View Full Version : Ideas for a new mine map.Just Cuz.

02-23-2011, 12:02 PM
Hey guys i do not know if there is a mine dung in PL but as far as i know there isnt (I need to still get like 3 more maps) But ya i got a idea for a mine dung.

So as some of you might know World of Warcraft came out in like 2004 and one of there low lvl things was a kobold.Google them they are awesome.But ya many other MMos started to have Kobold looking things in there games.And im sure Wow got it from another game to.Ya so i was thinking have some type of kobold looking things in the dungs because they are monkey looking miners.And the story could be like they are trying to dig holes under our citys to take them down. (Im sleepy so dont have good ideas dont hate)And you can have like Ores on the walls and stuff and gold on the walls and ground but ya.

I want you guys to post some ideas to expand this and make it into a little fun thing :D Dev's are welcome to you sneaky little ninjas... O.o