my gun. He didn't even use his gun, he just fired out his arrows ending with repell and then ran a lil till his arrows were bak up. He was f'n great at what he was doing. I told him "I can't kill u". He said "I know, doest that make u mad? I said not really, ur kinda of kiting me. He says I know.

Then he brings his lvl 20 dex bear to fight me. He was pretty good but I killed him over and over and over and over and over.

Not sure where I'm going with this....o yeah, range pawns melee!

I don't hate when peeps run. Just what they need to do to try to not die.

Now if we were in a tourny, Not so sure if the refs would allow this.

Anyway gl guys! Have fun pvp'n!

02-18-2011, 05:25 AM
Range pawns melee. Get mad then get over it.

I was on my 20 dexbear the other night and this 23 birds range just pawned me.
We were 1v1 cuz he seen my name on a list and said he wanted to take my spot. That sht made me lol.
Any way I could not hurt him. I could not hit him with any skills or my gun. He didn't even use his gun, he just fired out his arrows ending with repell and then ran a lil till his arrows were bak up. He was f'n great at what he was doing. I told him "I can't kill u". He said "I know, doest that make u mad? I said not really, ur kinda of kiting me. He says I know.
Then he brings his lvl 20 dex bear to fight me. He was pretty good but I killed him over and over and over and over and over.

Not sure where I'm going with this....o yeah, range pawns melee!

I don't hate when peeps run. Just what they need to do to try to not die.

Now if we were in a tourny, Not so sure if the refs would allow this.

Anyway gl guys! Have fun pvp'n!
u r right in some parts i have to admit but u can absolutely see that the guy was useless when he came meelee. Thats what i dislike...

02-18-2011, 05:26 AM
Aww all the people who hate each other are being tolerant!!!!

XD what is the meanin XD

02-18-2011, 05:31 AM
u r right in some parts i have to admit but u can absolutely see that the guy was useless when he came meelee. Thats what i dislike...

Ya ur right. He got me down to 20ish% hp a few times but besides that I owned him.

Dang, I kinda thought I was spelling meelee wrong... U sure that's how its spelled?
Wow work in three hours I need sleep! GN

02-18-2011, 05:34 AM
Ya ur right. He got me down to 20ish% hp a few times but besides that I owned him.

i have lvl 20s lvl 10s lvl 25s lvl 35s lvl 50s lvl 55s and i sure can tell u that a bird can win a bear even without RUNNING. maybe not easily but yes it can!

02-18-2011, 10:04 AM
XD what is the meanin XD

Hahah it means you're getting along.

My main is currently a dextress at lvl 54. It needs a new build, needs to level, and needs proper gear, BUT I went into pvp last night and ya know what? I can beat bears above my level and with better gear by standing in one spot with them on top of me. Running is something you do when you think you have no options, but you DO have options.

02-18-2011, 10:21 AM
Standing infront of a bear as bird will get u killed for sure ... U have to make use of ur skills getting in range release skills and wait for refresh try juking a bit maybe and then unleash again nothing wrong with it. Try to stand infront of a bear while having cooldowns and urna tasty chicken burger for bears :/

02-18-2011, 12:22 PM
You know, if you are so worried about your buffs running out and all that... you can also back off until you get your buffs back... don't continue to chase if you know your gonna lose... that's idiotic.

02-18-2011, 04:28 PM
You want a demonstration of proper "juking"? Watch me fight as Zeriousbear.

You want a demonstration of proper "kiting"? Watch Progasm (Zasho's new lvl 20)

You want to see running? Don't come around here...

02-18-2011, 08:05 PM
Pro was lvl 25 last I checked.

02-18-2011, 08:35 PM
Pro was lvl 25 last I checked.

Do u mean lvl25 pvp is pro or there is a lvl 25 that goes by pro?

02-18-2011, 08:37 PM
Progasm was lvl 25, not 20 the last time I saw him.

Anyway, you gonna enter the twinking tourney? ;)

02-18-2011, 10:17 PM
You want a demonstration of proper "juking"? Watch me fight as Zeriousbear.

You want a demonstration of proper "kiting"? Watch Progasm (Zasho's new lvl 20)

You want to see running? Don't come around here...

You want a demonstration of what a wannabe/follower sounds like? Read HerWolf's posts.

Seriously.. You've been all over this since the start and have approved of EVERY combat tactic involving running, except the ones that are CALLED running. Add some integrity when composing your posts once in a while.

02-18-2011, 10:41 PM
Standing infront of a bear as bird will get u killed for sure ... U have to make use of ur skills getting in range release skills and wait for refresh try juking a bit maybe and then unleash again nothing wrong with it. Try to stand infront of a bear while having cooldowns and urna tasty chicken burger for bears :/

Try being an enchantress with low armor and zero mana on top of a bear... and winning. Mana shield gets killed every time and I'm left with careful decision-making.

