View Full Version : windows xp in danger!!!

01-06-2015, 04:47 AM
hey guys i've been looking around how to play AL in PC,how to fix graphics problem...AND THEN I SAW I WEBSITE THAT IS ACTUALLY FROM MICROSOFT! it said that in april 2014 windows xp lost his security and support.That means that a lot of criminals from actual world will be available to hack and fell into any kind of account/log in programs.look into text here:http://blogs.microsoft.com/cybertrust/2013/08/15/the-risk-of-running-windows-xp-after-support-ends-april-2014/
maybe thats the one of reasons that we cant play AL and other games on chrome when operating system is WINDOWS XP!! most of u play AL on windows 7 so that means that ur protected. meanwhile--for windows xp users-take care!

P.S I know this thread is lame and boring but- who knows...ik that windows xp was great before and graphics were better but he exists over 12 years so no wonder that hes left out.maybe chrome doesnt have anything about the system but its still suspicious :(

01-06-2015, 11:14 PM
have you considered Ubuntu OS?

A lot of my friends (and I) use it.
Better security, fast (even for older computers), free to install, and Chrome browser is available for it.

hope this can help

01-08-2015, 05:57 AM
the problem is that this is not my PC-- its dad's.he knows a loooot of things about computers but he thinks that windows xp is just fine and he wont...u know change it *sigh* idk if u have some solution for windows xp and his graphics let me know pls.thaks :)

01-08-2015, 09:35 PM
the problem is that this is not my PC-- its dad's.he knows a loooot of things about computers but he thinks that windows xp is just fine and he wont...u know change it *sigh* idk if u have some solution for windows xp and his graphics let me know pls.thaks :)

I have a Mac, but I've asked a few friends of mine (are also programmers) who have Windows computers, they said you could "Dual Boot", or install more than one operating system

A lot of Ubuntu is similar to Windows XP (except the taskbar (the bar at the bottom of the screen with the windows Start button) is on the left side)

By installing Ubuntu, you still have Windows XP OS on your computers hard drive or SSD, To switch between the two, just restart your computer and click F12 (or F8, I'm not sure; its the Function button that opens the screen showing "Boot Options")
then from that screen, select the OS you want to boot into. (if you don't press F12/F8, it will boot into Windows XP by default)

I think there are Youtube videos that can help you with installing and booting into Ubuntu.
Note: I don't have a lot of experience with installing/booting Ubuntu on a PC, nor do i know what computer you have, so the key you have to click to boot to Ubuntu might be different

If you decide to install Ubuntu, make sure to read and understand the directions before installing (though it should be really easy to download and install) make sure to get Ubuntu from the official website

or alternatively, you could try installing an anti-virus software (I don't know any at the moment)