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View Full Version : Dunno what to do

02-21-2011, 10:24 AM
Hi guys,

I am lvl 45, got one of the best pink stuff from AO II (wand, nah). Now i am seeing lots of friends (45 and higher lvls) farming ctk or AO II: PP. Besides this must be really boring, I want to know what to do next. Ctk for money, PP for money or something else. I really hope you say something else because farming things over and over is not really satisfying my "gaming needs" (some drops do however^^). For me it feels like I came into a room with a lot of doors but I don't know what's behind them.
So I want some advise about what is smart (and fun?) to do next.

02-21-2011, 10:27 AM
Well you could always try joining a guild..I'm waiting to hear back from estraz's guild. It seems like guilds have more to offer..I dunno lol

02-21-2011, 10:31 AM
If you want money farming is the only way. You can either farm for rare pinks or just farm gold. I agree it can be boring but its the only way to have money. Buying plat is expensive since a BS pink could cost you a small fortune to buy with real money. I recommend leveling to 50 and going on Belfort sewers runs that kill the boss and if you get lucky you can sell them for a good amount of gold and also greens, purples and oranges sell well is they are level 53 and below.

02-21-2011, 10:38 AM
2 questions, lvl to 50 where and sell the stuff in auction? (only have 1 slot)

02-21-2011, 11:33 AM
Level up in ao3 like keeper runs.....and you can buy more auction slots in the store.

02-21-2011, 11:37 AM
If you're bored of farming for gold, you could always play the market. Can get just as tedious but it is different than farming. You'll have to watch the CS closely and study prices. Then, you must be ready to buy the gear in a price spiral, and when prices go back up, sell them for profit.

02-21-2011, 01:35 PM
Do all te quests. Elite frozen nightmare quest should take u a while. Do crush the keeper runs till ur 53 then do sewer runs. Right now in pl thats pretty much what u can ( besides trying to buy cheap items and sell them high) do if u dont like pvp or crafting. :) try not playing so much, only like an hour a day, then u have LOTS of thigs to do. ThIs is only a casual mmo. Im playibg 30 mins every other day and when im in the bus or train and i have a lot to do. With that rate ull never get bored cause devs release new towns, guilds, features. ;)