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View Full Version : Lol Colton worth 2 mil?

01-07-2015, 05:38 PM
So, I went back to the earliest posts in Traders Market and I saw a thread that said Colton was sold for 2 mil?! Was it really that expensive? Only thought it was about 300k-500k. Wew, wish I could go back then with 10 colton eggs. :)

01-07-2015, 08:13 PM
Lol when it was released its price was like 1.5m

01-07-2015, 08:31 PM
Colton and Malison use to sell for millions during the level 16 cap.

01-07-2015, 08:48 PM
Colton and Mali were the best pets of the season. Kinda how SNS and Samael are atm. So yeah ofc they sold for a lot; especially since at that cap, money was very hard to earn.

01-07-2015, 10:20 PM
It had to do with the leaderboard during season 1. Season 1 started when the game was first released in October 2012. Initially the game was released only in the Canada and Australia markets on the Android platform. Then in early November it was released in other markets on Android, and in late November it was released on iOS.

Season 1 ended in mid December. So for any players in markets other than Canada and Australia, they had been playing less than 2 months at the time season 1 ended. At the time, there was 3 bards quests you could do daily, and each would give 1 story token. You needed 200 story tokens to acquire Colton. That means if you did all your bards quests every day, you needed 67 days to get Colton. That meant that only players from Canada and Australia on the Android platform who started playing at the very beginning of release would have enough time to get Colton by the end of season 1.

As the "Top Players" leaderboard ranks players based on Achievement Points, a big achievement was the "Beastmaster" title which required all pets to be owned. So to try to rank high on the leaderboard, you would need that title, and thus would need to own Colton. As Colton was the toughest pet to acquire at that point due to the time requirement, it initially sold for many millions. By the time we got midway into season 2, many more players were able to get Colton as enough time had passed, so the price dropped down to under 500k.

01-07-2015, 10:25 PM
Lol when it was released its price was like 10.5m

Nothing in the first seasons sold for 10million. 2.5 million was about the maximum, and that was exorbitant. There just wasn't that much gold in the game.

Serious inflation didn't happen until late season 3 / early season 4, with the introduction of leprechaun pendant and "get-rich-by-crate-popping" generation.

01-07-2015, 10:27 PM
It had to do with the leaderboard during season 1. Season 1 started when the game was first released in October 2012. Initially the game was released only in the Canada and Australia markets on the Android platform. Then in early November it was released in other markets on Android, and in late November it was released on iOS.

Season 1 ended in mid December. So for any players in markets other than Canada and Australia, they had been playing less than 2 months at the time season 1 ended. At the time, there was 3 bards quests you could do daily, and each would give 1 story token. You needed 200 story tokens to acquire Colton. That means if you did all your bards quests every day, you needed 67 days to get Colton. That meant that only players from Canada and Australia on the Android platform who started playing at the very beginning of release would have enough time to get Colton by the end of season 1.

As the "Top Players" leaderboard ranks players based on Achievement Points, a big achievement was the "Beastmaster" title which required all pets to be owned. So to try to rank high on the leaderboard, you would need that title, and thus would need to own Colton. As Colton was the toughest pet to acquire at that point due to the time requirement, it initially sold for many millions. By the time we got midway into season 2, many more players were able to get Colton as enough time had passed, so the price dropped down to under 500k.

Great explanation but limited release started very early November the 3rd.

01-08-2015, 05:35 AM
Nothing in the first seasons sold for 10million. 2.5 million was about the maximum, and that was exorbitant. There just wasn't that much gold in the game.

Serious inflation didn't happen until late season 3 / early season 4, with the introduction of leprechaun pendant and "get-rich-by-crate-popping" generation.

yeah, my mistake i actually was about to type in 1.5. but accidentaly typed 0. actually after 2 days or something after AL's release the prices of everything were increased, potions and everything was increased

an earlier post of JustG i saw...forgot which thread but i think this one, i dont remember it properly though


01-08-2015, 06:52 AM
First one went for 6m. Was a ton of gold back then in season one!

01-08-2015, 07:32 AM
Crawly was sold for 4m at launch @@

01-08-2015, 10:27 AM
Yea, I started at season 2, and I have seen a lot of things like Dws's selling for less than 70k, crawly's for 4 mil. But I think it might be reasonable because Colton is still one of the best legendaries for mage.