View Full Version : What i want in the 1st quater of 2015

12-30-2014, 06:13 PM
For Q1 STS just spend time even if it takes 3 months to BALANCE the bloody game. Dont even think about realesing new pets and event. Seriosly u guys rush things too much and dont solve any issues. So really work on balancing the dam game. That includes server issues, class issues, pets issues etc.

As for events just give us 2 events a year but make them worth it ok. No point rushing like 4-5 events in a year when u know your STS team is stuggeling when coming up with ideas for events.

And make things permenant when they are realesed. Dont realease something ( pet, gem etc...) and after a few day start buff/neffing it. Its really annoying. If your not sure just dont realeas it maybe make a thread and ask for peoples opinion and then implement the idea and bring it in the game..

12-30-2014, 06:19 PM

12-30-2014, 06:24 PM
I also agree STS should fix this problems instead of always creating events

12-30-2014, 06:35 PM
I agree so much

12-31-2014, 11:17 AM
We got game breaking issues...man u have spoken the truth. Idk if anyone has said this in a mind blowing way! Love ur post.

12-31-2014, 11:34 AM

12-31-2014, 12:16 PM
+111111 agree
Nice post :)

12-31-2014, 02:04 PM
I don't agree the problem is "some" people that start complaining about something sts releases such as bulWark curse,nekro,breeze,enchanted eye

12-31-2014, 04:08 PM
2 events a year? U wanna make al a dead game?

12-31-2014, 04:29 PM
2 events a year? U wanna make al a dead game?

One lvl cap a year too. Plus i said 2 a year coz the current event isnt even worth it.

I personlly only enjoy event too but the way the winter event was presented was "bleh", it was rushed and nothing to work for. And its 4 weeks long. After i got my yowies egg for reaching gold tier i stopped playing the event. ( i got to gold tier in 3 days btw, so i had nothing to work for the remaining 27 days). There was breezega egg but i didnt feel the need to grind to get 900 tokens for pet worth 80k in market. the plat tier reward is dead aswell not good at all.

If they give good rewards and everthing is planned properly then yes i too want 5-6 events a year. But ive seen the struggle sts is having on events lately and thats y i said "2 events a year".

12-31-2014, 08:06 PM
Back on topic I agree, FIX and BALANCE everything first, then release content so we enjoy everything and make the forums 'complaint free'

12-31-2014, 10:47 PM
I agree...you need a strong foundation if you don't want the house to fall down.

12-31-2014, 11:11 PM
So you're saying bugs that get overlooked during testing shouldnt be fixed? And you want them to balance the game how? By buffing/nerfing? How else are we supposed to get balanced? Your suggestions just contradicted themselves.

01-01-2015, 12:11 AM
Hey everyone,

I would like to remind you all to keep the discussion constructive and when giving feedback, please ensure that it is presented in a civil, factual manner. Tell us what you don't like and why and how you feel it could be improved. Thanks!

01-01-2015, 12:32 AM
So you're saying bugs that get overlooked during testing shouldnt be fixed? And you want them to balance the game how? By buffing/nerfing? How else are we supposed to get balanced? Your suggestions just contradicted themselves.

Taking that post negatively i assume, were u ticked off or something, lol?

The point here of the first post is that we need to get rid off all the unfixed things to make the game better. Not have bugs and play and fixes required which sts isnt doing and play the expansion. Also the person has mentioned that sts rushes too much and ends up destroying the new introduced item...same as per what happened to nekro. Also there are game breaking issues... then with all these problems with the release due to rushes all that sts gets is complaints...complaints...complaints...

The point is we need this game to funciont normally...not having things get nerfed and buffed asap after thwir release......really ticks off everyone.

01-01-2015, 01:42 AM
If i remember correctly reminem said in a thread that in the new year they would be working in fixing the gap b/w rich and poor and on the gear as well

01-01-2015, 03:16 AM
This is a loop, STS dont release anything people get mad release something people still get mad. Costumers break the cycle please.

Sir Lubo Penev
01-01-2015, 01:49 PM
Agreed. Fix the enormous amount of problems first and release new content after that.

A tip - start with the technical issues please.

01-01-2015, 05:08 PM
Props to you mate.

Fix the darn game, stop rushing us into uneventful events with rather lousy prizes. No more expansions or planar-like releases that are bugged and unplayable. No more 1 shooting in PvP (Raise armor and HP). And also fixing the loot rate.

Stop rushing!

01-01-2015, 08:35 PM
Taking that post negatively i assume, were u ticked off or something, lol?

The point here of the first post is that we need to get rid off all the unfixed things to make the game better. Not have bugs and play and fixes required which sts isnt doing and play the expansion. Also the person has mentioned that sts rushes too much and ends up destroying the new introduced item...same as per what happened to nekro. Also there are game breaking issues... then with all these problems with the release due to rushes all that sts gets is complaints...complaints...complaints...

The point is we need this game to funciont normally...not having things get nerfed and buffed asap after thwir release......really ticks off everyone.

He says he wants STS to rebalance the game in Q1, and he doesnt want anything buffed/nerfed. How would it be possible, lol?

STS has a team of 36 or something developers compared to hundreds of thousands of players. Allowing the players to test the content is obviously more efficient than a team of 36 devs. Some players are obviously going to catch something that was overlooked by the devs more accurately. They've already done this, although poorly executed, by releasing the test server to the players. "Poorly executed" as in totally inaccurate in regards to diversity of the players. I believe its only released to Android users and that the well-geared are a majority of the testers so their testing results in a majority of things that are otherwise too extreme for 95% of the other players.

