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View Full Version : Pvp ideas and very usefull sugestions

02-23-2011, 06:11 AM
This is going to be a thread dedicated to pvp hints and ideas, feel free to add comments and ideas :). I have some of my own which i think will greatly increase the fun and fairness in pvp. 1. Firstly there should be a 1v1 arena mainly for thr fact that knowone else will crash the game ( even locked games , friends can still join ) 2. ( this is arguable) Make it that anyone who lags greatly ( to extent they cant play ) and is killed should not mean that the person who killed him willl get a point. 3. Make an actual custimization screen for pvp ... Eg. Number of kills for the game ( change it from 10 to desired ), the actual style of pvp ( 1v1, 2v2 etc, this basically cancels out number one but for the better) , and a time limit ( if desired ) , and also the choice of extra items on feild ( so if you dislike barrels or power up orbs in a feild you may diasable). This would make pvp 10 x better if introduced. Pls post your oppinions and ideas.

02-23-2011, 03:20 PM
my suggestion:

Move this to the Suggestions Topic, it'll get more attention

02-23-2011, 05:50 PM
Ok but how? ( do i move it )

02-23-2011, 05:58 PM
copy and paste to a new thread in suggestion section :P