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View Full Version : Quitting out of PVP Suggestions and Discussion

01-04-2015, 10:58 AM
My guild is not very active in PVP and consequently I go in solo 99% of the time. I play PVP at end game. The most frustrating thing that I encounter is my own team leaving if we are losing and the other team leaving if we are winning. My assumption after thousands of kills and deaths is this is to protect peoples ego and/or KDR. Gaining one death for leaving during combat is not swaying anyone from leaving. My initial thought was to increase this number proportionally to a team average so if there are 2 of you, you would receive 10 deaths, 4 of you and you would receive 5, however this is not a good idea. I find it abusive when people quit out in constant attempts to tuck if losing. It's abusive to your team and to the other team.
I think that I have a solution that MAY work and serve more than one purpose. It would help to teach guilds that have a do not join the opposite team rule and it would help games play out. I used to play a fair amount of Halo on XBL and if you left during a match and stranded your team, you would lose experience, however this is not a good idea either. After all, some people quit for legitimate reasons, ie have to run an errand, have to cook, work, school etc... My suggestion would NOT apply from the lobby so that guilds can still easily enforce their non compete clauses or if you didn't want to play some people because you are scared or they are friends. It WOULD apply after you chose to be in game and picked a side. If you quit out, there should be a 5 minutes delay penalty. You cannot join another lobby for 5 minutes if you abandon a game. This would have no real effect on someone leaving because they actually needed to leave as they would likely be occupied for at least 5 minutes. It would however be a small reason to not kill hunt and avoid deaths.
Example... Oooo there are players on the red team that I've heard are very skilled and I want to test myself against them and what do you know, there are 3 people on the blue team in TDM, I'll join. 30 seconds later, it's 4-0 red team and three blue guys quit and it's just me there now. Then we have to collectively determine if I'm gonna get ganged, who's gonna sit, blah blah blah. I lose 5 in a row to one person and decide I've had enough. It's now 9-0 red and I can either take 11 more beatings to end the game, or 1 death to quit. There's no reason to stay, leaving the winning team with no opponent and having to remap. I jump back into the lobby and it's the same people that were on my team before winning by two in a new game and playing it through.
It seems that people ONLY want to play games that they are winning. Losing is a part of PVP. Thoughts on a time delay? Or any other suggestions. The only issue I see with this is that if a guild was trying to get a 4th in TDM or 5th in CTF and asked someone to leave, it does have some complications. So ideally, this would not apply to "custom" games which don't exist yet in AL. So, my suggestion in whole is introduce "custom arranged PVP", changing flags needed, kills to win to make an arranged game where there would be no consequence for leaving, to protect and PROMOTE proper guild wars/team wars. And throw a 5 minutes delay on quitters that ruin the experience for everyone involved, while not having any effect on people that actually need to leave for a reason.
Let me know what you think or if you have other ideas to fix this issue, or let me know if it's not even an issue for others. This is just my experience.

01-05-2015, 12:22 AM
It seems that people ONLY want to play games that they are winning. Losing is a part of PVP.

Your formatting is bad, very hard to read.

This is..well human nature and on an online game very complicated. Just go out of room or; PVP is not for you; your approach is wrong; your thought of pvp is not as you've imagined.

01-05-2015, 12:24 AM
My thought of pvp is exactly as I've imagined by definition. You don't have those thoughts?

01-06-2015, 03:57 AM
I hate it when im quitting but someone's pet is attacking me and i get one death. I also hate it when im near some fighting ppl and quitting and i get 1 death. There is should be a yes/no confirmation window when we r quitting and the game thinks we r still fighting so we can walk away before quitting.

I also get mad when i wanna try vs a guildmate when a bunch of food hungry twinks farm us. Sts should make a special room for ppl who wanna vs 1v1. Now there is simply too much gangin.

01-18-2015, 12:31 AM
Why if i use my skill then no one is atking me it will said u have left the game during combact i really HATE THAT SO MUCH FIX IT PLEAXE

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01-18-2015, 12:35 AM
AND i dont like if i was flagging no one in the rooms it will probbably end isnt ??,the score is 4:0, 4 is my score but.. Wht happen the game is ended and i just have left the game during combact !!!

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01-18-2015, 04:19 AM
My thought of pvp is exactly as I've imagined by definition. You don't have those thoughts?

No one has the same mind and thoughts. Imagined by definition? *Facepalm


01-18-2015, 04:34 AM

01-18-2015, 04:38 AM
No one has the same mind and thoughts. Imagined by definition? *Facepalm



01-18-2015, 07:23 AM
can u improve ur presentation of post?ty

01-18-2015, 12:33 PM
I think there should be a different penalty than sometimes one death for abandoning your team/the game in tdm. That's what the post is about. I've suggested a time penalty rather than the sometimes one death penalty. That's all.