If STS took their time with everything and didnt release things until they were perfect, we would still be in the Nordr expansion. People gradually lose interest in things. Even now, new content is released slow enough for a lot of the well-respected community members to lose interest in the game and retire. It's best for STS to release things as quickly as possible to keep the ever-diminishing consumer-base from getting lower than their profit margins allow them to.

01-01-2015, 10:18 PM
Very true indeed, STS are rushing new gears new pets too fast, it has got to be a fact that 70% of what they release is being buffed or nerfed after. And the worst part is, alot of people are complaining that STS keep on buffing this, nerfing that and because of that some items ect that NEED to be re-balanced are not going to be ( we don't know, STS did not say if they were going to do anything about those items). EXAMPLES:
-Nekro: Supposed to be the ''new best'' arcane pet. Alot of people have been complaining about that :p
-Mythic Recipe: nerf,buff,nerf,buff.........
-Breeze: Unbalanced and going to be ''Looked over'' ( STS clearlly stated that they would try to find a way to balance breeze without making him loose value)

And the Winter event was( I am sure) subject of hard work from the developpers who had not much time to prepare the winter event right after haloween event.

I Really enjoyed the haloween event :), the Winter event however is...Neutral to me.Not bad or good, just casual. It is obvious STS had few timer to do original stuff after haloween event ect, so yes they should REDUCE NUMBER OF EVENTS and MAKE BETTER ONES :) as they say'' Quality over Quantity'' this proverb is VERY important for games!!!!! I Don't want to end this post negative way so i just want to add that i LOVE THIS GAME and THE COMUNITY OF AL + THE MODS/PRODUCERS :)

01-02-2015, 05:51 AM
He says he wants STS to rebalance the game in Q1, and he doesnt want anything buffed/nerfed. How would it be possible, lol?

STS has a team of 36 or something developers compared to hundreds of thousands of players. Allowing the players to test the content is obviously more efficient than a team of 36 devs. Some players are obviously going to catch something that was overlooked by the devs more accurately. They've already done this, although poorly executed, by releasing the test server to the players. "Poorly executed" as in totally inaccurate in regards to diversity of the players. I believe its only released to Android users and that the well-geared are a majority of the testers so their testing results in a majority of things that are otherwise too extreme for 95% of the other players.

If STS took their time with everything and didnt release things until they were perfect, we would still be in the Nordr expansion. People gradually lose interest in things. Even now, new content is released slow enough for a lot of the well-respected community members to lose interest in the game and retire. It's best for STS to release things as quickly as possible to keep the ever-diminishing consumer-base from getting lower than their profit margins allow them to.

Yes, the game needs to be balanced. We are tired of complaining. And yeah things were only perfect till the nordr expansions until after that idk why did sts start to rush. Only if sts stops rushing maybe AL would be way better than what it is currently. And at the test server...i really dont think it was such a good idea, because its only the android people who can use...but sts said that they had some issues, i forgot the reason actually. Even the constant buffs and nerfs were also due to sts rushing. So maybe sts needs to stop rushing. They rushed to release nekro and sadly it got nerfed. I agree about things need to buffed and a few things nerfed...but i think that would depend on their date of release and the time they have been in the game.

01-02-2015, 06:01 AM
I want Arcane Rocket launcher for mage. 1 nuke Per day.

We duh PIZZA !

01-03-2015, 06:47 AM
Buff nekro that's what sts should do instead of ignoring all Nekro post
But so quick to post on breeze threads.

01-03-2015, 08:38 AM
+1, but like everything else yet to see a response from developers, like everything else on forums it will just get brushed under the carpet, ignored and all we will see are events for those players with the deepest pockets this community means nothing to them.

01-06-2015, 04:23 AM
Yep imo sts just keep stuff rushed. They need money in a rush maybe lol. We telling the solution of the problems u make? Id rather quit lol. We are just players, u r the devs. We dont kno what can u do. To solve the prob, u hav to feel the prob. Devs should play the game with us after they release stuff so they can know the problem and fix it before we even realized it. Now theyr just like gods adding stuff to the game and seems like dont care abt how it affects us. All these new stuff added only useful for endgamers imo, not newbies. Most new players quit game now, as my guild is full of dead chars. And those who keeps playin r dam rich (plat buyers/full time players) or new players who is abt to quit soon. Some fun aspects of an MMORPG like pvp is now taken over by rich ppl gangin nubs. So we cant enjoy it anymore. Ther shud be a tier of pvp room, divided by stats. So twinks fight twinks and nubs fight nubs. Now dats the solution, sts should work on it now or make even better stuff.

01-06-2015, 10:11 PM
Hey everyone,

I would like to remind you all to keep the discussion constructive and when giving feedback, please ensure that it is presented in a civil, factual manner. Tell us what you don't like and why and how you feel it could be improved. Thanks!

I feel that the major issues that is affecting the majority of players needs to be looked at first. Forget a new arcane pet, event or even new level cap. We need time to catch up on gear and mythic recipe is not dropping at all. I still havent seen one drop and im sure that is the case with 90% of playing population.

We also need a new mythic ring soon (yes a little contradictory to my first point), but I am willing to wait a couple of months while you guys fix other issues.

Thirdly, Breeze. Reduce its freezse time to something reasonable like 3 seconds and I will be happy.

Lastly, please actually read this and take action on it instead of the usual, "keep things civil".


01-07-2015, 10:24 AM
I also agree STS should fix this problems instead of always creating events

Again this font size.... So rude.

01-07-2015, 10:27 AM
Buff nekro that's what sts should do instead of ignoring all Nekro post
But so quick to post on breeze threads.
Reason= arnt that many who can afford/did buy nekro becuz its so freaking expensif