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View Full Version : <I Skilled I> Newest Official Thread.

01-05-2015, 10:56 PM
I've recently created a thread associated with this guild, but the thread seem's to be bugged, the thread isn't showing for me so I have decided to make a new one. Let's recall what did I start off with, hmm, ah yes, requirements. Most PvP guild's need's a requirement in able to join.

What are requirements? Requirements are the thing's that is needed in order to join and run a smooth guild. Our requirement's are;
• Must be a twink, between Level 20 -> Level 23.
• Must have suitable gear's that is associated with PvP, (Bow, Depraved, Ancient and such.).
• Must have suitable KDR, negative KDRs will be given a month to change, non KDR lover's are also welcome.
• Must have a pet, that is not 'Arcane' Deary.

Let's move onto our rules, the most important thing. These rules are to be used daily, whenever you are a Member/Recruiter/Officer of the guild. Any rules being broken will be demoted, or in worst case, removed. Our rules are as followed;
• Must not use foul language [Including foul word's from any other language.].
• Must not scam, cuss, passing hatred onto each other, disrespect, miss-behaviour, spam and judge.
• Must not spam the guild chat for help [Flooding the whole chat with the same message.].
• You must respect lower/higher ranking's at all cause.
• Must never ever beg for anything for any member's, any user at all.
• Must always use guild title every single time you enter a PvP room.
Please report to any on duty officer's if you've seen anyone breaking these rules, appropriate action will be taken.

COLOUR - This colour placed on a username mean's that he/she has a higher risk of being removed due to an action that is not tolerated to the guild.
COLOUR - This colour placed on a username mean's that he/she is currently being investigated by higher ranking's in order to receive a promotion.
COLOUR - This colour placed on a username mean's that he/she is inactive.

Our current active member's;
- Ayoloa [Level 21, Warrior.] [Master.]
- Stephanieh [Level 21, Rogue.]
- Xxyolopvpxx [Level 21, Rogue.]
- Cookietwinkie [Level 20, Rogue.]
- Xsii [Level 21, Warrior.]
- Redcity [Level 20, Rogue.]
- Tanksxz [Level 21, Warrior.]
- Lemonzs [Level 21, Sorcerer.]
- Reycronos [Level 22, Rogue.]
- Smellyyy [Level 21, Sorcerer.]
- Truevine [Level 21, Warrior.]
- Awesomedudexd [Level 22, Warrior.]
- Bluecity [Level 21, Rogue.]
- Goldmcking [Level 21, Warrior.]
- Hucabian [Level 22, Warrior.]
- Kurokuzz [Level 21, Rogue.]
- Offfury [Level 22, Warrior.]
- Xcaptainmarox [Level 21, Warrior.]
- Xduxxx [Level 22, Rogue.]
- Icecreaam [Level 21, Warrior.]

Well that does it! Let's check what do we have next, allies. What are allies? Allies are the one who will help us and we shall not attack/kill them. If you're not using title when they attacked you, use it right away and ask them to stop. Our allies are;
• <Casper> - Owned by Hprusak, Rashat and Replicative.
• <Hunters Inn> as neutral's, owned by Irishlover.

What's next? Kick on Sight, What? Yes, Kick on Sight. It mean's that they're basically banned from our guild depending on their innapropriate action they've done. Some banned user from the list might include a reason and duration. Our K.o.S user's are;
• There's non in this list yet.

That's all for now. If you're interested in joining, contact one of our member's as listed on the active member's. If not, you can also contact via facebook, a facebook user called 'GM Stephanieh'. Hope you guy's will be interested in joining us, hope to see you there! Farewell.