02-18-2011, 11:18 PM
You want a demonstration of what a wannabe/follower sounds like? Read HerWolf's posts.

Seriously.. You've been all over this since the start and have approved of EVERY combat tactic involving running, except the ones that are CALLED running. Add some integrity when composing your posts once in a while.

No one's following anyone here. Wanna hear someone who's a know-it-all and doesn't know when to give it a break? Give an opinion to "DontNerfMeBro". And as I said before in my posts, I'm double-sided about running since I play as all classes. So of course I'll approve of both sides, and agree (something you fail at) with certain people's points. Don't be an arrogant know-it-all, you're only making yourself look bad. And stop trolling, that's what Twinktastical and Banned are here for, except they're actually good at it. Now GROW UP

02-18-2011, 11:38 PM
if that's what i said, but it's not.

Might be MY new signature parody.

So are you gonna pick a standpoint on the thread's actual issue, or are you gonna just play to the forum's highest poster? Now's your chance.

02-19-2011, 12:25 AM
Might be MY new signature parody.

So are you gonna pick a standpoint on the thread's actual issue, or are you gonna just play to the forum's highest poster? Now's your chance.

Ok first, of all, I don't answer to you. Second of all, what's the point of trying to make me look bad at your own cost? You know what forums are for? OPINIONS! I have many regarding any subject I come across, and am NOT required to take a standpoint of any. Now enough of your pointless, and unsupported arrogance!

02-19-2011, 07:59 PM
Range pawns melee. Get mad then get over it.

I was on my 20 dexbear the other night and this 23 birds range just pawned me.
We were 1v1 cuz he seen my name on a list and said he wanted to take my spot. That sht made me lol.

Anyway I could not hurt him. I could not hit him with any skills or my gun. He didn't even use his gun, he just fired out his arrows ending with repell and then ran a lil till his arrows were bak up. He was f'n great at what he was doing. I told him "I can't kill u". He said "I know, doest that make u mad? I said not really, ur kinda of kiting me. He says I know.

Then he brings his lvl 20 dex bear to fight me. He was pretty good but I killed him over and over and over and over and over.

Not sure where I'm going with this....o yeah, range pawns melee!

I don't hate when peeps run. Just what they need to do to try to not die.

Now if we were in a tourny, Not so sure if the refs would allow this.

Anyway gl guys! Have fun pvp'n!
lol dude, one problem u hav with this bird is that u havent opened ur brain wide enough to truly embrace the essence of the idea of how to run and juke. faced countless battles with pro birds, i wasnt gonna say these coz it took me a while to learn but i still want to say it here, bear in mind these:
1. never chase them like a hungry noob, they will turn back once their cd is finished and one combo u clean off.
2. hugging trees to waste their combos by covering up urself (they wont always fall tho, if u want a demonstration join my 55 pvp)
3. dont forget u can run like hell as well, so in ur case as a bear, if i were u i would run the whole map till my health is full before i face him again.

02-20-2011, 02:21 AM
Ok first, of all, I don't answer to you. Second of all, what's the point of trying to make me look bad at your own cost? You know what forums are for? OPINIONS! I have many regarding any subject I come across, and am NOT required to take a standpoint of any. Now enough of your pointless, and unsupported arrogance!

Fair enough.

My arrogance is always substantial btw.

02-20-2011, 03:51 AM
Fair enough.

My arrogance is always substantial btw.

Arrogance is arrogance. A negative trait. Having "substantiality" doesn't make it ok.

02-20-2011, 04:23 AM
Arrogance is arrogance. A negative trait. Having "substantiality" doesn't make it ok.

Just because we're not amicable enough to exchange gifts during the holidays doesn't make me any less "right" when I'm...well...right. Go ahead and repost. I'm starting to get used to your attention.

02-20-2011, 11:22 AM
Running is allright with me in my opinion and even kiting, but... There are some people that abuse that aspect and take it too far. I met some twinks last night that ran for the ENTIRE battle. Continuos running IMHO is NOT OK. That's just playing dirty.

02-20-2011, 02:48 PM
lol dude, one problem u hav with this bird is that u havent opened ur brain wide enough to truly embrace the essence of the idea of how to run and juke. faced countless battles with pro birds, i wasnt gonna say these coz it took me a while to learn but i still want to say it here, bear in mind these:
1. never chase them like a hungry noob, they will turn back once their cd is finished and one combo u clean off.
2. hugging trees to waste their combos by covering up urself (they wont always fall tho, if u want a demonstration join my 55 pvp)
3. dont forget u can run like hell as well, so in ur case as a bear, if i were u i would run the whole map till my health is full before i face him again.

I understand what ur saying it's just not my style.

