View Full Version : How to have a wi-fi network without router ???

02-27-2011, 08:44 AM
Hi, I have a little problem since I forgot my router at home (Stupid me loll).

The problem is that I have Internet on my grandparents' computer but I can't play PL because I forgot my router :(

And I know how to create a Wi-Fi network with a laptop because they have wireless card but I don't know if it's possible with a desktop computer that doesn't have wireless card =/ ???

'Cause I wanna play PL !!! loll

Any solutions here...?

Thx for answering :D

02-27-2011, 10:20 AM
Pretty sure your gonna be needing a router buddy....that's sucks haha. Funny actually I'm out at my dads place right now and forgot my iPad charger at home....so I had to buy a new one haha. I know how much it sucks when you want to play but you can't....go find an Internet cafe or something lol, or you could go ask a neighbor for their wifi pw lol