View Full Version : Guild ideas

01-03-2015, 12:17 AM
Since you guys have begun to implement more on guild issues. With the guild log, there are so many possibilities on what you could use it for. I know alot of guilds make facebook groups because its easier to let everyone know whats not going on. Why not a guild message instead? Only updated by the GM of course but everyone has access to see it. And possibly a bank storage? and guild donation? I personally like doing trivias, guess the npc, or find someone and I like rewarding my guildies. As of right now, guilds are nothing more than a bunch of people tlking to each other. Theyre useless...Maybe this could shine some light on the endless possibilities for guilds.

01-03-2015, 02:50 AM
+1. We need a complete reconstruction of the entire socialization system of the game. Guild relations are primitive and chatting has become a headache.

01-06-2015, 11:51 PM
I like the idea of a guild bank. Instead of messaging asking if any guildies need/want the pinks I've found or outgrown, I could just put them in the bank to be used. You'd have to be very careful in allowing access to it though, perhaps by introducing a new rank "bankable" or somesuch that the GM could confer on guild members deemed trustworthy enough.

If STS made guild banks plat purchasable only, there could be some serious revenue in it for them.