U say go I say go then u run away and hide behind a tree lmao!

Just not how I role man.

02-20-2011, 03:08 PM
i have a new stratagy for runner, just switch to a snowball launcher (for lvl 20 pvp) and freeze em.

02-20-2011, 03:11 PM
i have a new stratagy for runner, just switch to a snowball launcher (for lvl 20 pvp) and freeze em.

Rose wand bear :(

02-20-2011, 03:11 PM
range tel me how to beat u please!!!!!!!

02-20-2011, 03:13 PM
range tel me how to beat u please!!!!!!!

After the contest :p. Mridgaf, someblackman, and obiliterateta already figured it out :p. As well as protank.

02-20-2011, 03:14 PM
ill ask obliterateta, or sbm

02-20-2011, 03:36 PM

Oo! Sry parth, I had to try it out :)

Edit: went str tho ftw!

02-20-2011, 05:10 PM

Oo! Sry parth, I had to try it out :)

Edit: went str tho ftw!

Lmao no problem :). Looks like There is now a trend to all those who got the wand :p.

02-20-2011, 07:49 PM
I understand what ur saying it's just not my style.

U say go I say go then u run away and hide behind a tree lmao!

Just not how I role man.

well, tbh i barely do that unless i m forced. for instance: u say go i say go my opponent combo me and run away then i will do absolutely everything to mess around with him so basically i wont do that unless other does it first.
u got to get used to this if u wanna do better in pvp otherwise u might get pissed by those smart who utilize all these, thats the reality.
also u dont run behind a tree when u r full health and all skills rdy to be casted, even the dumbist noobs wont do that rofl..

02-20-2011, 07:53 PM
well, tbh i barely do that unless i m forced. for instance: u say go i say go my opponent combo me and run away then i will do absolutely everything to mess around with him so basically i wont do that unless other does it first.
u got to get used to this if u wanna do better in pvp otherwise u might get pissed by those smart who utilize all these, thats the reality.
also u dont run behind a tree when u r full health and all skills rdy to be casted, even the dumbist noobs wont do that rofl..

I must have seen some noobs dumber than the dumbest... a lot of them.

02-20-2011, 08:01 PM
I must have seen some noobs dumber than the dumbest... a lot of them.

lol i m using exaggeration here, to emphasise the fact how ridiculous that is. lmao

02-20-2011, 08:02 PM
lol i m using exaggeration here, to emphasise the fact how ridiculous that is. lmao

People will do some rediculous things in pvp... It's just like.. really?

02-20-2011, 08:21 PM
ill ask obliterateta, or sbm

Won't ask me.? O that's right I never kiss and tell :P

02-20-2011, 08:24 PM
Won't ask me.? O that's right I never kiss and tell :P

Protank, You are an utter beast with that new build of yours. Big props to you man!

02-20-2011, 08:25 PM
well, tbh i barely do that unless i m forced. for instance: u say go i say go my opponent combo me and run away then i will do absolutely everything to mess around with him so basically i wont do that unless other does it first.
u got to get used to this if u wanna do better in pvp otherwise u might get pissed by those smart who utilize all these, thats the reality.
also u dont run behind a tree when u r full health and all skills rdy to be casted, even the dumbist noobs wont do that rofl..

I know man I was jp. Thought I try to something funny.

But no I vs'd u at 50 on our pally's I know ur good.

02-20-2011, 08:29 PM
Protank, You are an utter beast with that new build of yours. Big props to you man!
Well thx parth. U my friend are the original beast! And ur still going to kick my a**. I was just getting lucky with u guys.

02-23-2011, 08:16 PM
Reminds me of the noobs in ruinedscape who complained about safing (healing above opponents max hit) . Not like Im gonna make it easier for them :/

02-24-2011, 12:23 AM
RUINEDscape (aka run escape) Is no where near a crumb of this game's insane pvp system!


03-04-2011, 08:55 PM
Why not just reverse direction and wait for them to either have to decide to chase your or let your buffs refresh?

03-04-2011, 08:57 PM
RUINEDscape (aka run escape) Is no where near a crumb of this game's insane pvp system!


i pvped for 4 years in runescape as a zerker, the rewards of pvp is what motivated me

in Pl, theres no reward system, so its kinda making me lose interest :/

03-04-2011, 09:13 PM
Reward ftw.
Anytime now, HerWolf is gonna pop up and say, "that's what she said"
Anyway, What I really want is a cape that says "1000"
or "1337" when you get to those kills.
One cape every 5k kills except for 1000 and 1337.
1337 should be PURPLE!

