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View Full Version : To the developers, moderators, and staff of STS. Spam/Begging needs addressing

01-05-2015, 08:41 PM
I speak for myself (and if they don't agree, fine by me) that begging/spamming needs a stopping point to a certain extent. I cannot stand the amount of handful of players looking at my pet, in some cases my pet, then leading to think "oh this guy has money, let me go ahead and beg spam him" to try persuading or pushing me to ending up muting them. However, it goes a little more further. Friend invitations or even guild invitations I don't want, especially when I say no, they repeatedly spam again to join. I join and clearly say to them "please do not invite without asking". This is the proper etiquette to MMO when running guilds.


* Should have a rule given a suspension for spam begging. When a player does not feel comfortable wanting to part gold, then the begger should stop.
* Auto mute for begging


A simple mute command is needed for Arcane Legends. I looked up and down in the search bar function and "/ignore player", /ignore <namehere>, /mute player, /mute <player>" does not work at all. I thought the community was much more than this but lately as the days pass, I see Arcane Legends more and more obnoxious players than what the community forums had mentioned on here before. I'll never find a good example of a good player as Kinzmet or Zeus. Everyone else just seems to be passive aggressive troll writing or provoking.

Below, here are some examples of spam I've gotten last night. I warned them to stop but they continue saying "I can do whatever I want".

http://i1381.photobucket.com/albums/ah232/ArcaneCreed/Trolling%20Harassment/Screenshot_2015-01-05-02-44-39_zps81075a2b.png (http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/ArcaneCreed/media/Trolling%20Harassment/Screenshot_2015-01-05-02-44-39_zps81075a2b.png.html)
http://i1381.photobucket.com/albums/ah232/ArcaneCreed/Trolling%20Harassment/Screenshot_2015-01-05-02-43-22_zps4e52c699.png (http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/ArcaneCreed/media/Trolling%20Harassment/Screenshot_2015-01-05-02-43-22_zps4e52c699.png.html)

01-05-2015, 09:10 PM
im 100% sure there is an ignore screen when you click social and look at the top...

01-05-2015, 09:55 PM
As soon as they say gold plz just inspect them and click ignore.

01-05-2015, 11:31 PM
First off, please dont blindly describe everyone in the community as obnoxious - that's really rude.

Secondly, there are good players out there. Beggers arent bad people, they're just desperate people. If i ever see a player shouting out "Can someone please give me 1k" in town, i usually open up trade and give them 1k, because i tend to give out more than i take. It makes me feel good to brighten someone's day like that and it's the kinda person I am. If they straight up PM me, i just ignore them, because i know they are targetting me and expecting me to give them gold.

To everyone who applies: If they are really bugging you, dont insult them, dont tell them to F off, just ignore them, because they are people too - they are just really desperate, especially with our terrible economy where making gold is like running a crucible.

And if it really bugs you, dont be snobby and look like you own a chunk of wealth. Wear a smelly helm and some old robes and walk around with guapo in town.

01-05-2015, 11:50 PM
I don't think that ArcaneCreed is targeting the community as a whole cause it's only a handful of players that are actually begging. I don't feel that all people that ask for gold are bad people. Now if I can spare extra gold, then I will but, if I can't then I will kindly tell them that I can't and if they persist then I just use the ignore button. But ArcaneCreed I will tell you of a good example of some of the incidents that I've come across. 2k gold pks! I will tell them that I'm saving for a mythic weapon sorry. Pause "can you give me an egg"? I just put them on ignore. Or when you get random friends request now that is annoying I'll admit. But I politely tell the person that the right thing to do is ask the person for help before you send the invite and the same thing for party invitations also. I can't absolutely stand this one here. When a person PM's you and says trade, I click on there name and see what your gear and level is. Then I'll ask okay what do you have that'll make me trade with you? Pause... trade, I click X, trade, trade, trade, on and on. I just simply hit ignore. I don't like to do it but, sometimes it's needed.

01-06-2015, 04:57 AM
I don't think this needs to be addressed or anything like the others say just mute when you feel like they are bugging you, or when they spam you

01-06-2015, 06:13 AM
Hello sir, can I have some golds please? PLEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZ

01-06-2015, 08:01 AM
Hello sir, can I have some golds please? PLEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZ
Sir, y u no give meh acane deri plz?

01-06-2015, 08:07 AM
Hello sir, can I have some golds please? PLEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZ

You can ^^

01-06-2015, 08:09 AM
Funny thread

01-06-2015, 08:58 AM
If you'd like people to be less obnoxious, then be more respectful yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-06-2015, 02:42 PM
gimmmee gold pls pm epicr! 1k 2k 5k :banana:

01-06-2015, 03:27 PM
I don't think they're desperate, I think they're plain lazy. Seriously, it's not hard to make money in this game. We all started at some point, and I'd bet most of the people on this thread never resorted to begging.

01-06-2015, 03:40 PM
Please sir 5k

01-06-2015, 06:30 PM
I don't think they're desperate, I think they're plain lazy. Seriously, it's not hard to make money in this game. We all started at some point, and I'd bet most of the people on this thread never resorted to begging.

Most beggars in outpost don't even know where to start. Lots of them are leveling their first character ever, and have absolutely no idea how to farm. Some of them may even be little kids, so I wouldn't really call them lazy.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

01-06-2015, 10:44 PM
I don't think they're desperate, I think they're plain lazy. Seriously, it's not hard to make money in this game. We all started at some point, and I'd bet most of the people on this thread never resorted to begging.

I start from 0, without begging.

01-06-2015, 10:49 PM

I start from 0, without begging.

Easy for you too say, on one cold sad winter night, I had to beg for some love.

01-07-2015, 02:01 AM
Finally you made a very constructive thread which non would be aggressive towards you. Make more of this threads/post and surely you'll make a lots of friends here.

And, just a reminder : Its against forum rules to post in-game-names aside from your own IGN. Please remove the names in the picture :)

01-07-2015, 04:44 AM
I started this game September of 2013 and for many months I didn't even know the forums existed as a resource. The only way that I was making gold was finishing quests and I would use that gold to buy new gear every few levels. I was so poor that I preferred to die and run all the way back than to use a HP or Mana potions. When I was about lvl 30 or so I made my first real friend in this game and he told me to buy a lepr (which I thought was a pet at the time). It literally took me weeks of running Nordr maps and doing quests until I had enough for a lepr. It wasn't until then that I started making gold.

Granted, I never begged for gold but I am sympathetic for those players who are still new and clueless. I usually give some things away to new players on a daily basis, including crate pinks and sometimes locked crates depending on my mood.

: o
Same idea here -.- but i made my first frend when i was lvl 36 a while (when that was the cap)
And somewhere i did something wrong.. i play abit longer but u are now millions richer :/

01-07-2015, 11:25 AM
I like money and Barney .-. so can you give me your samael please?

01-07-2015, 04:54 PM
I always made ok money...not enough to make me rich but enough to somewhat keep up. I didn't start making money until I learned market trends and also how to make money during events.

Wel.. i have seen you in game you have seen me :)

I did definitly something wrong -.- btw my ign is niederxmage maybe then u know what i mean