View Full Version : Recruiting Dementors

12-28-2014, 09:38 PM
New Guild

Hey! Anyone a Potterhead out there?

If you are then you definitely know the reason why you clicked this forum :chuncky: Anyway, you don't have to get the reference to join. I just started playing this game not long ago, and started this guild about 2 days ago so as you can guess- I'm looking for people to join and recruit. There is literally one other person who was kind enough to join and act as my officer/fellow recruiter and the mansion is too big for two :grumpy:. If you're interested, please message or post me you're information, and I'll send an invite ASAP. Any other questions in the message will be answered to the best of my abilities.

Suggestions are nice, comrades are better. Let's slay together! :livid:

Cheesy, I know.

12-28-2014, 10:07 PM
What's the guild name? Your IGN?

12-29-2014, 09:06 PM
It's literally "Dementors", hence the title of the forum