03-04-2011, 10:51 PM
Reminds me of the noobs in ruinedscape who complained about safing (healing above opponents max hit) . Not like Im gonna make it easier for them :/

Safing was a legitimate problem though. When a noob safed, you basically waste 15-50k worth of food and potions and a pointless battle that goes nowhere. Only insane PK'ers or people with hidden high hitting weapons stood a chance of getting a drop. Also a safer is your runner. When a person keeps their hp about 55-75 at ALL times, its likely that they will run to cover when their food is like what... half gone?

03-04-2011, 11:33 PM
RUINEDscape (aka run escape) Is no where near a crumb of this game's insane pvp system!


Your kidding, right?
In OLD GOOD RS WILDY, there was people teleblocking and being badass owning in lvl 54 wild, collecting their loot and booking their *** back.
In today's rs wild its nothing but DCLAW rushers and godsword noobs using dbattleaxes to protect items.

In this game, its alot like todays rs wildy. people jamming the F**KING buttons on a touch screen(yes i said it) pressing to hard on the special moves.

Also tbh, im sort of glad there are no rewards, because you die to fast and its sometimes like 7 vs 1.
They could make a little better, but it might take a while and have like a 50% less damage increment and no healing to make things real.
and only 10 health potions allowed.

03-05-2011, 05:02 AM
anyways... runers may run as much as they want... my frostbite, or bears beckon, will get em and then they r dead... run forest run!!!

03-05-2011, 11:33 AM
anyways... runers may run as much as they want... my frostbite, or bears beckon, will get em and then they r dead... run forest run!!!

That's what i do in capture the flag. Archer can also use thorn root.

03-05-2011, 08:29 PM
That's what i do in capture the flag. Archer can also use thorn root.

Running in capture the flag is different than running in pvp because you're getting to a destination. The goal is to score a point. Making a kill is not priority.

03-05-2011, 09:31 PM
I love hearing birds complain like "OMG WTF, I KITED YOU HOW DID YOU REACH ME!?!". Heheh... Thankyou frostbite and drainlife.

03-05-2011, 09:32 PM
I love hearing birds complain like "OMG WTF, I KITED YOU HOW DID YOU REACH ME!?!". Heheh... Thankyou frostbite and drainlife.

Lol ikr. Yards and yards away and you see them plop on the ground from a drain life.

03-06-2011, 11:41 PM
I love how drain life has nearl enough damage to 1 hit KO. That + frost bite = dead bird. Considering they don't dodge it... Anyone else notice that void and sentinel sets seemed to have hidden dodge buffs? I don't know how many times I attacked a bird and saw this above their head:

Like really? Low dodge my a**...

03-07-2011, 11:11 AM
I love how drain life has nearl enough damage to 1 hit KO. That + frost bite = dead bird. Considering they don't dodge it... Anyone else notice that void and sentinel sets seemed to have hidden dodge buffs? I don't know how many times I attacked a bird and saw this above their head:

Like really? Low dodge my a**...

warbird builds, and death talon sets are very dodgy. Not to mention max evasion gives like, what 26 dodge?

03-07-2011, 11:15 AM
I have the ultiment non kiting weapon- people don't even try and kite me with a snipers auto xbow.

03-07-2011, 11:34 AM
I have the ultiment non kiting weapon- people don't even try and kite me with a snipers auto xbow.

Yesterday: Me and xbow > you and xbow :)

Very very very very very very very good for kiting, or against kiters.

03-07-2011, 11:36 AM
Yesterday: Me and xbow > you and xbow :)

Very very very very very very very good for kiting, or against kiters.

that was before i respeced, even tho i completely messed up my respece =(

03-07-2011, 11:41 AM
Can't seem to find an xbow :(

03-16-2011, 01:16 PM
Ok, skimmed through this thread. I just created a new thread about this, but I wanna post a 2 cents point here as well.

If you complain about runners - either this is your first MMO or you never PvP before this or something, because running is tactically necessary for ranged classes/specs.

Its like they expect you to sit still while you eat their damage... are you joking? Has any of you complainers even looked at the other 2 classes skills? Archers and Enchantress skills are based around kiting!! Firestorm, Frostbite, Thorn Root, Avian Scream, do I need to continue?

Wouldn't it be a perfect world for your QQ if everyone just stood still for you. Sounds good to me, lets just sit still and spam buttons. word.

03-16-2011, 01:18 PM
Sigh... every bird/mage that fights me does better when charging me... I don't kite as a pally or as a pure int mage. It is not entirely necessary. I will play right on top of you.

03-16-2011, 01:39 PM
Sigh... every bird/mage that fights me does better when charging me... I don't kite as a pally or as a pure int mage. It is not entirely necessary. I will play right on top of you.

Brooke is gangsta.

03-16-2011, 01:40 PM
Brooke is gangsta.

Lol I'm serious. Watch me on Scarletlady, or Missdevilish, or Ladymonsta. I will tank and WIN most of the time.